Dems vs. Bucks Party Chairman Cordisco & NAC Puts “Stand With Ukraine” in the Background | Newtown News of Interest |

[Source: April 13, 2022 issue of the Bucks County Courier Times.]


It would have been one of the most unusual events in Bucks County's political history: Republican Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick and Democratic Party Chairman John Cordisco appearing together April 29 to raise funds for Ukraine at the Newtown Athletic Club.


But while he said he would have been "delighted" to attend, Cordisco got verbal lashings on Twitter from fellow Democrats over the bipartisan gesture a few weeks before the election.


On Monday, he sent an email stating that "after much deliberation, I have decided that I will not be attending the Stand with Ukraine fundraiser hosted by the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee on behalf of the Bucks County Democratic Committee. Instead, I will be working with the committee in the coming weeks on another charity event at a separate location."


"Having the Bucks Dems Chairman John Cordisco participating in an event with Fitzpatrick at the Jim Worthington owned NAC when Worthington is suing the Democratic candidate against Fitzpatrick is completely unacceptable," the Northern Bucks Democrats tweeted Sunday.


NAC owner Worthington is suing Democratic Congressional Candidate Ashley Ehasz for defamation over statements she made regarding his involvement in the Jan. 6 rally at the Capitol in Washington, D.C.


While Newtown Township Democratic Supervisor Elen Snyder called it "outrageous" on Twitter that Cordisco would appear with Fitzpatrick at the Ukraine fundraising event, Worthington said both Fitzpatrick and Cordisco are longtime friends of his.


I'm deeply disappointed at his decision to put partisan politics above what's best for the people of Ukraine. I will focus on making this event a success and on helping the men, women and children of Ukraine," Worthington said.


"In times of war, it is critical that we come together, regardless of party affiliation to support Ukraine in their dire time of need, Cordisco said.

