Peaceful Rally For A Free Palestine and Pro-Israel Counter Protest in #NewtownPA | Newtown News of Interest |

UPDATED 1/17/24 (read more...); The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) [brought] the fight for a free Palestine to the suburbs with a "Flood Newtown For Palestine Rally" on Wednesday, January 17, 2024..


The pro-Palestinian group, numbering about 50, gathered in the parking lot at the Newtown Shopping Center where they rallied and gave a few speeches before taking to the streets of Newtown.


In an email, the security director of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia gave local synagogues and Jewish organizations a heads-up that the rally would be taking place. "I don't expect any issues, but I wanted to alert you to the fact," the director wrote in an email.


As the pro-Palestine group marched down Durham Road toward Sycamore Street chanting "Free, Free Palestine," they were met by more than 100 members of the Bucks County Jewish community marching and waving Jewish and American flags and shouting, "Bring them home," a reference to the hostages taken by the Islamic militant group Hamas during an attack on Israel on Oct. 7.