We must examine our own attitudes and recognize where we must change the way we think. We must perform acts of personal courage and acts of kindness. We must speak out whenever we see injustice. And we must examine our institutions, whether our criminal justice system, our schools, or the laws that govern us, and identify where we must make changes.
Examining our criminal justice system with a critical eye does not make us any less supportive of those who serve in it with honor and a devotion to public safety.
On the contrary, leaving this responsibility to future generations does those who put themselves at personal risk to keep us safe a disservice and dishonor no matter how cynically the omission may be portrayed as a test of loyalty.
Examining our schools does not mean that we adopt a view of history that is as biased against the good as it has been against the injustice that has been allowed. But it does require us to be honest about our past and our present so that the next generation is better prepared to face the challenges of the future.
Examining our laws is not an invitation to absolve anyone of personal responsibility or create one set of injustices to wash away another. But it is an opportunity to create a society in which equality is more than an Enlightenment goal.
I cannot accept that we have come this far only to fail at this moment. Imperfect as we have been, America has played a crucial role in the march of democracy and freedom in the world. We have more yet to do. Before we can do it, however, we must at long last heal ourselves.
Toward that end, on Thursday evening, more than 5,000 people came to the Garden of Reflection in Lower Makefield, staying in their cars as they drove through to observe a vigil against racism, violence and injustice.
It was a powerful display of solidarity and a moment that could not help but restore our faith in the goodness of people. Alone, however, it was not enough. Now we must undertake the hard work of healing the wounds of our past and present.
What can you do? Join the Bucks NAACP (all are welcome). Reach out to the Peace Center and take one of the action pledges that we have proposed. But above all else, get involved and make a difference.
I pledge to dismantle racism as suggested by the NAACP and Peace Center organizers of the #BlackLivesMatter vigial at the Garden of Reflection: i.e., "advocate for increased police training on community policing and issues relating to bias." In particular, I will urge Newtown Twp Police Chief Hearn to organize a "town hall" meeting of police and citizens to "begin community dialogue...about racism and making our community safe for everyone" (another pledge item).
I intend to discuss this with Chief Hearn at the June 10, 2020, Newtown Board of Supervisors Zoom meeting. At the meeting the Chief read a Message To the Community: https://soundcloud.com/user-944327486/newtown-township-police-chief-hearns-message-to-the-community