Le Brésil va dévoiler au salon Euronaval le nouveau design d'une série de patrouilleurs océaniques conçus par EMGEPRON | Newsletter navale | Scoop.it

Brazilian state-owned naval project management company EMGEPRON (Empresa Gerencial de Projetos Navais) is to unveil the design for Brazil's first indigenously developed offshore patrol vessel (OPV) at the Euronaval 2014 exhibition, taking place in Paris, France at the end of October.

The design has been developed by the Brazilian Navy's Ships Project Center (CPN).

The ship - given the designation Navio-Patrulha Oceânico BRasil (NaPaOc-BR), or BR-OPV - has been designed to carry out surveillance tasks in Brazil's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), including the protection of offshore resource platforms; to combat illegal activity at sea; to provide security for maritime traffic; and to support search-and-rescue operations.