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Scooped by Patrick H.
March 25, 2015 9:53 AM!

Le Bangladesh devrait acheter 4 corvettes classe Minerva ex-italiennes

Le Bangladesh devrait acheter 4 corvettes classe Minerva ex-italiennes | Newsletter navale |

According to BSS, the national news agency of Bangladesh, the local government will procure four ex-Italian Navy Minerva class vessels for Bangladesh Coast Guard to gear up its activities in the coastal areas. The Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase (CCGP) today gave nod to the procurement proposal of the vessels.

Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith chaired the meeting held at the cabinet division.
"The vessels will be procured from the Italian Navy under government-to-government level agreement," Mustafizur Rahman, Joint Secretary of Cabinet Division, told reporters after the meeting.
Minerva class corvettes were built in two series of four units in the 1980s and 1990s by Italian shipyard Fincantieri.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
February 26, 2015 5:53 AM!

Italie : une campagne de recrutement pour la Marine en...anglais provoque la colère du public et des politiciens du pays

Italie : une campagne de recrutement pour la Marine en...anglais provoque la colère du public et des politiciens du pays | Newsletter navale |

It gave the world the linguistic sophistication of Latin and the poetry of Dante, but Italy has had its pride dented by the increasing use of English in prominent publicity campaigns.

Conservative politicians and commentators are indignant that the Italian navy – or Marina Militare – has adopted as its latest recruiting slogan “Be Cool, join the Navy”, using English rather than Italian.

The phrase appears on posters and billboards in a new recruitment campaign, along with images of Italian warships ploughing through the waves and commandos equipped as underwater frogmen.

Fabio Rampelli, an MP with the Right-wing Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) party, said the use of English was unpatriotic and unacceptable.

“I ask myself how it came into the mind of the Italian navy to launch, with our money, a campaign in the English language to recruit young people,” he told parliament.

Basilio Catanoso, an MP from Silvio Berlusconi’s centre-Right Forza Italia party, said “it provokes anger, disgust and sadness to see the Marina Militare transformed into 'the navy’”.

Annamaria Testa, an advertising consultant and communications expert, told La Repubblica: “It seems a rather provincial approach. Why use the phrase “be cool”? There are plenty of equivalents in Italian.”

Employing an English slogan to drum up sailors for the Italian navy was “like putting ketchup on macaroni,” she said.

There were also critical comments on the Italian navy’s website, with one person wondering whether the adoption of English amounted to “war reparations” for Italian attacks on Royal Navy ships during the Second World War. “How can we be proud of our country if we don’t even use our own language?”

On the navy’s Facebook page, another indignant Italian wrote: “Are we now an American colony?”

But a spokesman for the navy said the campaign was intended to show the service as “modern, dynamic and international” and would appeal to an increasingly connected, internet-savvy younger generation.

Roberta Pinotti, the defence minister, said the campaign had succeeded in boosting applications to join the navy by 20 per cent since it was launched in January.

There was similar scorn this month when the city of Rome unveiled its new campaign to attract tourists.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
December 13, 2014 1:10 PM!

Mise à l'eau au chantier FINCANTIERI de la 5ème frégate FREMM italienne ITS Alpino (version ASM)

Mise à l'eau au chantier FINCANTIERI de la 5ème frégate FREMM italienne ITS Alpino (version ASM) | Newsletter navale |

Today Riva Trigoso (Genoa) shipyard celebrated the launch of the frigate “Alpino”, the fifth of a series of 10 FREMM vessels - Multi Mission European Frigates, ordered from Fincantieri by the Italian Navy within the framework of an Italo-French program of cooperation.

Godmother to the ship was Ms. Maria Rosa Solimano, cousin of Francesco Solimano awarded with the Gold Medal of Military Valor.

Present at the ceremony were, among others, Claudio Burlando, Governor of Liguria, Senator Nicola Latorre, Chairman of the 4^ Senate's Defence Committee, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli, Italian Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Claudio Graziano, Italian Army Chief of Staff, Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, Italian Navy Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Enzo Stefanini, Secretary General of Defence and National Armaments Director, Giovanni Gorno Tempini, CEO of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Vincenzo Petrone and Giuseppe Bono, respectively Chairman and CEO of Fincantieri.

The vessel, which is due for delivery in early 2016 in Muggiano (La Spezia), will feature a high degree of flexibility, capable of operating in all tactical situations. The ship, 144 metres long with a beam of 19.7 metres, will have a displacement at full load of approximately 6,700 tonnes. The “Alpino” will have a maximum speed of over 27 knots and will provide accommodation for a crew of 200.
The ships in the FREMM program represent the state of the art of European and Italian defence in the Mediterranean and will replace the “Lupo” and “Maestrale” class frigates built by Fincantieri in the 1970s.

Participating in the initiative as prime contractor for Italy is Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (51% Fincantieri, 49% Finmeccanica) and, as prime contractor for France, Armaris (DCNS + Thales).

The cooperation has drawn of the highly positive experience of the previous Italo-French program “Orizzonte” under which two frigates were built for the Italian Navy, the ”Andrea Doria” and the “Caio Duilio”.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
October 31, 2014 4:41 PM!

Euronaval 2014: l'Algérie commande un bâtiment de guerre des mines à l'industriel italien Intermarine

Euronaval 2014: l'Algérie commande un bâtiment de guerre des mines à l'industriel italien Intermarine | Newsletter navale |

Algeria has signed a contract for a new mine countermeasures vessel (MCMV), with an option for a second, as it continues a major fleet modernisation effort.

As part of its undertaking the country has introduced a new landing platform dock (LPD) vessel from Italy's Fincantieri, and ordered two frigates from Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems and corvettes from China. The corvettes are to be outfitted with Western combat systems locally.

Italy's Intermarine was reported to be in negotiations with Algeria regarding the MCMV in the second half of 2013, with senior officials of holding company Immsi indicating that a contract was close to being finalised.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
October 12, 2014 6:09 AM!

Accord de compétitivité signé entre industriels italiens Fincantieri et Finmeccanica dans le secteur naval de défense

Accord de compétitivité signé entre industriels italiens Fincantieri et Finmeccanica dans le secteur naval de défense | Newsletter navale |

The announcement on the occasion of the launching ceremony of the “Pietro Venuti” submarine
Today, in the presence of Minister of Defence Roberta Pinotti, the Fincantieri shipyard in Muggiano (La Spezia) hosted the launching ceremony for the “Pietro Venuti” submarine, the third unit of the four U212A “Todaro” class twin units ordered to Fincantieri by the Central Unit for Naval Armament – NAVARM for the Italian Navy.
Among others, the Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy, Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, attended the ceremony. He was welcomed to the shipyard on behalf of Fincantieri by the President, Ambassador Vincenzo Petrone and the Chief Executive Officer Giuseppe Bono, and by Giovanni Gorno Tempini, Chief Executive Officer of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.
Alongside the ceremony an important agreement for naval vessels sector was signed between Fincantieri and Finmeccanica, aiming at increasing competitiveness on national and international markets, through a more efficient and effective integrated offer by the two Companies. In particular, this collaboration will develop taking advantage of the technical and commercial synergies between the Naval Vessels Business Unit in Fincantieri and Finmeccanica Group companies (the subsidiaries Selex ES, Oto Melara, WASS and the joint venture MBDA), benefitting from their knowledge in combat naval systems, electronics and surface and underwater warfare systems.
Knowing that, by tradition, Navies prefer direct relations with the shipyard, Fincantieri will act as the only interface with the client, being thus able to appraise the entire offer of Finmeccanica naval products.
This agreement also envisages a collaboration on research and innovation activities, to maximize market positioning and to rationalize investments, even through the promotion of joint studies in the common sectors.
Fincantieri and Finmeccanica will analyze the opportunity of creating a common net of suppliers for base products and components, in order to achieve proper synergies and develop the technological excellences of Italian small and medium-sized enterprises, fostering their growth both in terms of size and as regards their scientific and quality development of the product.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
August 22, 2014 12:55 PM!

La Tunisie se fait livrer 12 patrouilleurs par le gouvernement italien pour lutter contre l'immigration clandestine

La Tunisie se fait livrer 12 patrouilleurs par le gouvernement italien pour lutter contre l'immigration clandestine | Newsletter navale |

The Tunisian National Guard and Navy have almost finished taking delivery of 12 patrol boats donated by the Italian government in its attempt to curb the flow of immigrants from North Africa.
The boats are being supplied in terms of an inter-governmental deal signed in April 2011 in which the Italian government pledged to build and supply patrol boats to Tunisia for use in border control and anti-immigration patrols. This followed a massive influx of African immigrants landing on Italian shores after launching from Tunisian ports.
In terms of the deal, Italy is supplying six P270TN patrol boats for the Tunisian Navy and six P350TNs for the National Guard, all of them built by Cantiere Naval Vittoria (CNV) in Adria.
CNV chairman Luigi Duo told IHS Jane's Defence Weekly that five P350TNs and three P270TNs have been delivered, with the first being supplied in December 2012. Another two P270TNs will be delivered by October while the remaining P350TN and P270TN (originally options) will be delivered by February 2015.
The first P270TN, Joumhouria (P 202), was handed over to the Tunisian Navy in July last year but only arrived at its home port of La Goulette near Bizerte that September. P270TNs El Jala (P 203) and Remada (P 204) were handed over on 12 June this year at La Goulette and replaced French 31.45 m, 80 tonne Istiqlal-class patrol boats of the same name, according to IHS Janes.

The 'Patrouilleur Class' patrol boats are based on the P350 project design used by the Libyan Coast Guard. With a 140-tonne full displacement, a 35 m length, and a 7.2 m beam, the new patrol vessels are built of aluminium and feature a propulsion system based on two shafts, with one 3120 kW MTU 16V4000 M93 diesel engine and two Rolls-Royce Kamewa 63 S3 NP hydrojets, offering a maximum speed of over 38 knots, a range of 600 nautical miles and an endurance of five to six days.
Each of the patrol boats accommodates a crew of 16 and features integrated command, control and navigation suites including satellite and radio links and Simrad and Furuno radars, which were provided by Italian company AlmavivA. They can be equipped with guns of up to 30 mm calibre.
The P270TN model has a length of 27 m, a beam of 7.2 m, a full-load displacement of around 90 tonnes, and a crew of 14. It is propelled by a waterjet propulsion system using a Kamewa Rolls-Royce 40A3 and two Kamewa Rolls-Royce 50A3 waterjets, each driven by an MTU 12V2000M84 engine giving a range of 500 nautical miles.
Command, control, communications, and navigation system includes Simrad and Spery Marine radars, an electro-optical sensor and satellite communications.
Italy in May 2011 delivered four Cantieri Navali del Golfo (CNG) Carabinieri Classe 700 patrol boats to the National Guard. Between 2009 and 2011 Italy refitted seven of the National Guard's 17 m patrol boats and eight Squalo/P58-class patrol boats and transferred two 500 Classe patrol boats, 13 radar sets for patrol boats, and 38 marine engines, according to IHS Janes.
The patrol boats will boost the Tunisian National Guard's capacity to conduct counter-piracy, anti-smuggling and human trafficking patrols and will play an instrumental role in patrolling Tunisia's 1 148 kilometre coastline.
African migrants frequently try to reach Europe from the coasts of Tunisia and Libya – in February the Tunisian Navy rescued 100 African migrants after their vessel started taking on water. Earlier this month Spanish emergency services picked up nearly 700 African immigrants travelling across the Mediterranean.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
July 7, 2014 6:11 AM!

Premiers essais à la mer pour la FREMM italienne Carabiniere spécialisée ASM

Premiers essais à la mer pour la FREMM italienne Carabiniere spécialisée ASM | Newsletter navale |

On 25 June 2014, the Italian FREMM frigate “Carabiniere” had her first sea going, successfully reaching this important milestone three months earlier than her predecessor the “Carlo Margottini”. Carabiniere will be specialize for anti-submarine warfare, like FREMM Virginio Fasan and Carlo Margottini. The first ship of the class Carlo Bergamini is in "general purpose" configuration.

The overall level of readiness of the sub-systems is comparable to that found on the “Carlo Margottini” nine months ago and has been achieved under considerable pressure, with two important ship deliveries in December 2013 and February 2014. This clearly demonstrates the synergy between the Participating States, OCCAR-EA FREMM Programme Division and Industry.

In July the “Carabiniere” will undergo further sea testing, and it is planned that the sea trials will be completed by the beginning of December 2014, at least two months ahead of schedule. The accomplishment of this will be further proof of the continuous improvement sought and found in the FREMM production process.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
June 4, 2014 11:10 AM!

La Marine italienne mène une campagne d'évaluation technique à la mer de l'hélidrone CAMCOPTER S-100

La Marine italienne mène une campagne d'évaluation technique à la mer de l'hélidrone CAMCOPTER S-100 | Newsletter navale |

The Italian Navy (Marina Militare) announced it started a technical evaluation campaign of the CAMCOPTER S-100 VTOL UAV produced by the company Scheibel onboard the San Giusto (L89894), a San Giorgio class LPD.

The CAMCOPTER which was leased to the Italian Navy by the Austrian company was designed to meet the needs of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) of vessels at sea for both military and civilian missions.
A complete CAMCOPTER system consists of two aircraft, a piloting unit, a control station and various antennas. The sensors aboard the aircraft are a turret-mounted electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) sensor which, in real time, extends the ship’s ability to see beyond the range limitations of its own sensors, both at sea and on the ground, and allowing them to perform their assigned duties.
The San Giusto LPD is the first Italian Navy vessel to employ the CAMCOPTER S-100 leased to the Armed Forces. It has embarked on a week-long evaluation cruise with technical staff seconded by Schiebel and two pilots from the Navy’s 4th Helicopter Group.
Trials at sea have so far evaluated the drone’s interoperability with the ship, its ability to take off and land from the ship’s deck; and the ability of the S-100’s sensors. The tests also measured the noise and the radar and optical visibility to determine detection parameters of detection.
The use of the VTOL UAV is an important historical moment for Italian naval aviation, which will more effectively meet the operational needs of its ships, broadening their effective horizons as well as offering greater safety, especially when needing to approach potential threats such as the pirate vessels operating on the seas along the trade routes.

Patrick H. 's insight:

Ce contrat avec la Marine italienne avait été signé en février dernier :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
April 15, 2014 2:37 AM!

L'Italie et les Etats-Unis signent un accord de collaboration sur les carburants alternatifs pour leurs flottes

L'Italie et les Etats-Unis signent un accord de collaboration sur les carburants alternatifs pour leurs flottes | Newsletter navale |

The navies of Italy and the United States have signed a groundbreaking agreement to collaborate on the development of bio-derived and other alternative fuels for their surface fleets and aviation forces.

Under the accord, the two services will share experimental data and develop a protocol intended to ensure the worldwide availability of biofuels for their deployed ships and aircraft.

Signed on 2 April, the agreement follows extensive testing by the US Navy (USN) of 50:50 blends of conventional F-76 diesel and biofuels in a variety of surface vessels and aircraft (including unmanned systems) over several years.

In January, so-called 'green diesel' was successfully trialled at sea by one of the Italian Navy's (Marina Militare's) 88 m Comandanti-class patrol vessels, ITS Comandante Foscari (P 493), in what are believed to be the first biofuel tests involving a European warship.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
April 1, 2014 12:18 PM!

Les munitions guidées Vulcano d'Oto Melara pour canon naval de 127 mm sont prêtes pour la commercialisation

Les munitions guidées Vulcano d'Oto Melara pour canon naval de 127 mm sont prêtes pour la commercialisation | Newsletter navale |

LA SPEZIA, ITALY — After years of putting its faith in the development of guided munitions — for both naval and land use — Italy’s Oto Melara now claims it has working technology and a range of products ready for sale.

“We have had the breakthrough and we are on the downhill slope now,” said CEO Roberto Cortesi, adding, “We know now we have a system that works.”

Oto Melara, a unit of Italy’s Finmeccanica, has spent €200 million (US $278 million) on developing a range of munitions with small moveable fins that steer a projectile toward its target using a variety of guidance systems.

A key characteristic of the munitions is that when fired from the cannon, they are clad in a sabot, or jacket, which protects the fins in the barrel before falling away in flight. Since the shells are therefore smaller than the caliber of the gun, they have less destructive potential but fly farther while costing far less than a missile.

Under a development and industrialization contract, Italy’s Defense Ministry is testing munitions developed for Oto Melara’s 127mm naval cannon and 155mm howitzer that are guided by GPS and an inertial measurement unit, as well as variants adding infrared targeting for naval use and semi-active laser targeting.

The so-called Vulcano range also contains an unguided shell — now being qualified — that does not have fins but comes in a sabot and reaches 60 kilometers in the 127mm configuration thanks to its sub-caliber size.

All the 127mm Vulcano munition types are under contract from Italy for use on its multimission frigates. Holland, which has four naval 127mm compact cannons fit for Vulcano munitions, and Germany, which has ordered five 127mm cannons from Oto Melara for its F125 frigates, are potential users and are yet to decide which types of guided munition they want.

Oto Melara officials said Japan and South Korea, which operate 127mm naval cannons, were also watching development, while Algeria, which has ordered the cannon from Oto Melara for its German Meko frigates, is also interested.

Cortesi said Oto Melara had tried without success to place its cannons on US littoral combat ships, and has since reduced the head count at its US operation Oto Inc.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
March 22, 2014 12:38 PM!

La Marine italienne teste le canon 127/54 C avec la munition "Ballistic Extended Range" (BER) Vulcano

La Marine italienne teste le canon 127/54 C avec la munition  "Ballistic Extended Range" (BER) Vulcano | Newsletter navale |

On 6 March 2014, the Italian Navy carried out a number of firing trials on board the frigate Bersagliere to test the 127/54 C gun equipped with Vulcano-Kit (V-kit). The firing trials, conducted with 127 Vulcano Ballistic Extended Range (BER) ammunition, proved to be successful, with projectiles achieving a range of over 38 km. The field of fire was limited to 40 km for security reasons.

The Vulcano BER ammunition used in the firing trials are part of a pre-production lot; the production-line qualification is underway on a first pilot lot of ammunition. It is the first time a military ship, not equipped with the naval gun systems used in the Second World War, has reached such ballistic ranges. Vulcan BER ammunition provide very accurate and high precision firing actions at ranges beyond 60 km.

Commenting on the successful test OTO Melara said it is ready to supply Vulcano BER ammunition to the Navies employing the new 127/64 LW weapon system and those employing the previous version 127/54 C naval gun with the V-kit upgrade.

In addition to the BER variant, Vulcano guided ammunition family also include the Guided Long Range (127GLR) and Semi Active Laser (GLR-SAL) guided versions, which will be available on board ships for firing trials starting from next year. The entire family of trajectory-corrected and guided projectiles will be able to conduct naval fire support at ranges from 35 km up to over 100 km, utilizing the OTO Melara naval guns systems.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
March 3, 2014 12:03 PM!

Fincantieri livre la 3ème FREMM (Carlo Margottini) à la Marine italienne

Fincantieri livre la 3ème FREMM (Carlo Margottini) à la Marine italienne | Newsletter navale |

TRIESTE, Italy, March 3 (UPI) -- Fincantieri of Italy has announced its delivery of a third FREMM multimission frigate to the Italian Navy.

The Carlo Margottini is 474 feet long, 65 feet in the beam and has a speed of more than 29 knots.

"Today's ceremony seals a corporate performance and a system performance that is absolutely remarkable," said Giuseppe Bono, Fincantieri's chief executive officer said Thursday. "Thanks to close collaboration of the OCCAR program office with the Navy, today we can deliver the third unit to be fully operational in nine months, which allows the program to comply with the Italian Navy's tight schedule and its high requirements."

OCCAR is a European organization made up of a number of European Union states. Its purpose is to manage through-life issues of joint procurement of military equipment. The FREMM frigate is a Franco-Italian project.

Fincatieri said the Carlo Margottini was delivered with its combat management system in an anti-submarine warfare configuration.

Horizon Sistemi Navali, a joint venture company of Fincatieri and Selex ES, is building a total of 10 FREMM frigates for Italy.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
February 11, 2014 12:27 PM!

La Marine italienne choisit aussi le drone à voilure tournante Camcopter S-100 UAV de Schiebel

La Marine italienne choisit aussi le drone à voilure tournante Camcopter S-100 UAV de Schiebel | Newsletter navale |

The Italian Navy is set to become the first European navy to operate the Camcopter S-100 UAV following the signing of a contract with Schiebel. The UAV will be used in support of Italian Navy ships employed in anti-piracy missions.

Under the contract, Schiebel will supply one Camcopter S-100 system, training, integration and spare parts.

The Camcopter S-100 was flown from the ITS Bersagliere of the Italian Navy in April 2012, when it demonstrated a number of missions for Italian Navy observers.

Hans Georg Schiebel, chairman, Schiebel Group, said: ‘The Camcopter S-100 continues to be a proven and highly sought after asset in maritime operations. Its ability to extend a ship commander’s visible and electronic horizon to beyond what is conventionally possible is a powerful instrument that helps to counter possible threats, secure routes and control recourses at less operational cost. This quality has already garnered the interest of several global navies where the S-100’s robust nature has proven effective, particularly in the unforgiving maritime environment.’

Mounted with a Wescam MX-10 and a Shine Micro Automatic Identification System, the S-100 has the capability to collect time-critical data for up to 6 hours, providing decision makers with a flexible unique means of collecting and disseminating information. The S-100 will be mounted with a Schiebel-designed harpoon system, which supports takeoff and landing in conditions up to Sea State 5.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
March 17, 2015 10:26 AM!

Salon LIMA 2015: Fincanteri propose à l'Australie une variante de sa FREMM pour le programme SEA 5000 de remplacement des ANZAC

Salon LIMA 2015: Fincanteri propose à l'Australie une variante de sa FREMM pour le programme SEA 5000 de remplacement des ANZAC | Newsletter navale |

Italian shipbuilder Fincanteri is eyeing up the SEA 5000 Future Frigate programme in Australia that will replace the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN’s) eight ANZAC-class frigates.

The requirement is for a military off-the-shelf anti-submarine warfare (ASW) ship and Fincanteri will put forward a modified variant of its FREMM frigate that it has built for the Italian Navy.

A spokesperson from the company told Shephard that Fincantieri has ‘designed and built an ASW version of the FREMM, adapted to meet the RAN’s Top Level Requirements for CEA’s radars, two helos and 48 cells therefore it is thought to be a strong contender’.

Although not active in the RAN’s Collins-class replacement submarine programme, the company is expanding its presence in Asia with activities in India, Bangladesh and Vietnam.

In India Fincantieri said that it has taken part in the tender sent out from Mazagon Docks as a ‘know-how provider’ for the construction of the new P17 A frigates. ‘The bid results are expected in a few months,’ the spokesperson said.

In addition the company, in cooperation with Hindustan Shipyard and the Indian Navy, is preparing to bid for the construction of two mini-submarines (SOV) that will be submitted within the first half of 2015.

Fincantieri has also participated in the tenders for the construction of five new fleet tankers and for the construction of multi-purpose vessels for the Indian Navy. 

‘In this case, too, the request for bid is expected to be issued before the end of 2015,’ the spokesperson said.

This activity in India has been built upon the company’s success providing two fleet tankers for the IN and the company is providing spares and systems maintenance for those two ships. 

Fincantieri is also undertaking the propulsion system integration contract for the construction of the Indian Navy’s new aircraft carrier at the Cochin Shipyard. The company is supporting the installation of the propulsion system and arranges system tests. 

Furthermore, the spokesperson said that contacts with Indian engineering companies are ongoing ‘to create a design centre able to carry out activities for the Indian Navy and for the Indian shipyards.’

In Vietnam, Fincantieri was part of the Italian government’s official mission in November 2014 led by the under-secretary of defence, Domenico Rossi. 

‘In that occasion the Vietnamese Armed Forces and, in particular, the navy, expressed their willingness to cooperate with Italy for the supply of patrol vessels, more specifically OPVs and mini-submarines,’ the spokesperson said.

In terms of other markets, the spokesperson said that Fincantieri ‘is only monitoring the situation, because in the short-term there are no programmes which could interest the company’s activities’.

The spokesperson added: ‘Malaysia has recently cut its defence budget because of the flood, Thailand is not accessible due to the new regime which came to power, in the Philippines the corvette supply programme is the only open one, but Fincantieri decided not take part at the bid.’

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Scooped by Patrick H.
February 26, 2015 5:47 AM!

Mise en chantier de la 8ème frégate FREMM italienne au chantier Fincantieri de Riva Trigoso

Mise en chantier de la 8ème frégate FREMM italienne au chantier Fincantieri de Riva Trigoso | Newsletter navale |

TRIESTE (AGG) - Si è svolta oggi, presso lo stabilimento Fincantieri di Riva Trigoso (Sestri Levante, Genova), la cerimonia per il taglio della prima lamiera dell’ottava unità Fremm. Prosegue così il programma di costruzione delle Fregate Europee Multi Missione, la più importante iniziativa congiunta finora attivata tra industrie europee nel settore della Difesa navale. L’unità sarà lunga circa 144 metri, larga 19,7, e avrà un dislocamento a pieno carico di circa 6.500 tonnellate. Potrà raggiungere una velocità superiore ai 27 nodi e imbarcare un equipaggio di 145 membri, con una disponibilità di 200 posti letto. Si caratterizzerà per un’elevata flessibilità d’impiego e avrà la capacità di operare in molteplici scenari, particolarmente nell’ambito della sicurezza del bacino mediterraneo. Il programma Fremm, sottolinea una nota di Fincantieri, vede la partecipazione in qualità di prime contractor per l’Italia di Orizzonte Sistemi Navali. Attualmente il programma per l’Italia prevede la costruzione di dieci unità.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
November 3, 2014 5:50 AM!

Euronaval 2014 : la future frégate légère ou patrouilleur hauturier polyvalent présentée au salon
Fincantieri PPA (Pattugliatore Polivalente D’Altura), Offshore Polyvalent Patrol, is first revealed at EURONAVAL 2014. The vessel can perform a wide range of offshore patrolling missions thanks to its innovative modular sections conception. PPA have been chosen by Italian Navy for the replacement program of Italian corvettes, patrol vessels and Durand de la Penne destroyers.

PPA is about 135 m long and its displacement is about 4,500 t. Its crew may vary from 135 to 150 depending of the version of the ship. PPA is armed with a main gun up to 127 mm in the bow, a vertical launch system for Aster 15 or 30 missiles...

Patrick H. 's insight:

Ce projet correspond au besoin exprimé dès 2013 par l'Amiral De giorgi, CEMM de la Marine italienne :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
October 18, 2014 9:39 AM!

L'IPER-modernisation du porte-aéronefs italien Giuseppe Garibaldi se termine avec beaucoup d'avance sur le calendrier

L'IPER-modernisation du porte-aéronefs italien Giuseppe Garibaldi se termine avec beaucoup d'avance sur le calendrier | Newsletter navale |

ROME, Oct. 17 (UPI) --Extensive maintenance and modernization work on the Italian aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi is being completed months ahead of schedule.

The Italian Navy said on Friday that work on the carrier is now slated to be complete at the Taranto Arsenal, a Navy shipyard and base, on Nov. 10, instead of March of next year, when the ship completes post-refit sea trials.

"The advance of the completion date was made possible by the high degree of specialization and by the organizational and production skills of the firms of the arsenal's local naval engineering industrial base; the capability of the Arsenal's highly specialized workforce, the planning, rationalization and management ability of the arsenal's military personnel as well as an exceptional synergy at all levels between the crew and outside personnel, from private industry as well as the arsenal," the Navy said.

The work on the ship involved nearly all the ship's systems, including the propulsion system, which was replaced; the electric generation system; the flight deck; all the flight operations support systems; aircraft lifts and aircraft handling equipment; and combat system's sensors and weapons.

Work on the ship began in October of last year and carried a cost of about $14 million.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
October 10, 2014 3:27 AM!

Italie : cérémonie de mise à l'eau du 3ème sous-marin Type 212 S-528 “Pietro Venuti”

Italie : cérémonie de mise à l'eau du 3ème sous-marin Type 212 S-528 “Pietro Venuti” | Newsletter navale |

Una nuova dimostrazione dell’eccellenza della cantieristica italiana, di cui il Paese deve essere fiero.

Questo, in sintesi, il messaggio del Ministro della Difesa Roberta Pinotti in occasione cerimonia di varo del sommergibile “Pietro Venuti”, che si è tenuta oggi nei cantieri del Muggiano.

L’unità, frutto di collaborazioni internazionali di cui fa parte l’industria italiana della Difesa, dispone di soluzioni tecnologiche altamente innovative.

Un nuovo tassello del rinnovamento della flotta della Marina Militare.

Alla cerimonia hanno preso parte, tra gli altri, il Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina, Ammiraglio di Squadra Giuseppe De Giorgi, l’Amministratore Delegato di Fincantieri, Ing. Giuseppe Bono, autorità civili, militari e religiose.

Madrina della cerimonia, Maria Venuti, nipote del sommergibilista Pietro insignito della Medaglia d’Oro al Valore Militare per essere caduto in azione nel mare Arabico nel 1940.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
July 15, 2014 8:07 AM!

L'Italie va planifier dès cet automne la construction d'une nouvelle série de grands patrouilleurs océaniques (OPV)

L'Italie va planifier dès cet automne la construction d'une nouvelle série de grands patrouilleurs océaniques (OPV) | Newsletter navale |

By the autumn, the Italian navy will have finalized plans to procure a new class of offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) that will be funded with funds made available by the allocation of €6 billion expected in the coming years by the government’s so-called Law of Stability.

This new class of large ships, displacing about 4,500 tons, will share a basic design and common major components (hull, engines) but will differ in their sensor suite and their weapons, which will differ according to their main mission, which will range from maritime sovereignty enforcement and full-fledged combat missions.

Patrick H. 's insight:

Cela correspond au projet à double usage militaro-humanitaire évoqué l'an dernier par l'Amiral De Giorgi, chef d'Etat-Major de la Marine italienne :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
June 7, 2014 12:25 PM!

Mise en chantier au chantier Fincantieri de la 7ème FREMM italienne

Mise en chantier au chantier Fincantieri de la 7ème FREMM italienne | Newsletter navale |

TRIESTE, Italy, June 6 (UPI) --Steel has been cut this week at an Italian shipyard for the seventh FREMM multi-mission frigate for the Italian Navy.

The frigate will be 474 feet long, 65 feet in the beam and displace 7,728 tons. Its speed will be more than 27 knots, while its range will be more than 7,600 miles at 15 knots.

Fincantieri, which is building the ship at a location near Genoa, said the frigate will be delivered to the Italian Navy in 2018.

"This is a highly flexible vessel, able to operate in a wide range of scenarios, especially in patrolling and safeguarding the Mediterranean area," it said.

FREMM frigates are the result of the European Multi Mission Frigate construction program, with both Italy and France producing the ships for their respective navies.

The prime contractor for the ships in France is DCNS. The first of class Aquitaine, was commissioned in 2012 by the French Navy. In Italy the FREMM is the Bergamini-class ship.

One FREMM frigate was built in France for Morocco, which is now operating the ship.

The prime contractor for Italy on the Fremm program is Orizzonte Sistemi Navali, which was established by Fincantieri and Finmeccanica.

The Italian Navy plans to acquire eight of the frigates.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
April 23, 2014 8:21 AM!

Le premier lot de munitions guidées de 76mm DART/STRALES d'Oto Melara testé avec succès

Le premier lot de munitions guidées de 76mm DART/STRALES d'Oto Melara testé avec succès | Newsletter navale |

lThe first lot of DART/STRALES 76mm guided ammunition, produced by OTO Melara, was successfully tested at the end of March. The firing trials were conducted on board one of the Italian Navy’s ships equipped with Strales 76mm SR and Selex NA25 fire control system.

The firing trials were conducted with quick bursts of fire against fast, manoeuvring and non-manoeuvring, radio controlled targets at low and very low altitude and at a range of more than 5000 metres.

The customers who attended the firing trials, which included the cooperation of other Navy’s air-sea craft, were fully satisfied with the trials’results which confirm the quality, reliability and effectiveness of this revolutionary defence system.

The company’s top management commented on the videos saying that they are a clear evidence of the system’s effectiveness.

The Strales 76mm system with DART guided ammunition is the only weapon system in the world which can ensure high level performance (at a lower cost than dedicated anti-missile systems) in the engagement of manouevring supersonic missiles with high lateral g force. The system is very effective also in the engagement of fast manouevring little boats.

The DART projectiles are guided by a radio beam that follows the target by means of homing system. The projectile is fitted with a proximity fuze, but there were many hits during the firing trials.

The 76mm naval gun with Strales kit has the same characteristics of ballistic ammunition when it is used to engage air, naval and surface targets; with Vulcano ammunition it will ensure high precision target engagement, with a fire range two times higher than conventional ammunition.
The Strales system can be installed on the 76mm naval guns which are already in service.

OTO Melara is planning the production of Strales kits and new ammunition lots to guarantee quick delivery to new customers who will ask for this innovative system.

At present 12 Strales 76mm systems are in service, 15 are going to be delivered, and orders for 30 systems are foreseen in the next 5 years.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
April 8, 2014 2:25 AM!

L'industrie navale de défense italienne très satisfaite de la tournée promotionnelle du porte-avions Cavour

L'industrie navale de défense italienne très satisfaite de la tournée promotionnelle du porte-avions Cavour | Newsletter navale |

ROME — An unusual defense trade show held on the Italian aircraft carrier Cavour, which toured 20 countries in the Arabian Gulf and Africa over five months, has drawn glowing reviews from exhibitors who hope the Italian Navy will organize a follow-up trip aimed at Asian and South American destinations.

The Italian companies that displayed their wares on board for visiting delegations in every port were so impressed that they said it has made them question the value of more traditional, land-based shows.

“If we had organized a show in every one of these countries, it would have cost 20 times as much as our investment in the Cavour mission,” said Jarno Antonelli, defense communications director at small arms maker Beretta.

“There was a great deal of skepticism at the start; companies were involved at the last minute, but the result in Africa has been incredible,” said a source at Italy’s largest defense group, Finmeccanica, which was the major exhibitor.

The Cavour’s mission was the brainchild of the Italian Navy, which charged Italian companies about €13 million (US $17.9 million) to come aboard for the trip.

The ship traveled through the Suez Canal, past the gulf, around the Horn of Africa and back to Italy, stopping off in the gulf and at the African destinations of Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Angola, Congo, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Morocco and Algeria.

The industry money effectively allowed the Navy to run a five-month training mission and build ties with local navies far from home, an operation it would not otherwise have been able to afford, Navy Chief Adm. Giuseppe De Giorgi said at November’s launch.

Civil companies, including Italian furniture makers, also set up stands on board, while Italian humanitarian nongovernmental organizations took part, offering surgical operations on board the ship to locals during stops in Africa.

“It was the first time that Italy, or anyone, has combined a humanitarian mission with training, with capability building with local navies, with the promotion of Italian firms – civil and military, all at zero cost for the Navy,” said Adm. Enrico Credendino, who headed the coordinating unit for the mission in Rome.

Finmeccanica companies were well represented.

More planning would avoid the kind of hitches experienced in Africa, the Finmeccanica source said. For instance, the ship arrived in South Africa during a holiday and pulled into Algiers days before a change of government. In Angola, the appearance of Italy’s defense minister was scrapped when the Italian government fell unexpectedly.

The mission also was conceived as a way for the Italian Navy to build ties with local navies. The patrol vessel Commandante Borsini, one of three ships accompanying the Cavour, has stayed behind for two months in Mozambique to undertake joint training. Local naval officers boarded the Cavour in Nigeria for training and will stay on board until the ship returns to Italy on April 8.

De Giorgi joined the ships in Algiers on April 1 where the Italian Navy starts training Algerian sailors who will man the LPD vessel being built for Algeria by Italian shipyard Fincantieri.

The Navy also is looking to sell off older vessels to African navies, which would likely involve refitting work for Fincantieri, which built the vessels.

A Fincantieri official listed Kenya, Mozambique, Angola, Nigeria and Senegal as possible customers for used vessels.

Patrick H. 's insight:

Ce déploiement "marketing" avait débuté en novembre 2013 :

Ouest France se demandait à l'époque si la France ne devrait pas en faire autant autour du CDG :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
March 31, 2014 11:09 AM!

Mise à l'eau de la FREMM “Carabiniere”, 4ème exemplaire de la Marine italienne

Mise à l'eau de la FREMM “Carabiniere”, 4ème exemplaire de la Marine italienne | Newsletter navale |

On March 29th at the Riva Trigoso (Genoa) Fincantieri launched frigate “Carabiniere”, the fourth in a series of 10 FREMM - European Multi-Mission Frigates, commissioned from Fincantieri by the Italian Navy under the international cooperation between Italy and France, with the coordination of OCCAR, the joint organization for European cooperation in the field of armaments.
The ship was christened “Carabiniere” to celebrate the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the founding of this famous Italian force.

The ceremony was attended, among others, Roberta Pinotti, Minister of Defence, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli, Chief of the Defence Staff, the Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, Chief of Staff of the Navy, the General Army Corps Claudio Graziano, Chief of Army Staff, General of the Air Force Precious Pasquale, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General of the Army Corps Leonardo Gallitelli, Commanding General of Police, Giovanni Gorno Tempini, CEO of Deposits and Loans Fund, Vincenzo Petrone and Joseph Bono, President and Chief Executive Officer of Fincantieri.

Following the launch , the unit will continue its activities in preparation of the Integrated Military Naval Shipyard on the site Muggiano , in La Spezia , and will be delivered in early 2015. Carabiniere will be characterized by high flexibility in use and will have the ability to operate in all tactical situations . It has a length of 144 meters , a width of 19.7 meters and a full load displacement of about 6,700 tons. It can reach a speed of over 27 knots with a maximum capacity of personnel transported up to 200 people .
Carabiniere will be specialize for anti-submarine warfare, like FREMM Virginio Fasan and Carlo Margottini. The first ship of the class Carlo Bergamini is in "general purpose" configuration.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
March 18, 2014 1:51 PM!

Italie : le porte-aéronefs Garibaldi bientôt en vente ?

Italie : le porte-aéronefs Garibaldi bientôt en vente ? | Newsletter navale |

L'Italie n'exclut pas la vente de son navire amiral, le porte-aéronefs Giuseppe Garibaldi, dans le cadre du programme de réduction des dépenses militaires.

La décision de vendre le porte-aéronefs en service depuis 30 ans remonte à 2009. Cependant elle n'a pas été réalisée jusqu'à présent. A l'heure actuelle les chances de se débarrasser du navire dont l'entretien accentue les problèmes financiers du ministère italien de la Défense sont plus grandes que jamais.

Grâce à un nouveau programme de réduction des dépenses militaires le gouvernement d'Italie pourra économiser annuellement environ 1,1 milliards d'euros pendant 15 ans à venir

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Scooped by Patrick H.
February 22, 2014 8:48 AM!

Hydrogène pour piles à combustible : la société française McPhy Energy équipera les sous-marins italiens

Hydrogène pour piles à combustible : la société française McPhy Energy équipera les sous-marins italiens | Newsletter navale |

Issue de la recherche grenobloise, la start-up française Mc Phy perce avec ses solutions de production d’hydrogène par électrolyse et de stockage solide par hydrure de magnésium. Fincantieri a passé commande pour équiper deux sous-marins classiques destinés à la Marine italienne.

Le chantier naval de Muggiano (La Spezia) construit ces deux bâtiments de type U 212 sous licence du constructeur allemand Thyssen Krupp dont le chantier de Kiel HDW s’est fait une spécialité dans l’utilisation des piles à combustible alimentées en hydrogène.

Le système développé par Siemens utilise une source d’hydrogène solide sous forme d’hydrures métalliques. Une alternative au stockage gazeux à haute pression ou liquide par refroidissement qui demeurent plus volumineux et qui, à l’inverse des hydrures, n’éliminent pas totalement le risque d’inflammation du gaz. C’est sur ce terrain du stockage par hydrure que le Français a remporté le marché face à ses concurrents allemands.

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