The Council Rock school board unanimously approved a $246 million final budget for 2020-21 that includes a 3.1% property tax increase.
All nine board members said at Thursday night’s virtual meeting they were reluctant to approve a tax increase in the current economy created largely by the coronavirus, but didn’t see any choice if the district is to remain viable.
The approved budget reflects numerous cuts that helped trim down a deficit that once stood at about $16 million, including the elimination of $3 million in planned materials and equipment purchases and salary concessions from teachers and administrators that will save the district $2.5 million in 2020-21.
Despite those cuts, the budget includes three new elementary school counselors to give the district a counselor at each of its 10 elementary schools, and a one-to-one initiative that will provide every student with an electronic device.
The 3.1% property tax increase is the 2.6% allowed the district under the state’s Act 1 Index, and an additional 0.5% the state granted Council Rock as an exception for special education expenses.
The hike equates to 3.915 mills, or $144.29 in additional annual taxes for a resident with a property assessed at the district median of $37,630. It brings total millage to 130.216, or $4,900 in annual taxes for that same resident.
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