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Scooped by Patrick H.
January 23, 2015 1:09 PM!

La Chine met à l'eau son 4ème TCD Type 071

La Chine met à l'eau son 4ème TCD Type 071 | Newsletter navale |

Key Points

  • China launched three ships from its Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai on 22 January, including the fourth Type 071 landing platform dock
  • The other two were a Type 054A frigate and a Type 815 intelligence gathering ship

The Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai launched its fourth Type 071 landing platform dock (LPD) amphibious assault ship for the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) on 22 January.

Internet bloggers have also posted pictures online of two further ships launched by the Shanghai-Hudong shipyard the same day. The 21st Type 054A 'Jiangkai II' class frigate was launched and subsequently berthed alongside another Jiangkai II frigate (hull 19), which has been fitting out since it was launched in September 2013.

The other ship to be launched was the fifth Type 815 'Dongdiao' class intelligence gathering ship (AGI), which berthed adjacent to two other Type 815Gs that are fitting out, one of which was launched in April 2014.

A total of six Type 071 LPDs are anticipated. Three Type 071s are currently stationed in the PLAN's South Sea Fleet base at Zhanjiang and it is possible that three more may be based with the East Sea Fleet.

The Type 071 has an estimated length of 210 m, a displacement of 18,500 tonnes, and a well deck capable of holding four Yuyi-class assault hovercraft. If the hovercraft are removed it is estimated to be able to accommodate up to about 60 armoured vehicles and about 800 troops.

The Type 071s hanger can hold up to four 13-ton Z-8 or Z-18 helicopters. In 2014 the PLAN exercised with PLA Army Aviation Z-10 attack helicopters, so it is likely that the Type 071 may eventually accommodate this helicopter.

New lighter armour systems that have recently entered PLA Army and marine service have increased the flexibility of the Type 071 since its introduction. For example, the 26.5-ton ZBD-05 amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) can be launched from the well deck. The 21-ton 8x8 ZBL-09 wheeled IFV and a new 30-ton light tank are better suited for carriage by assault hovercraft.

Chinese sources and models displayed at maritime trade shows suggest that China may follow the Type 071 with a 20,000-tonne class landing helicopter dock (LHD) similar to one offered for export. However, during a Chinese TV interview in November 2012, PLAN Rear Admiral Yin Zhou stated China's future LHDs would be much larger, potentially approaching a displacement of 40,000 tonnes and similar in size to the US Navy's LHDs.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
October 23, 2014 5:02 AM!

La Chine relance son programme amphibie : un 4ème TCD Type 071 serait cette fois-ci réellement en construction

La Chine relance son programme amphibie : un 4ème TCD Type 071 serait cette fois-ci réellement en construction | Newsletter navale |

As the Chinese national day golden week passed, a lot of really high quality photos from PLAN bases were posted online. As newer ships get commissioned and the oldest ships get retired, many other ships get moved between different flotillas. In the past year, the main mass produced ships have been the type 052C/D series destroyers and the type 056 light frigate. It has certainly been a busy year when we factor in the other new ships. This past month, we are seeing what appears to be the modules of the 4th Type 071 LPD really taking shape at Hudong shipyard. On top of that, production for the smaller Type 072A landing ships have restarted and the first one has launched at WuChong Shipyard as No. 981.
Type 071 can be effectively used for South China Sea and Taiwan scenarios, but provide the additional blue water capabilities that Chinese navy never had. The restart of Type 072 series is aimed at either replacing older landing ships or responding to the increased tension in South China sea. Either way, it shows that Chinese navy will continue to have landing ships of this class for green water missions. PLAN has taken the approach of continuing to build modern littoral ships like Type 056 and Type 022 series while it is building up its blue water navy. The restart of Type 072A seems to be a continuation of this approach of building cheaper and less capable surface combatants for traditional missions. PLAN's identity certainly has not transformed to that to a power projecting blue water navy like USN.

We first started to see photos of Type 071 under construction in 2006 and it was launched by the end of that year. It was commissioned by the end of 2007, but the process of learning to operate this new behemoth has been ongoing since. The second and third Type 071s launched in quick succession in late 2010 and 2011 while joining service a year later. There were speculations of modules for a 4th Type 071 at the time 3rd one was launched, but were proven to be false.
So, why have we not seen more Type 071 until now? There is both the human factor and also the supporting system factor. In the former case, PLAN and PLAMC have really just started operating something with the size ond blue water projection of Type 071. No. 998 was sent out on to Gulf of Aden relatively early on and other Type 071 units have been sent since. Most recently this year, all 3 Type 071s were out on different missions at the same time showing their value of this blue water asset to PLAN. It seems like at the time that PLA really needed more units of this class. Even so, only in the past couple of years have we seen the marine corp starting to conduct large scale amphibious exercises in South China Sea involving Type 071 + helicopters/hovercrafts/boats operating from it. All of this shows that it really takes time to recruit the personnel and train the crew member and the new marines to operate something like Type 071. At the same time, all 3 Type 071s have been assigned to the Zhanjiang naval base and there is probably a limit to how many Type 071s that base can handle before needing further expansion. So even if Hudong shipyard is capable of building one a year, PLA may not be able to accept them at that pace even if it has high need for this series. I don't see this as a problem, since it just gives them more time to identify problems and make incremental updates to the ship.

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Patrick H. 's insight:

La construction de cette 4ème unité du type avait, semble-t-il, été annoncée en 2012 par erreur :

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