More Apartments, More Restaurants, More Congestion
Newtown Township supervisors will consider enacting an amendment to the Joint Municipal Zoning Ordinance (JMZO) to establish an LI/O-LI "Overlay District" at the 12 June 2024 Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting. Overlay Zoning is a regulatory tool that creates a special zoning district, placed over an existing base zone(s), which identifies special provisions in addition to those in the underlying base zone.
At the February 16, 2021, Newtown Board of Supervisors Work Session, Supervisors discussed an Economic Development Committee memo that proposed zoning changes for the LI (Light Industrial) and O-LI (Office-Light Industrial) districts in Newtown Township. The ultimate goal was to attract new, high-paying businesses to the area.
A lot has happened to change the focus of the Overlay, which now includes uses that are beyond what was originally intended, including multi-story mixed use apartments/high density housing and drive through restaurants.
Why is this a problem? Read what residents have to say...
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