Newtown News of Interest
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Rescooped by johnmacknewtown from Public Health & Safety
onto Newtown News of Interest
March 7, 2021 11:52 AM!

Newtown Township Police Department 2020 Annual Report

Newtown Township Police Department 2020 Annual Report | Newtown News of Interest |

Police Chief John Hearn has released the Newtown Township Police Department 2020 Annual Report.




  • What is Accreditation?
  • Awards and Presentations
  • Criminal Investigations
  • Crisis Intervention Team
  • Commercial Vehicle Safety
  • DUI Enforcement
  • Community Outreach
  • New Police Vehicle Graphics
  • NTPD Social Media
  • Newtown Township Yearly Statistics



johnmacknewtown's curator insight, March 4, 2021 8:04 AM

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  • “@Newtown_Police Chief John Hearn Thanks Residents for Attending Town Hall Meeting”;

Newtown News of Interest
These Scoops are excerpts from articles published in local newspapers and other sources that may be of interest to Newtown area residents. Please click on the "From" link to access the full original article. Any opinions and "insights" appended to these article summaries are solely those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person or entity.
Curated by johnmacknewtown