Provco/Wawa Submits Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) to PennDOT Before #NewtownPA BOS Approves Its Land Development Plan! | Newtown News of Interest |

The letter to PennDOT outlines the projected changes:


“As part of this application, lane widening proposed along the Township maintained roadway will encroach slightly into the State Right-of-Way. Additionally, ADA facilities are proposed along the southern leg of the signalized intersection which are partially located in the State Road Right-of-Way. All other improvements (lane widening, accesses, etc.) are proposed only along the Township Road.”


This design is based on a traffic study and an HOP plan to redevelop the southwest corner of the intersection of Newtown Bypass (SR 0332) & Newtown-Yardley Road/Lower Silver Lake Road with a 5,585 s.f. WAWA Convenience Market with 12 fueling positions. Revisions to the existing traffic signal permit plans are summarized below:


Newtown Bypass (SR 0332) & Newtown-Yardley Road/Lower Silver Lake Road – File #2535

  1. Widen east leg.
  2. Add westbound right turn lane.
  3. Add east leg pedestrian crossing.
  4. Revise westbound signal heads.
  5. Add westbound right turn overlap phase.
  6. Upgrade signal heads #1 and #4 to red arrow.
  7. Revise clearance times.


Newtown Bypass Corridor – File #I-0047/I-0048

  1. Retime backup timings for Int. #8.


Find all the submitted documents here: