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Scooped by Patrick H.
December 13, 2014 3:22 PM!

Le plus grand bateau jamais construit par Ocea partira en Indonésie | Ouest France Entreprises

Le plus grand bateau jamais construit par Ocea partira en Indonésie | Ouest France Entreprises | Newsletter navale |

Pas encore le champagne mais plusieurs coups de corne de brume. En quelques minutes, le Rigel, impressionnant navire de 60 mètres, est mis à l'eau grâce à l'élévateur du port de commerce des Sables-d'Olonne (Vendée), ce jeudi matin. Malgré la simplicité apparente, l'événement est hautement « symbolique », rappelle Fabrice Epaud, codirecteur d'Océa.

C'est la plus grande unité jamais construite par ce chantier, spécialiste de l'aluminium. Un bateau scientifique bourré d'équipements ultramodernes, destiné à la marine nationale indonésienne. « Un contrat de 100millions de dollars », rappelle le patron. Un second bateau identique sera livré d'ici à l'été.

L'avantage de tels navires ? Multifonctions. Adaptés aux nouveaux besoins en haute mer. « Il s'agit de mieux connaître les fonds, présente Fabrice Weinbach, responsable de la surveillance côtière au sein de l'entreprise. Préciser la cartographie, qui évolue en permanence. Dans un pays qui compte 17000 îles, ce n'est pas anodin. C'est également intéressant pour la connaissance de la faune et de la flore ou celle des ressources en hydrocarbures. »

Robots, mitrailleuses...

Le bateau envoie, jusqu'à 1 000 m sous l'eau, deux robots munis de divers sondeurs. Il est équipé de canons et mitrailleuses fournis par des sociétés anglaises. Il embarque une annexe de huit mètres également ultramoderne, fabriquée en Indonésie avec l'appui d'Océa. « Un transfert de technologie », explique Fabrice Weinbach.

Le volet formation, enfin, est important. L'équipage arrive en janvier et assurera le convoyage jusqu'en Asie, après le baptême fin février. D'ici là, des tests seront réalisés en mer. Océa est en passe de signer au moins deux nouveaux gros contrats. Dont l'un pour un bateau de... 85 m !

Lire l'intégralité de l'article :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
October 22, 2014 8:03 AM!

L'industriel indonésien PT PAL envoie son personnel se former à la construction de sous-marins chez le sud-coréen DSME

L'industriel indonésien PT PAL envoie son personnel se former à la construction de sous-marins chez le sud-coréen DSME | Newsletter navale |

Indonesian shipbuilder PT PAL is sending additional personnel to South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) to undergo training in submarine construction, it was announced on 17 October.

The training is part of the industrial collaboration programme linked to Indonesia's order in late 2011 of three DSME Chang Bogo-class Type 209/1200 submarines.

This programme outlines DSME's construction of the first two submarines with gradually increased input from PT PAL personnel, leading to the Indonesian company's licenced-build of the third boat at its facilities in Surabaya.

PT PAL said in a statement that 160 personnel will travel to South Korea over the next few months and will join other PT PAL engineers and technicians already seconded to DSME.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
September 29, 2014 3:57 PM!

Encore 4 patrouilleurs KCR-40 mis en service dans la Marine indonésienne

Encore 4 patrouilleurs KCR-40 mis en service dans la Marine indonésienne | Newsletter navale |

Four KCR-40-class anti-ship missile craft on order for the Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) were commissioned in a ceremony presided over by Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro on 27 September.

Mukti Syarif Rivai, a naval architect at PT Palindo, previously had told IHS Jane's that all four vessels had been launched into the waters of Tanjung Uncang, Batam, on 12 September.

Rivai told IHS Jane's that the vessels are named KRI Surik (645), KRI Siwar (646), KRI Parang (647), and KRI Terapang (648). As per the TNI-AL naming convention for ships assigned to patrolling roles, all four boats have been named after traditional Indonesian weapons.

Patrick H. 's insight:

Ces navires ont été mis en chantier en juillet dernier, mis à l'eau le 12 septembre et mis en service le 27 du même mois !! cela porte à 8 le nombre d'unités de cette série en service...

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Scooped by Patrick H.
September 19, 2014 5:00 PM!

L'industriel indonésien PT PAL met en chantier sa 2ème corvette SIGMA 10514

L'industriel indonésien PT PAL met en chantier sa 2ème corvette SIGMA 10514 | Newsletter navale |

Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL held a steel-cutting ceremony for the Indonesian Navy's (Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut's/TNI-AL's) second SIGMA 10514 Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) guided-missile frigate in Surabaya, Indonesia, on 17 September.

The vessel is being built jointly with Dutch shipbuilder Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) under a contract signed in 2013 by the Indonesian Ministry of Defence. The contract follows a prior tender, signed in June 2012, to construct the first ship.

Both frigates are being assembled from six major block modules in an arrangement aimed at transferring naval shipbuilding expertise from DSNS to PT PAL. In the first vessel, four modules were built by PT PAL and two supplied by DSNS.

Patrick H. 's insight:

La 1ère avait été mise en chantier en avril dernier :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
August 21, 2014 9:35 AM!

L'indonésie modernise sa base navale des îles Riau près de la Mer de Chine méridionale

L'indonésie modernise sa base navale des îles Riau près de la Mer de Chine méridionale | Newsletter navale |

The red arrow points Riau Islands

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) has begun upgrading its naval base at Ranai in Riau Islands to support a planned increase in ship numbers in the region, a senior TNI-AL officer has said.

Speaking to IHS Jane's on 14 August in Jakarta, TNI-AL Chief of Staff for the Western Fleet (KOARMABAR) Commodore Amarulla Octavian described the upgrades as consisting primarily of logistics support facilities, including the building of fuel depots, that will enable the TNI-AL to sustain deployments in the area.

"The logistics facilities are being [upgraded] to support the TNI-AL's increasing presence in the region so that we may safeguard the country's maritime territories from any hostile forces should they pose a threat", he said, although without making specific reference to any particular country.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
August 15, 2014 9:53 AM!

L'industriel indonésien PTDI accélère sur le marché asiatique des avions de patrouille maritime avec le CN235

L'industriel indonésien PTDI accélère sur le marché asiatique des avions de patrouille maritime avec le CN235 | Newsletter navale |

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has stepped up its marketing of maritime versions of the CN235 and is completing assembly of its first C295. The moves result from the strategic collaboration agreement that PTDI signed with Airbus Defense & Space in 2011. That deal also transferred production of the smaller C212 transport to PTDI’s facility in Bandung.

Arie Wibotwo, PTDI’s vice president of marketing, told AIN that PTDI is bidding for several maritime patrol requirements in the region. “We have been selected by the Philippines government to supply two CN235 ASWs. A contract is expected to be signed this summer with delivery taking place 26 months afterwards” he said. Working with PTDI as a mission systems supplier will be Raytheon Systems, the first time a U.S. company has gone into partnership with the Indonesians.

Several other CN 235 MPA/ASW proposals are on the table “but the mission systems will be flexible, completely the choice of the customer,” Arie added. “Malaysia prefers Thales, Vietnam wants the Airbus D&S Fully Integrated Tactical Systems (FITS) or a Swedish SSC system, while Thailand and Brunei seem fairly relaxed over the systems they want.” This means that PTDI could find itself working with several different systems integrators from Europe and the U.S. if these countries opt for the CN235. In the past PTDI has even worked with Israel’s Elta, on the Korean Coast Guard deal for four CN 235-220MPAs in 2011-12.

Having recently delivered a CN235 to Thailand’s parapublic KASET organization, with options on another two, PTDI feels it is well positioned to provide the Royal Thai Navy with a solution for its ASW/MPA requirement for up to four aircraft.

Domestically, PTDI will shortly deliver a second CN235 MPA to the Indonesian Navy as part of MARPAT (MARitime PATrol) 1 program. These aircraft are equipped with the Thales AMASCOS system on board and include the FLIR Systems Star Safire sensor turret. “Another two CN235MPAs are contracted by the Navy as part of MARPAT 2 but the radar system will come from Telephonics,” Wibotwo revealed.

Meanwhile, PTDI is assembling the first of two C295s for the Indonesian air force.

Airbus D&S previously delivered seven from its production line at Seville, Spain. The two being assembled at Bandung complete the order.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
July 21, 2014 11:58 AM!

Les chantiers navals indonésiens commencent la construction de 4 nouveaux patrouilleurs lance-missiles KCR-40

Les chantiers navals indonésiens commencent la construction de 4 nouveaux patrouilleurs lance-missiles KCR-40 | Newsletter navale |

Indonesian shipbuilders PT Palindo Marine Industry and PT Citra Shipyard have begun construction of four KCR-40-class anti-ship missile craft being built for the Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL), TNI-AL public affairs spokesperson Captain Suradi Agung Slamet confirmed during a 17 July visit to the shipyards by TNI-AL Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio.

Construction of all four vessels is said to be going according to plans, with launches scheduled to take place by September 2014.

Three of the platforms are being constructed by PT Palindo, with PT Citra working on the fourth. Both yards are located on the Riau Province island of Batam.

The KCR-40 is an indigenously produced 44 m vessel capable of reaching a top speed of 30 kt and accommodating 35 crew. According to IHS Jane's Fighting Ships , the vessels are designed to carry four C-705 surface-to-surface missiles, a 20 mm Denel Vektor G12 main gun, and two 12.7 mm machine guns.

In May 2014, TNI-AL fitted two of the craft - KRI Clurit and KRI Kujang - with AK-630 close in weapon systems, with the objective of assessing the system's suitability for use on all ships in the class. It is not confirmed whether the weapons are fully operational.

Currently, there are four KCR-40 craft in service with the TNI-AL. These vessels were commissioned between April 2011 and December 2013. All four, procured to beef up maritime security within Indonesia's exclusive economic zone, are in service in the Eastern Fleet. TNI-AL is expected to have a total of nine KCR-40 ships by the end of 2014.

Besides the KCR-40, PT Citra Shipyard is also working on a third 250-tonne PC-43-class patrol craft for the TNI-AL. However, details on its launch and delivery schedule are not available. The first two vessels in this class were inducted into service in 2013.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
July 6, 2014 1:11 PM!

Le chantier indonésien PT PAL met à l'eau le 3ème patrouilleur lance-missiles KCR 60

Le chantier indonésien PT PAL met à l'eau le 3ème patrouilleur lance-missiles KCR 60 | Newsletter navale |

PT PAL Indonesia launches a third KCR-60 Fast Attack Missile Boat for the Indonesian Navy. This ship is the third KCR-60 to be built. The first KCR-60 have already been handed over to the Indonesian Navy on 28th June and was given the name KRI Sampari.
The second KCR-60, currently in the testing phase and is named KRI Tombak, and the third ship is named KRI Halasan that has just been officially launched marking the completion of manufacture. The launch was marked by entering the ship into the water in the docks of PT PAL in Surabaya.
This third launch is done by PT PAL's Board of Commisioners and senior ranks of the TNI-AL(Indonesian Navy).

Specifications of the KCR-60:
- Length: 60 M
- The length of the water line: 54.82 M
- Width: 8:10 M
- Height: 4.85 M
- Displacement(Fully loaded): 460 Tons
- Speed: 15 knots sailing, Cruising 20 knots and 28 knots max.
- Equipped with advanced weaponry, such as cannons and C-705 or
C-802 anti-ship missiles.
- Complement: 55
- Endurance: 9 Days

In addition to the production of KCR, PT PAL has successfully produced 43 patrol boats ordered for the Indonesian Navy.
Meanwhile, TNI Rear Admiral Suyitno, said the 3 KCR-60s are not the last that was ordered from PT PAL. There will be a total 16 KCR-60s ordered from PT PAL and another 16 KCR-40s.
The development of the KCR, he said, is the first step to self-reliance of defense equipment, especially for the Navy. The expectation for 2024 is for TNI to be completely self-sufficient in building a whole arsenal.

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Rescooped by Patrick H. from Defense
June 30, 2014 4:04 PM!

INDONESIE : OCEA fournira deux navires de soutien offshore pour la Marine

INDONESIE : OCEA fournira deux navires de soutien offshore pour la Marine | Newsletter navale |

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) has ordered two new 60 m offshore support vessels (OSVs) from French shipbuilder OCEA SA, said the Ministry of Defence (MoD) on 26 June.

Rachmad Lubis, head of the MoD's Defence Facilities Agency, told reporters that the contract, worth USD100 million, was signed in October 2013 following negotiations between French and Indonesian government representatives.

"We had a South Korean firm participating in the tender. However, after reviewing the capabilities needed including technology that will go on board the vessels, we decided to acquire the boats from the French company instead," said Lubis, during a visit to the shipyard at Les Sables d'Olonne where the OSVs are being built.

The TNI-AL plans to deploy the vessels, which will be armed with one 20 mm and two 12.7 mm guns, primarily for maritime surveillance and oceanographic purposes. "The vessels will fulfil a capability gap ... in mapping our underwater terrain," said Lubis, noting that Indonesia's underwater topographical data required updating and adding that data retrieved by the vessels will be critical in supporting TNI-AL defence-related tasks.

According to manufacturer specifications, the 500-tonne OSVs have a top speed of 16 kt and can accommodate 30 crew and six embarked personnel.

Read the full article at

Via Valerie I.
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Scooped by Patrick H.
May 5, 2014 8:05 AM!

La Marine indonésienne va acquérir 16 hélicoptères Panther configurés ASM pour ses corvettes SIGMA 10514

La Marine indonésienne va acquérir 16 hélicoptères Panther configurés ASM pour ses corvettes SIGMA 10514 | Newsletter navale |

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) is to acquire 16 AS565 Panther anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters from Airbus Helicopters, it announced on 28 April.

"The contract is in the final stages of being approved by the defence ministry. However, we are not able to give a timeline as to when the helicopters will be delivered", said Vice Admiral Untong Suropati, the TNI-AL's head of communications. He added that the aim is to embark the aircraft on vessels such as the SIGMA 10514-class guided-missile corvettes.

According to the TNI-AL, the decision to purchase the AS565 was made at the recommendation of aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), which will be involved in the production of the aircraft. PTDI has previously worked with Airbus on the manufacture of CN235 medium transport aircraft.

A PTDI spokesperson told IHS Jane's on 2 May that the company will be working with Airbus Helicopters in manufacturing the airframes and dipping sonar equipment. PTDI and Airbus Helicopters may produce all 16 aircraft in Bandung. Details for any joint production arrangements will be finalised once the contract has been confirmed by TNI-AL.


The navy's ASW helicopter requirement is one element of Jakarta's ongoing programme to develop what it calls a 'Minimum Essential Force' (MEF), which also includes the development of a defence industrial base through transfer of technology (ToT), joint production and joint development.

Divided into three phases - 2010-2014, 2015-2019, and 2020-2024 - the navy's procurements include the ASW helicopter; the phased mid-life modernisation of two corvettes for an estimated USD100 million; two hydrographic and oceanographic research ships (USD100 million); a new sail training ship (USD80 million); and two CN 235 maritime patrol aircraft (USD60 million).

The naval air arm is organised into two wings: Udara 1 at Juanda (the main training base) and Udara 2 at Tanjung Pinang. The most modern helicopters in service are four Bell 412 EP helicopters delivered in 2012. In 2011 the navy said that the Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite was a contender for the helicopter requirement; this was likely due to the availability of SH-2Gs that were ordered and then cancelled by Australia - these aircraft have since been purchased by New Zealand.

The requirement for ASW helicopters reflects the increase in subsurface fleets in Southeast Asia. Singapore is expanding its submarine fleet from four to six boats with the procurement of two Type 218SGs from ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, while Vietnam recently received the first two of six 'Kilo'-class boats from Russia. Indonesia itself is purchasing three Chang Bogo-class diesel-electric attack submarines from South Korea, while China's ongoing naval build-up includes attack and ballistic missile submarines.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
April 16, 2014 12:52 PM!

Salon DSA 2014 : présentation du nouveau trimaran FMPV de North Sea Boats et SAAB commandé par l'Indonésie

Salon DSA 2014 : présentation du nouveau trimaran FMPV de North Sea Boats et SAAB commandé par l'Indonésie | Newsletter navale |

At DSA 2014, the 14th Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference currently held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Indonesian shipyard North Sea Boats (PT. Lundin) and SAAB are showing an updated model of the 63m FMPV Trimaran design ordered by the Indonesian Navy.

Talking to Navy Recognition during DSA 2014, a SAAB representative explained that the Swedish company is planning to fit its new Sea Giraffe 1X 3D radar higher up in the mast for better radar coverage and less limitation because of the curvature of the Earth. This is possible because the new radar is only 150 kilograms. This explains the quite unique shape of the newly designed mast onboard the FMPV (Fast Missile Patrol Vessel) Trimaran. The mast would integrate the radar, the ESM and the communication systems.
Following the accidental destruction of the first-of-class ship KRI Klewang shortly after its launch in 2012, SAAB and North Sea Boats have now signed a partnership for the project. SAAB is planning to offer this turnkey solution to both TNI AL (Indonesian Navy) and for export under the name "Stealth FAC" (Stealth Fast Attack Craft).

According to the SAAB representative, the new FMPV Trimaran would be fitted with
- 4x RBS15 Mk3 anti-ship missiles
- 1x BAE Systems 40Mk4 gun under a stealth cupola
- A stern ramp to deploy a 12 meters RIB
- SAAB's 9LV combat management system
- SAAB's Ceros 200 radar and optronic tracking system
- SAAB's TactiCall Integrated Communications System

The original class (KRI Klewang) was supposed to be fitted with mostly Chinese weapons and systems. PT Lundin representatives at DSA 2014 told Navy Recognition that officially, the Indonesian Navy is still evaluating which weapons and sensors should be fitted onboard the updated Trimaran design.

RBS15 Mk3 is a fire-and-forget, subsonic cruise type missile with all weather capability with a range in excess of 200 Km.

Construction of a new 63m FMPV Trimaran started in February 2014 at the North Sea Boats facility in Indonesia. The newly designed ship should be launched 24 months from now. According to SAAB, a future version may be fitted with an anti-submarine warfare suite (weapons + sensors).

According to a BAE Systems Bofors representative at DSA 2014, this could be the first export case for the new 40Mk4 naval gun system, even though the company is in discussion with other countries as we speak.

We learned that the current order from TNI AL is for 4 vessels, but overall close to 30 units could ultimately be produced for TNI AL alone.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
April 15, 2014 11:41 AM!

La Marine indonésienne modernise ses corvettes Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I ex-RDA) avec capacités ASM

La Marine indonésienne modernise ses corvettes Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I ex-RDA) avec capacités ASM | Newsletter navale |

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut - TNI-AL) has completed an upgrade of three Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I)-class corvettes, including the mounting of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) equipment.

The completion was marked in a handover ceremony held at the headquarters of TNI-AL's Western Fleet in central Jakarta on 4 April.

The 75 m vessels, KRI Kapitan Pattimura , KRI Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin and KRI Sutedi Senoputra , underwent upgrade works over a period of 234 days at a naval repair facility in Jakarta. The ex-German Democratic Republic boats, originally inducted into the East German Navy in the 1980s, were re-commissioned into the TNI-AL between 1993 and 1995.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
March 19, 2014 1:32 PM!

La Marine indonésienne commande un nouveau patrouilleur lance-missiles furtif trimaran pour remplacer le Klewang

La Marine indonésienne commande un nouveau patrouilleur lance-missiles furtif trimaran pour remplacer le Klewang | Newsletter navale |

According to Indonesian media JakartaGreater, citing the Chief of Indonesian Navy, a new 63 meters Stealth Fast Missile Patrol Vessel (FMPV) trimaran will be ordered from shipbuilder North Sea Boats (PT Lundin). The first vessel, KRI Klewang-625, was destroyed in a fire in September 2012 shortly after its launch.

The Fast Missile Patrol Vessel (FMPV) was officialy launched on Friday 31st August, 2012 at PT Lundin’s shipyard facility in Banyuwangi, East Java.

In 2009 PT Lundin signed a contract to build a one of the most advanced “stealth” warships for TNI-AL (Indonesian Navy). This was the result of an intensive Research and Development programme conducted by PT Lundin Industry Invest (North Sea Boats) and TNI-AL that commenced in 2007. Construction commenced in early 2010 and the trimaran was officialy launched on Friday 31st August, 2012 at PT Lundin’s shipyard facility in Banyuwangi, East Java.

The Fast Missile Patrol Vessel (FMPV) employs a modern “Wave Piercing” trimaran design. This allows the vessel to cut-through waves rather than rise up and over them, and the increased beam provides inherent stability. This combination of features reduces both pitching and rolling, creating a stable weapons platform, and enabling the vessel to comfortably and safely maintain higher average speeds in adverse conditions.

The FMPV has “Stealth” design characteristics, and incorporate features that minimise detection by reducing Radar, Infra-Red, Acoustic and Magnetic signatures. Stealth properties are further improved as there are no reverse-angle bow overhangs to reflect radar signals, as seen on conventional hull forms. Weaponry, including missiles and naval guns, and the ships 11 m high-speed RHIB, are discreetly concealed or shaped to meld into the superstructure profile.

Link to 63m FMPV Trimaran - Stealth Fast Missile Patrol Vessel technical datasheet

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Scooped by Patrick H.
November 5, 2014 8:25 AM!

L'Indonésie commande 11 hélicoptères Airbus AS565 Panther équipés pour la lutte ASM

L'Indonésie commande 11 hélicoptères Airbus AS565 Panther équipés pour la lutte ASM | Newsletter navale |

Indonesia is to acquire 11 Airbus Helicopters AS565 Panther rotorcraft equipped for the anti-submarine warfare (ASW) mission.

The helicopters will be delivered in a green condition to PT Dirgintara Indonesia, which will then install the mission systems before the aircraft are delivered to the nation's navy, says the airframer. Deliveries are scheduled for the next three years.

In May 2014, PTDI vice-president of marketing and sales Arie Wibowo confirmed to Flightglobal that Indonesia was discussing the potential acquisition of up to 16 AS565s.

In Indonesian service the mission package will include a dipping active sonar array as well as torpedoes. The aircraft will be able to operate from both warships and land bases.

Wibowo told Flightglobal that the large amount of local content aboard the AS565 helped it defeat the AgustaWestland Super Lynx 300 for the requirement.

“The Panther now becomes one of the world’s most capable light/medium anti-submarine warfare platforms, with an advanced ASW suite and the capability to operate from corvettes or small frigates,” says Airbus Helicopters executive Philippe Monteux.

“This fully-capable, modern solution meets the naval requirements of Indonesia and other countries in the region, benefiting from our partnership with PT Dirgantara Indonesia and the industry’s best system suppliers.”

The acquisition will greatly enhance the capabilities of the Indonesian navy to counter regional submarine threats. The type is likely to be particularly effective in maritime chokepoints, such as the Straits of Malacca and Sunda Strait, that border on Indonesia.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
October 7, 2014 1:31 PM!

La Marine indonésienne équipe ses corvettes classe Bung Tomo avec des hélicoptères AS365 Panther version ASM

La Marine indonésienne équipe ses corvettes classe Bung Tomo avec des hélicoptères AS365 Panther version ASM | Newsletter navale |

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) will equip its three Bung Tomo-class corvettes with AS565 Panther anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters from Airbus Helicopters, a navy source told IHS Jane's on 6 October in Surabaya, Indonesia.

The lead ship in class, KRI Bung Tomo (357), conducted trials with an AS365N Dauphin 2 on 29 September. The trials, which included touch-and-go operations and landings, were held in the seas of central Java ahead of the vessel's appearance at the Indonesian Armed Forces Day celebration on 7 October.

According to the source, the Dauphin 2 involved in the recent trials is on loan from Indonesia's search-and-rescue body (Badan SAR Nasional, or BASARNAS).

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Scooped by Patrick H.
September 29, 2014 12:14 PM!

Le bâtiment de débarquement et de soutien logistique KRI Teluk Bintuni admis au service dans la Marine indonésienne

Le bâtiment de débarquement et de soutien logistique KRI Teluk Bintuni admis au service dans la Marine indonésienne | Newsletter navale |

Despite initial fears that it would miss an October 2014 commissioning deadline, a 120 m indigenously produced landing ship tank (LST) dubbed a 'leopard carrier' by the Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) was commissioned on 27 September.

The vessel, named KRI Teluk Bintuni with pennant number 520, was inducted into the TNI-AL's Military Sea Lift Command (KOLINLAMIL) in a ceremony presided over by Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro at Bandar Lampung in southern Sumatra. The minister described the LST as an example of the country's commitment to the indigenous defence industry and revealed that a class of four vessels is expected by 2024.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
September 19, 2014 2:37 AM!

L'Indonésie met en service le 3ème patrouilleur lance-missiles KCR-60M

L'Indonésie met en service le 3ème patrouilleur lance-missiles KCR-60M | Newsletter navale |

The Indonesian Navy's (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL's) third KCR-60M missile attack craft, KRI Halasan (630), was commissioned in a 17 September ceremony presided over by defence minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro.

The commissioning was conducted at PT PAL's shipyard in Surabaya, where the vessel was built. It follows the successful delivery and induction of sister ships KRI Sampari (628) and KRI Tombak (629) in May and August 2014 respectively. The vessels have been procured under the country's 2010 Strategic Defence Plan: aiming to deliver a 'Minimum Essential Force' by 2024, the Plan includes a requirement for up to 66 patrol vessels.

Patrick H. 's insight:

Sa 1ère mise à l'eau datait de juin dernier :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
August 16, 2014 8:34 AM!

L'Indonésie confirme l'acquisition à Saab de 4 patrouilleurs trimarans furtifs classe Klewang récemment présentés à DSA 2014

L'Indonésie confirme l'acquisition à Saab de 4 patrouilleurs trimarans furtifs classe Klewang récemment présentés à DSA 2014 | Newsletter navale |

The chief of the Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) has confirmed that the Klewang-class stealth patrol ship programme has resumed and that the service will operate a class of at least four vessels.

Admiral Marsetio, chief of staff of the TNI-AL, confirmed the plans in an interview with IHS Jane's at the Indonesian Armed Forces headquarters in Cilangkap, East Jakarta, on 14 August.

The stealth trimaran programme was suspended after first-of-class KRI Klewang was gutted by fire and damaged beyond repair at a naval port in Banyuwangi, East Java, weeks after its official launch on 31 August 2012. The vessel was still undergoing sea trials. There were no casualties in that incident but Indonesia's defence ministry suspended the programme indefinitely pending further investigations into the cause of the fire.

The Indonesian government has not released the results of the investigation into the fire but IHS Jane's understands that a new hull material, described by Saab as a "nanocomposite compound" that is stronger and stealthier, was chosen partly to mitigate the effects of similar calamities in the future.

Besides the four confirmed boats, Adm Marsetio also indicated that the navy might consider more vessels in the near future if options presented by the shipbuilders are attractive enough. "We could be looking at a class of between 6 to 20 vessels by 2024", he said. "The final number will depend on factors such as acquisition costs and offset conditions presented by shipbuilders, but for now we are looking at a class of four ships."

Peter Carlqvist, head of Saab Indonesia, confirmed to IHS Jane's on 15 August the number of vessels to be built but indicated that a contract has only been established for one ship. "We are hopeful that the contract for the other three ships will materialise very soon", said Carlqvist, who added that Saab is now the prime contractor for the programme and has received full financing from the Swedish government to fulfil the order for the four vessels. However the current vessel being built is produced in collaboration with Indonesian shipbuilder PT Lundin at its facility in Banyuwangi, East Java.

The 63 m Klewang-class features a wave-piercing trimaran design that allows the vessel to cut through waves and incorporates stealth features such as reduced acoustic, infrared, and magnetic signatures. The patrol craft is propelled by four MJP 550 water jets and can reach cruise and sprint speeds of 16 kt and 35 kt respectively.

The boats will be armed with four RBS15 Mk3 surface-to-surface missiles with active radar homing of up to 200 km and feature Saab's new Sea Giraffe 1X 3D compact radar, which will be mounted higher on the vessel's mast to increase coverage. The vessel's weapons and radar will be managed via Saab's 9LV Mk4 series combat management system (CMS), which incorporates the company's CEROS 200 air defence fire-control director.

Carlqvist also provided design updates, which include the integration of a Bofors 40 Mk4 (BAE Systems 40 mm Mk4) naval gun under a stealth cupola and a Saab electronic support measure (ESM) system that can intercept and identify the positions of mobile phone signals and radio calls.

"These will be very useful in counter piracy and illegal fishing missions where phone signals can be used as a target locator", said Carlqvist.

When asked of his opinion on the TNI-AL's consideration of operating up to 20 such vessels, Carlqvist said that the figure seems reasonable given that the Indonesian Navy has plans to increase its fleet by up to 200 ships by 2024. "Some of these might include the Klewang-class given its suitability for the archipelagic nature of Indonesia's maritime territories", he said.

The first Klewang-class vessel is expected to enter service by 2016.

Patrick H. 's insight:

La nouvelle version avait été présentée sur le stand Saab au salon DSA 2014 de Kuala Lumpur en avril :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
July 25, 2014 11:14 AM!

L'Indonésie équipe ses corvettes ex-Parchim I (RDA) avec des systèmes de défense CIWS 30 mm d'origine chinoise

L'Indonésie équipe ses corvettes ex-Parchim I (RDA) avec des systèmes de défense CIWS 30 mm d'origine chinoise | Newsletter navale |

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut - TNI-AL, or TNI-AL) is equipping its Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I)-class corvette KRI Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin (876) with a Chinese-developed Type 730 close-in weapon system (CIWS).

The matter was revealed on 22 July by Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin's commanding officer Commander Ario Sasongko during a communal breaking fast event on board the vessel followed by a traditional Indonesian ceremony to mark the start of fitting-out works.

The Type 730 CIWS is a radar-guided cyclic seven-barrelled Gatling gun-style system primarily mounted as a defence against anti-ship missiles and other precision guided ammunitions. It integrates an EFR-1 tracking radar and an OFC-3 electro-optical sensor system on the weapon mount and is known to fire up to 5800 rds/min at distances of up to 3 km. The system can also be employed against unmanned aerial vehicles, smaller aircraft and lighter patrol boats.

Variants of the Type 730 CIWS are currently fixed onboard the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) warships such as the Luzhou (Type 051C)-class, Luyang I (Type 052B)-class and Luyang II (Type 052C)-class destroyers and Jiangkai II (Type 054A)-class guided missile frigates.

Indonesian defence media officials told IHS Jane's on 24 July they were unable to name the variant that is being installed on the Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin .

According to a statement released by the TNI-AL on 23 July, mounting of the Type 730 CIWS is being done following the successful installation of a new Chinese-developed SEWACO combat management system on the vessel.

Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin is an ex-German Democratic Republic vessel, originally inducted into the East German Navy in June 1982 and re-commissioned into the TNI-AL in February 1995. The corvette is currently listed under the strength of the TNI-AL's western fleet (KOARMABAR).

Patrick H. 's insight:

La Marine indonésienne modernise en ce moment les armes et senseurs de ces bâtiments dans tous les domaines de lutte :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
July 19, 2014 3:36 PM!

Le Ministre de la Défense indonésien intègre officiellement 2 frégates légères multimissions au sein de sa Marine

Le Ministre de la Défense indonésien intègre officiellement 2 frégates légères multimissions au sein de sa Marine | Newsletter navale |

Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Purnomo Yusgiantoro inaugurated two Bung Tomo-class Multirole Light Frigates KRI Bung Tomo-357 and KRI John Lie-358 in Anchorline, Barrow-In-Furness, England yesterday.
In addition to the attendance of the Ministry of Defence, the naming ceremony and the inauguration of KRI Bung Tomo-357 and KRI John Lie-358 was also attended by members of the House of Representatives 1st Commission of Defence, Indonesian Navy officials, the Indonesian Ambassador as well as officials of the British government.
After the inauguration, both ships will directly head to Indonesia and is to participate in the 69th Anniversary of the Indonesian Armed Forces in 5th of October 2014 in the Indonesian Navy Eastern Fleet Command.
With a length of 95 meters and a width of 12.7 meters and equipped with four motors driving system subject CODAD (Combined diesel and diesel) that is able to sail with a maximum speed of 31 knots.
Both ships are also equipped with sophisticated weapons systems such as Exocet anti-ship missiles, Sea Wolf Anti-air missiles, 76 mm cannon, 30 mm cannon and anti-submarine torpedoes.
Powered by sophisticated combat management, navigation and communication systems that are well integrated,the Multi Role Light Frigate (MRLF) is designed to combat threats in the surface, air and underwater.
Before being inaugurated as warships of the Republic of #Indonesia by the Minister of Defence, the ships undergo a naming process that has a symbolic meaning to symbolize the heroic spirit from the National Heroes of Indonesia.
The naming process of KRI Bung Tomo-357 and KRI John Lie-358 was done by Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro and his wife.
Bung Tomo is a national hero who was born in Surabaya on October 3, 1920.
Bung Tomo is known for his role in uplifting the people of Indonesia to fight the invaders that would return control of the country of Indonesia.
Bung Tomo's heroic actions was shown in the 10th of November 1945 in the Battle of Surabaya that is now remembered in Indonesia as Heroes Day.
Meanwhile Rear Admiral Jahja Daniel Dharma or better known as John Lie was a Chinese-Indonesian high ranking officer in the Indonesian Navy during the Indonesian National Revolution.
At the beginning of independence, John Lie was assigned to secure cruise ships carrying Indonesian export commodities to be traded in the foreign invaders blockade in which the profit and income was used for the Indonesian struggle for Independence.

Patrick H. 's insight:

Le processus de transfert de ces frégates est en cours depuis un an. Il s'est révélé très long. Cet achat avait d'ailleurs été annoncé en mars 2013 :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
July 4, 2014 2:26 AM!

La construction du bâtiment de soutien pour la Marine indonésienne est en retard sur la date prévue d'ASA en octobre 2014

La construction du bâtiment de soutien pour la Marine indonésienne est en retard sur la date prévue d'ASA en octobre 2014 | Newsletter navale |

Indonesia's Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro visits PT DRU's shipyard to check on construction progress on the TNI-AL's new logistics support vessel. (Indonesian Ministry of Defence).

An Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) indigenously produced logistics support ship may miss its planned October 2014 commissioning deadline, after a shipyard visit by Indonesia's defence minister revealed that the vessel remains incomplete.

Minister for Defence Purnomo Yusgiantoro visited PT Daya Radar Utama's (DRU's) shipyard at Bandar Lampung in southern Sumatra on 28 June to check construction progress on the as-yet unnamed 120 m vessel. The minister was hosted by PT DRU's Director Amir Gunawan, who gave an update on progress and challenges faced. The nature of these challenges was, however, not made public.

PT DRU won a contract to construct the 6,000-tonne vessel, which features a roll-on/roll-off design, in December 2012.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
May 15, 2014 1:03 PM!

La Marine indonésienne équipe ses patrouilleurs rapides KCR-40 de systèmes de défense CIWS AK-630

La Marine indonésienne équipe ses patrouilleurs rapides KCR-40 de systèmes de défense CIWS AK-630 | Newsletter navale |

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut) has equipped two of its KCR-40-class anti-ship missile craft with AK-630 close in weapon systems (CIWS).

KRI Clurit and KRI Kujang have each been mounted with the six-barrelled, water-cooled system that can fire between 1,500 to 5,000 rds/min. The weapons complement a Vektor 20 mm and two 12.7 mm machine guns on each of the vessels.

A spokesperson from state-owned shipbuilder PT Palindo Marine Industry (PT PAL) told IHS Jane's that the CIWS are currently being integrated with the vessels' search radars and will undergo further testing before being certified as fully operational. The systems will specifically be tested in their ability to detect and lock onto simulated attacks by aircraft, small boats and projectiles such as sea-skimming missiles.

Depending on TNI-AL's assessment of how well the CIWS performs on Clurit and Kujang , the AK-630 may be mounted on the rest of the TNI-AL's KCR-40-class missile craft. IHS Jane's reported in January 2012 that the TNI-AL is expected to receive a total of nine KCR-40 ships from PT PAL by 2014.

The 250-tonne ships are powered by three MAN V12 engines and feature hulls built of aluminium and high-tensile steel. The KCR-40 class can reach a top speed of 30 kt.

The company told IHS Jane's that besides the CIWS, Clurit and Kujang were also recently fitted with two transversely mounted launchers for the C-705 anti-ship missiles jointly produced by PT Pindad and China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation. No details were given on when the weapons would be operational.

Patrick H. 's insight:

Rappelons les caractéristiques de ce système déjà ancien de type Gatling issu de l'ère soviétique :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
April 19, 2014 5:39 AM!

Indonésie : cérémonie de mise sur cale de la 1ère frégate PKR SIGMA 10514 (design DAMEN) au chantier PTPAL

Indonésie : cérémonie de mise sur cale de la 1ère frégate PKR SIGMA 10514 (design DAMEN) au chantier PTPAL | Newsletter navale |

In accordance with the agreed planning in the contract for the construction of a Damen SIGMA Frigate for the Indonesian Navy, the keellaying ceremony has taken place on 16 April 2014 at the PT PAL (Persero) Shipyard in Surabaya, Indonesia. The construction of the 4 modules that are going to be built at PT PAL (Persero) Shipyard Surabaya and the two modules that are being built in Vlissingen, are proceeding according to schedule.

The construction and testing of the modules simultaneously at two different locations signifies the unique Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding modular building strategy that is unparalleled in the naval shipbuilding industry. All modules will be assembled at the PT PAL (Persero) Shipyard under main contractorship of Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding followed by Harbour Acceptance Tests and Sea Acceptance Trials.

Second Frigate
Furthermore, the progress for the second SIGMA 10514 PKR frigate, for which the contract was signed 14 February 2013, proceeds as scheduled and construction is foreseen to start in approximately 3 months.

Expanding Indonesian Navy
The acquisition of the SIGMA 10514 PKR Frigate is part of the further modernization and expansion of the Indonesian Navy, TNI-AL. The main missions and tasks of the SIGMA PKR 10514 will be in the domains of naval warfare as well as Maritime Security missions and tasks. Also, the ship may be used for humanitarian support tasks.

The main characteristics of the SIGMA PKR 10514 Frigate are:
Length: 105 mtr
Width: 14 mtrs
Displacement: approx. 2400 tons
Propulsion: Combined Diesel and Electric(CODOE)
Crew: 100 + 20 spare accommodation
Combat System:
• Extensive Air, Surface and Sub-Surface Surveillance capabilities.
• Guided missile Systems and gun systems for Anti-Air Warfare and Anti-Surface Warfare
• Torpedo systems for Anti-Submarine Warfare
• Active and Passive Electronic Warfare Systems
• Tacticos Combat Management System
• Also, the SIGMA PKR 10514 Frigate will be able to carry an organic helicopter.

Link to SIGMA 10514 PKR Frigate technical datasheet

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Scooped by Patrick H.
April 16, 2014 3:34 AM!

La Marine indonésienne équipe ses frégates et corvettes de radars à faible probabilité d'interception

La Marine indonésienne équipe ses frégates et corvettes de radars à faible probabilité d'interception | Newsletter navale |

The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) will equip a total of four Ahmad Yani (Van Speijk)-class guided missile frigates and one Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I)-class corvette with low-probability-of-intercept (LPI) naval radars.

The radars will be built by Indonesian naval sensor manufacturer PT Infra RCS, company officials told [i>IHS Jane's on 11 April.

The company describes its equipment, the IRCS LPI Radar, as a stealthy sea-based X-band (SBX) radar with frequency modulated continuous wave technology.

"It has a maximum power output of only 10 W, making it quiet and virtually invisible to radar warning receivers on enemy vessels", said Prihatno Susanto, Technical Advisor for the company. "This allows our warships to detect hostile surface combatants without being discovered".

The IRCS LPI Radar has an effective range of 24 n miles and is equipped with tracking software known as Maritime Tracking Aid that allows for automatic radar plotting aid functionality. The system's antenna rotates at 20 rpm and has a gain of about 30dB.

The radar is available as a stand-alone system but can also be integrated with a vessel's electronic chart display and information system (IRCS) and combat management system.

The vessels now equipped with the radar are the guided missile frigates KRI Ahmad Yani and KRI Abdul Halim Perdanakusuma. Both began upgrade works in December 2013. Undergoing the equipment fixture currently are similar vessels in class KRI Yos Sudarso , KRI Oswald Siahaan and the Kapitan Pattimura-class corvette KRI Sultan Taha .

Besides LPI naval radars, the company has also won a contract to equip Oswald Siahaan and Yos Sudarso with naval electronic support measures (ESM) systems that can detect electromagnetic emissions from electronic devices on enemy ships such as radar, communications equipment, jammers and missile targeting systems.

"The IRCS ESM has electronic intelligence (ELINT) capabilities that can pick up signals emitted by hostile warships from up to 90 n miles away via a passive radar", said Susanto. "Once these electromagnetic emissions are detected, a computer software that comes with the system will be able to identify, classify and pin-point the exact location of the source for commanders to take action."

The company has indicated that it is currently embarking on an effort to market both systems internationally.

Patrick H. 's insight:

La Marine indonésienne modernise en ce moment les senseurs de ses bâtiments dans tous les domaines de lutte :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
March 20, 2014 1:41 PM!

Parade de démonstration de la puissance navale indonésienne

Parade de démonstration de la puissance navale indonésienne | Newsletter navale |

INDONESIA - The Indonesian Navy showcased its latest primary weapons systems during a ceremony at the Madura Pier, the Eastern Fleet headquarters in Surabaya, East Java, on Wednesday.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono inspected the military hardware, which included warships, missiles and helicopters.

"We do not want a war but if we have to fight to defend our sovereignty, then we are ready," he said during the inspection.

There was also a flyover involving maritime patrol versions of the CN-235 and NC-212, which were manufactured by state-owned airframer PT Dirgantara Indonesia, and Australian-made GAF N-22 Nomad patrol aircraft.

Additionally, Navy chief of staff Adm. Marsetio briefed the president on the procurement of naval weapon systems.

The displayed warships included four Diponegoro-class SIGMA corvettes, four Makassar-class landing platform dock (LPDs), four 40-meter Clurit-class fast missile boats (KCR-40s) and two 43-meter fast patrol boats (PC-43).

The corvettes were built in the Netherlands, one of the LPDs in South Korea and the other LPD, the KCR-40 and the PC-43 were built in Indonesia by local shipbuilders.

Marsetio added that the Navy was waiting for three British-made Bung Tomo-class multi-role light frigates (MRLFs), as well as three KCR-60s and two more PC-43s.

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said that the Marine Corps had received 54 Russian-made BMP-3F amphibious infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) and one BREM-L recovery vehicle as well as 15 LVT 7A1 amphibious vehicles that were donated by Korea.

The Navy has also procured two CN-235-220 MPA, four Beechcraft G-36 Bonanza trainer airplane, three Bell 412-EP helicopters as well as Russian-made Yakhont and Chinese-made C-802 anti-ship missiles.

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