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August 11, 2020 12:42 PM!

Middletown Supervisor and Neshaminy HS Graduate Anna Payne Calls Upon School Board to Pass Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Middletown Supervisor and Neshaminy HS Graduate Anna Payne Calls Upon School Board to Pass Anti-Discrimination Ordinance | Newtown News of Interest |

In light of the recent remarks made by the president of Neshaminy School Board [Stephen Pirritano], I want the members of the Middletown and Neshaminy communities to know that as a proud Neshaminy graduate and a Middletown supervisor, I denounce and condemn his remarks.


For me, it’s simple. I recognize that systemic racism is a problem throughout this country and I’m committed to doing my part to make our community more inclusive. I affirm that black lives matter. This is not a political issue; this is a human rights issue, and human rights are non-negotiable.


As an elected official, you are elected to represent all members of the community and you are expected to treat everyone with respect and decency. There are no two sides to this issue. And our school board is entrusted with the development of children in our community. The weight of this responsibility demands one be held to a higher standard. It is our role to make our schools an environment that all feel welcomed, safe, and secure. To anyone who feels marginalized, frustrated, or angry, know that I’m here for you. I’ve got your back.


On July 20 the Middletown Township Board of Supervisors began the work to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance and create a Human Relations Council. I encourage everyone to virtually share their thoughts at our hearing scheduled for Aug. 24 [read “Following Newtown Township's Lead, Middletown Twp May Become Second Bucks County Township to Pass an Anti-Discrimination Ordinance”;]


As a Middletown supervisor, Neshaminy graduate, local resident, and human being, I encourage the Neshaminy School Board to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance to ensure all students feel welcomed, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or ability.

johnmacknewtown's curator insight, August 10, 2020 7:55 AM

Perhaps the anti-discrimination ordinance that Ms. Payne wishes the Neshaminy School Board to pass would also include a provision to change the school sports team ‘redskins” name and Native American imagery, which Neshaminy resident Donna Boyle, who is part Cherokee, has for at least eight years asked the school board to change. In an interview with reporters, Board President Pirritano said the does not see the name and iconography as offensive. Read “There's No Way: Neshaminy School District Won't Be Changing Sports Team Name, Imagery”;


Related Content:

  • “Use of Term "Redsk*n" by Neshaminy HS is Not Racist, Neshaminy Witness Testifies”; 
  • “Term "Redsk*n" is Offensive, Neshaminy Teacher & Former Student Playwickian Editor Testify”; 
  • “A Deeper Understanding of the "Redsk*ns" Conversation”; 
Newtown News of Interest
These Scoops are excerpts from articles published in local newspapers and other sources that may be of interest to Newtown area residents. Please click on the "From" link to access the full original article. Any opinions and "insights" appended to these article summaries are solely those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person or entity.
Curated by johnmacknewtown