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Scooped by Patrick H.
February 14, 2015 7:54 AM!

Le nouveau destroyer indien INS Kolkata (Projet 15A) a testé avec succès un missile de croisière BrahMos

Le nouveau destroyer indien INS Kolkata (Projet 15A) a testé avec succès un missile de croisière BrahMos | Newsletter navale |

BRAHMOS Supersonic Cruise Missile was successfully test fired from the Indian Navy's newest destroyer INS Kolkata. The launch was flawless and the missile met all its designed parameters.

The Indian Navy commissioned INS Kolkata on 16th August 2014. This is the first ship of this class, with two more ships in the pipeline. All the three ships are equipped with vertical launched BRAHMOS Supersonic Cruise Missile System as the prime strike weapon.

Kolkata class destroyers are fitted with IAI's EL/M-2248 MF-STAR radar , VLS to launch 16x Brahmos anti-ship supersonic cruise missile and Barak 8 surface-to-air missiles, 4x AK-630 close in weapon systems. The Universal Vertical Launcher (UVLM) being used in these has a unique design, developed and patented by BrahMos Aerospace. The UVLM has the benefits of stealth and permits launching of the missile vertically in any direction.

BrahMos chief Shri Sudhir Mishra congratulated the BrahMos Team and Indian Navy on the successful mission.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
October 22, 2014 7:41 AM!

La Russie présente son offre à l'Inde pour 3 frégates Talwar supplémentaires équipées du missile de croisière BrahMos

La Russie présente son offre à l'Inde pour 3 frégates Talwar supplémentaires équipées du missile de croisière BrahMos | Newsletter navale |

Russia offered India three additional Project 11356 or Talwar class frigates, after New Delhi made a formal request, Vladimir Spiridopulo, the general director working on this project at the Northern Design Bureau, said.  Negotiations have been taking place since this spring, TASS said.

Russia supplied India with two sets of three Project 11356 frigates, with the last one being the INS Trikand.

“Negotiations on the third set of three frigates have been taking place with the Indian side since this spring. India sent us a request and we presented a proposal in response,” Spiridopulo said. “I cannot talk about all the details of the third set of three frigates,” he added.

Spiridopulo also would not specify which shipyard might be given the order – the first three ships were built in the Baltic Shipyards of St. Petersburg, and the second set in Kaliningrad’s Yantar Shipyards.

The general director of the bureau reported that negotiations are underway for the modernization of the first three Indian Project 11356 frigates, handed over in the early 2000s. “But the contract for the modernization has not been signed yet,” said Spiridopulo.

Speaking about the other areas of military-technical cooperation with India, Spiridopulo said that the Northern Design Bureau is helping to install a combat information and control system, of its own design, on Indian Project 17 destroyers (Kolkata-class). According to him, this system is now being installed on the third ship of this project.

India would be looking for the next frigates to be equipped with BrahMos missiles. The Indian Navy’s existing Project 11356 frigates are not BrahMos-equipped because they were designed before the BrahMos naval variant could be developed.

These ships, a modification of Krivak III class Russian frigates, are designed to carry and operate one heavy duty early warning helicopter which can provide over-the-horizon targeting. The frigates can also have the indigenously built Dhruv light combat helicopter.

The frigate’s efficacy in anti-submarine warfare can be gauged by the fact that its RPK-8 rocket system has a firing range from 600 to 4300 metres and the depth of engagement of up to 1000 metres.

Its combat data system independently generates combat missions based on situation analysis, determines optimal number of missile firings, displays information on the state of ship-borne weaponry and transmits data to protection systems.

Patrick H. 's insight:

Des négociations sont en cours sur ce futur contrat depuis presque un an :

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Scooped by Patrick H.
August 12, 2014 3:49 PM!

L'Inde et la Russie travaillent sur un missile de croisière BrahMos hypersonique pour bâtiment de surface pour 2020

L'Inde et la Russie travaillent sur un missile de croisière BrahMos hypersonique pour bâtiment de surface pour 2020 | Newsletter navale |

India and Russia are working on a new hypersonic strike missile system. Tactical Missile Corp of Russia is leading the joint R&D. Moscow is recruiting Indian specialists to work on this project in Russia. Russian and Indian specialists are examining the possibility of developing a hypersonic version of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile. Work on this hypersonic missile will continue over a 10 year period. The Tactical Missile Corporation is expecting to manufacture this hypersonic missile by 2020.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
June 10, 2014 3:38 AM!

Inde : 1er tir d'un missile de croisière supersonique BrahMos depuis le destroyer Kolkata (Projet 15A)

Inde : 1er tir d'un missile de croisière supersonique BrahMos depuis le destroyer Kolkata (Projet 15A) | Newsletter navale |

India successfully test fired the 290 km-range BrahMos supersonic anti-ship cruise missile from the country's largest indigenous warship INS Kolkata off the coast of Karwar in Karnataka.

The Mazagon Dockyards Limited-built INS Kolkata is yet to be formally inducted into the Navy and will have the capability to launch 16 BrahMos missiles in one go when it enters operational service.
The missile was test-fired from INS Kolkata, which is a new ship under Project 15-Alpha series, off the coast of Karwar this morning and all the parameters were met during the test, defence officials told the news agency.
INS Kolkata is the first of its class of warships in the country and is undergoing extensive trials before its planned induction into the Navy in July, they said.
The Navy has already deployed BrahMos weapon systems on several of its warships including the Russian-origin Talwar Class vessels.
The missile is expected to be carried by all future destroyers and frigates of the Navy and it is also being developed to be offered to the maritime force for being deployed on submarines, the officials said.
The missile has also been inducted into the Army and the Air Force and is being readied for firing from a Su-30MKI combat aircraft.
The weapon system will also have its land version inducted into the Air Force. The Army has deployed it in both the eastern and the western fronts along the borders with both China and Pakistan.
The Indo-Russian joint venture BrahMos Aerospace has developed several variants of the missile for different kinds of warfare and is now developing a much-faster hypersonic version of the weapon system.
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Scooped by Patrick H.
February 6, 2014 5:19 AM!

La Marine indienne a effectué pour la 1ère fois un tir de missiles de croisière BrahMos par la frégate Trikand

La Marine indienne a effectué pour la 1ère fois un tir de missiles de croisière BrahMos par la frégate Trikand | Newsletter navale |

NEW DELHI, February 06. /ITAR-TASS/. India's Navy has for the first time salvo-fired BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles from board the frigate Trikand built in Kaliningrad, a source close to the Indian Ministry of Defence told Itar-Tass on Thursday in the lobby of the DefExpo-2014 international exhibition of ground and naval armaments.

"This is the world's first salvo-firing of supersonic cruise missiles. The salvo-firing was effected on January 30 off the coast of India's southern state of Karnataka," the source pointed out. "It's just been confirmed that everything went off successfully. Two missiles were fired one after the other with an interval of three seconds".

The source said, "The first missile with a warhead successfully hit the target and the second one – with telemetry – followed the assigned trajectory". "We can launch almost simultaneously eight missiles one after another at three-second intervals", he specified.

The frigate Trikand was built for the Indian Navy at the Baltic shipyard Yantar (amber) in Kaliningrad. The ship was launched on May 25, 2011. The Teg, first of three frigates of Design 11356, built in Kaliningrad under a contract concluded with India in 2005, was turned over to the customer on April 27, 2012. The second one, the Tarkash, was received by the Indian side on November 9 of the same year, and the Trikand in June 2013. 

The ships of Design 11356 are designed to conduct combat operations in oceanic and sea areas independently and as part of naval force. The frigates are capable of effectively destroying enemy submarines, exercising anti-ship, anti-aircraft and anti-submarine defence of combat ships and vessels that support combat operations of ground troops, and ensuring amphibious landing. They all are armed with BrahMos strike systems (eight missiles).

BrahMos missiles have a range of up to 290 km and are capable of carrying explosive ordnance weighing up to 300 kg at a speed of 2.8 Mach. These are two-tier cruise missiles, 10 metres long and having a diameter of 70 cm.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
October 31, 2014 5:05 PM!

Accord Inde-Russie pour proposer le missile de croisière BrahMos à l'export

Accord Inde-Russie pour proposer le missile de croisière BrahMos à l'export | Newsletter navale |

The governments of India and Russia have agreed that BrahMos missile will be exported to a list of mutually agreeable countries for defensive purposes. There is also a negative list to which exports are barred.

The missile has been showcased in several countries to apprise the potential customers of its capabilities. “If any country approaches us we will look into it on a case by case basis. BrahMos Aerospace has the production capacity, game plan and skilled labour to supply. I would like to state that we are ready and waiting. It is for the government of India to decide”, Sudhir Mishra, CEO and MD of BrahMos Corporation said on Wednesday.

It has been learnt that three submarine manufacturers Amur (Russia), HDW (Germany) and Navantia (Spain) have approached BA for installing BrahMos on the new Project- 75I submarines should they bag the contract. The manufacturers have all assured that BrahMos can be installed on their submarines without affecting the quality of the missile or the submarine. Land attack capability is one of the requirements of the Project 75I submarines.

Asked about the deliverables for the next five to seven years, Mr. Mishra said, “We are concentrating all energies on the air launched variant to deliver it on schedule. Second is advanced land variants for the Army. We have recently demonstrated a steep dive capability at 65 degree to identify targets in a clutter. Next we are working on a near vertical and surround capability for use in the mountains.”

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Scooped by Patrick H.
September 5, 2014 4:09 AM!

L'Inde espère vendre une nouvelle version compacte des missiles anti-navires BrahMos au Vietnam et au Venezuela

L'Inde espère vendre une nouvelle version compacte des missiles anti-navires BrahMos au Vietnam et au Venezuela | Newsletter navale |

India hopes to co-develop a new smaller, faster version of its Mach 3-capable BrahMos supersonic anti-ship missile with Russia. The country also hopes to export versions of the missile to other countries such as Venezuela, Vietnam and Indonesia according to Indian press reports.

“We are hoping to sign a tripartite agreement between DRDO [Defence Research and Development Organisation], NPOM lab and BrahMos Aerospace during the planned visit of Russian president in December,” Sudhir Mishra told the Press Trust of India.

The new missile would be roughly half the size of the current BrahMos, which was derived from the Russian NPO Mashinostroyeniya P-800 Onyx. The BrahMos is a 6,600 lbs weapons measuring 27.5ft in length with a 441 lbs warhead. There are versions that can be launched from the sea, air or land.

Compared to the older variant, the new smaller version of the BrahMos would not only be faster at Mach 3.5, it would not sacrifice much in terms of range. It is expected to have a range of around 162 nautical miles. The original BrahMos is thought to have a range of anywhere between 162 nautical miles and 270 nautical miles.

Both versions of the BrahMos will be available for sale to third parties. India is expected to sign a pact with Vietnam to supply defense equipment later this month. Meanwhile, India already has an existing defense ties with Indonesia.

The U.S. Navy considers the BrahMos missile, which is one of the fastest anti-ship missiles currently in existence, to be a particularly dangerous threat.

Part of the reason for that is the BrahMos missile’s particular flight path on terminal approach, but naval sources would not elaborate to USNI News.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
July 15, 2014 12:47 PM!

Le missile de croisière indo-russe "BrahMos-Mini", version pour sous-marins et aéronefs, devrait être testé à la fin de l'année

Le missile de croisière indo-russe "BrahMos-Mini", version pour sous-marins et aéronefs, devrait être testé à la fin de l'année | Newsletter navale |

NEW DELHI: The Indo-Russian joint venture BrahMos Aerospace is ready to test by this year end a smaller version of its 290-km eponymous supersonic cruise missile for deployment on combat aircraft and submarines.

BrahMos chief A Sivathanu Pillai also supported the idea of the country relying on its own weapons and systems to meet the needs of its armed forces, saying that Indian defence scientists and production agencies have proved their capabilities in this regard.

At a function here to release a book on BrahMos he has penned, Pillai said the Indo-Russian firm was preparing for the trials of the BrahMos mini-missile on a combat aircraft by December. “The BrahMos-Mini would be developed by reducing the size of the booster and engine and reducing its weight. The missile will then be ready for deployment on submarines and smaller fighter aircraft,” he said.

Pillai, who has had a 15-year stint as BrahMos chief, said the company is working towards getting the missile fitted on the planned Indo-Russian Fifth-Generation Fighter Aircraft and smaller warplanes such as the MiG 29K of the Navy. He said modifications were being done by HAL on the Su-30MKI aircraft for firing the air-launched version of the missile and that significant progress had been made in developing its launcher and other related systems.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is working to ensure that BrahMos missiles are inducted into the Russian forces, despite a ban inducting any weapon system produced outside the country, he said.

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Scooped by Patrick H.
February 8, 2014 11:35 AM!

Defexpo 2014: le missile russo-indien BrahMos Mini dévoilé en Inde (potentiellement embarquable sur sous-marin)

Defexpo 2014: le missile russo-indien BrahMos Mini dévoilé en Inde (potentiellement embarquable sur sous-marin) | Newsletter navale |

La coentreprise russo-indienne BrahMos Aerospace a dévoilé vendredi une version miniature du missile de croisière BrahMos, baptisé BrahMos-M, au Salon international des technologies et produits de l'industrie de la défense Defexpo India 2014 à New Delhi.

"Le missile BrahMos est très bon, mais il y a peu de matériels qui peuvent l'embarquer en raison de sa taille. Le chasseur russe Sukhoi Su-30MKI est le seul avion où nous pouvons installer des missiles BrahMos, mais il ne peut emporter qu'un seul missile de ce type. Or nous pouvons installer trois BrahMos-M à bord du Su-30MKI. Et nous pouvons doter un avion de cinquième génération de deux missiles BrahMos-M", a indiqué un représentant de BrahMos Aerospace à RIA Novosti.

Le compartiment à torpilles d'un sous-marin est trop petit pour le missile BrahMos, alors qu'il y a assez de place pour BrahMos-M de 510 cm de diamètre, selon lui.

Le missile BrahMos-M sera prêt à être livré à l'armée dans deux ou trois ans. Il a la même portée et la même ogive que le missile de taille normale et sa vitesse de croisière atteint 3,5 Mach.

Utilisé par l'armée indienne depuis 2005, BrahMos est un missile supersonique à propergol solide pesant 2,55 tonnes. Sa version originale est longue de 8,3 mètres pour 0,67 m de diamètre. Doté d'une ogive de 200 à 300 kg, le BrahMos est capable de neutraliser les cibles à une distance de 290 km.

BrahMos tient son nom des premières syllabes du fleuve indien Brahmapoutre et de la rivière russe Moskova.

Patrick H. 's insight:

Lire aussi :

"A model of Brahmos M was displayed at Defexpo 14. As the next generation of the current Brahmos, the missile will have reduced dimmensions, lower weight and higher speed, compared to the current BrahMos. It will be three meter shorter, with a diameter 190mm smaller, compared to the Brahmos. Its weight will be 1500kg, about 500 less than Brahmos. Optimized for airborne and tube-launched submarine applications, Brahmos M will have a range of 300 km (290 for Brahmos) and its speed will be increased to 3.5 Mach (2.8 max in Brahmos). The missile will have stealth features to reduce radar signature and will also have improved electronic counter-countermeasures. The new missile could be operational by 2017, on Indian Su-30MKI, MiG-29 and MiG-29K of the Indian Army and Naval Aviation arm."

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