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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez!

Supreme Court Eliminates #US Political #Corruption ! (By Defining It Out of Existence) - The Intercept

Supreme Court Eliminates #US Political #Corruption ! (By Defining It Out of Existence) - The Intercept | News in english |

Supreme Court Eliminates #US Political #Corruption ! (By Defining It Out of Existence) - The Intercept

Unlike the rest of us, the Supreme Court thinks there are too many restrictions on money in politics, not too few.

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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez!

#US Report on #SaudiArabia Downplays Civilian Casualties in #Yemen  ... #WarCrimes #NoPasaNada ... - The Intercept

#US Report on #SaudiArabia Downplays Civilian Casualties in #Yemen  ... #WarCrimes #NoPasaNada ... - The Intercept | News in english |

#US Report on #SaudiArabia Downplays Civilian Casualties in #Yemen  ... #WarCrimes #NoPasaNada ... - The Intercept

Apr. 15 2016, 10:51 p.m.


A State Department report on human rights minimizes civilian casualties from Saudi-led bombing in Yemen.


Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

IN ITS ANNUAL human rights report on Saudi Arabia, the State Department ignored thousands of civilian casualties from the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen and overlooked the widespread use of illegal cluster munitions by the bombing coalition.

Saudi Arabia launched an air campaign in Yemen last March after Houthi rebels in Yemen threatened the rule of the Saudi-backed president. The Saudi military has been widely criticized for targeting civilians, destroying homes, schools, and hospitals, and using internationally banned cluster munitions.

The Obama administration has supported the Saudi-led campaign throughout, providing the coalition with intelligence and selling them at least $20 billion in weapons since the campaign began in March.

The report, which was released Wednesday and covers all of 2015, attributes to Human Rights Watch a report “that 13 people total were killed, including three children, in seven rocket attacks from April to mid-July.”

But Human Rights Watch also tallied more than 550 civilian deaths in 2015 from 36 airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition, and documented 15 attacks where the coalition used banned cluster munitions, according to Belkis Wille, the group’s Yemen researcher.

The group estimates that coalition bombing has killed a total of nearly 2,000 civilians since the war began.

And the Human Rights Watch report the State Department referenced specifies that Saudi forces used U.S.-made M26 cluster bombs in all seven attacks. Each rocket released more than 600 explosives, which spread out over miles. Human Rights Watch found that the U.S.-made explosives had scattered over fields “normally used for agriculture and grazing,” threatened “the livelihood of local farmers,” and badly injured at least three workers who stepped on them.

Cluster bombs are widely recognized as unlawful because their unexploded duds act like land mines, killing civilians years after the conflict. The United States is not among the 119 countries that have signed an international convention banning them.

Human Rights Watch accused the State Department of cherry-picking its research:

“The State Department report suggests that Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International accused the Saudis of only 13 civilian deaths during the fighting,” said Wille. “The U.S. is presenting a small bite of the apple.”

Wille said that some of the unmentioned casualties could have been at the hands of other coalition members, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, and Egypt. “Saudi forces may not be implicated in all of them, but the coalition’s failure to investigate alleged unlawful attacks — as required by international law — has made it impossible to know for sure,” she said.

The State Department admitted to more civilian casualties in its report on Yemen, also released Wednesday. But the Yemen report only acknowledged four problematic air attacks and confirmed only 173 civilian casualties. The report included several estimates of civilian casualties killed by both sides in the conflict, but never attributed a percentage to the Saudi-led coalition.

On Wednesday, Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Rand Paul, R-Ky., introduced legislation to temporarily block U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia until the State Department certifies that the Saudi military is taking all available steps to protect civilians. The senators joined a growing chorus of human rights and civil society groups calling for an arms embargo of the kingdom.

President Obama has approved more arms sales to Saudi Arabia than any other president. By 2015, his administration had approved more than $100 billion in weapons sales to the Saudis, and currently has approved $46 billion in new agreements.

A State Department spokesperson, who would only comment on background, pointed out that the U.S. has called on both sides of the conflict to protect civilians. He also claimed that the use of cluster munitions is not a human rights violation because the United States has not signed the ban on cluster munitions.

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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez!

#Histoire #History #PlutoniumFiles: How the #US Secretly Fed Radioactivity to Thousands of Americans

#Histoire #History #PlutoniumFiles: How the #US Secretly Fed Radioactivity to Thousands of Americans | News in english |

#Histoire #History #PlutoniumFiles: How the #US Secretly Fed Radioactivity to Thousands of Americans

Denver-based journalist Eileen Welsome reveals how as a reporter for the tiny Albuquerque Tribune (circulation 35,000) she uncovered one of the country’s great Cold War secrets: the U.S. government had knowingly exposed thousands of human Guinea pigs with radiation poisoning including 18 Americans who had plutonium injected directly into their bloodstream. [includes rush transcript]

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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez!

URGENT PRESS RELEASE from Tracy Chamoun about #Syria #Lebanon #LiberalDemocratsLebanon #Liban #Syrie #Siria #Libano


Juan Carlos Hernandez's insight:

URGENT PRESS RELEASE from Tracy Chamoun about #Syria #Lebanon #LiberalDemocratsLebanon #Liban #Syrie #Siria #Libano


FROM:           Tracy Chamoun


                                  The Liberal Democrats Lebanon

                      September 6, 2013.


Concerning the impact on Lebanon of the possibility of a USA attack on Syria.


TRACY CHAMOUN is in South Florida for a few days. For more information or an interview please contact Robert Weneck @ 954-683-1518




What will be the impact in Lebanon and the region if the USA decides to attack Syria?


First of all, violence is never a solution. Because of the alleged use of chemical weapons the USA is going to create a domino effect of retaliatory violence in the Middle East that is unprecedented. It is impossible to contain these situations and any claims to the contrary are pure folly.


If the USA bombs Syria, they will run the danger of destroying Syria just as they did Iraq, leaving it open for perpetual terrorist attacks where thousands of innocent people may be killed as a result of their actions. Al Qaeda and Jabhat-Al-Nusra, who are the prime terrorist organizations posing as rebels in Syria, will be delighted by the support that they will get from the USA if it attacks Syria. They will also be emboldened to continue their attacks in Lebanon.


In addition, the number of Syrian refugees in the neighboring countries of Lebanon and Jordan will swell to such a level that it will gravely endanger the stability of those countries.


The international consequences of such unilateral action by the USA, despite the popular demand that America should not get involved, and the lack of international support either from its allies, including NATO and even the Pope, will bring about dangerous consequences against Israel and Americans all over the world. This administration is putting both their citizens and Israel at great risk if they go ahead and bomb Syria.


Let us talk about the sudden escalation of violence in the past month and the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime?


This chemical weapons incident came right after the failed meeting between President Putin of Russia and the head of Saudi intelligence Prince Bandar. At the time Bandar threatened a violent outcome if Russia failed to cooperate to bring down the regime in Syria. Since then the chemical weapons incident has been used as a trigger to force military intervention.  We were all completely misled once by the US administration’s misrepresentations about weapons of mass destruction to justify war, and it would seem that they are trying to play us again.


What are the reasons behind this war in Syria? People call it a civil uprising - is it that? Or is this an organized attempt to topple a regime by foreign vested interests?


The initial uprising may have been popular in Syria but its progression was not. Since the outset, embedded and internationally trained elements from different radical Islamic factions were positioned to escalate and degrade the situation leading to a civil war.


There are many reasons why Syria was targeted, and different interests have converged to finance and perpetuate this deadly war. The USA and Israel’s objectives were to target Iran and Hezbollah. The weakest link was Syria, and so Syria became expendable.


The Gulf state of Qatar had its own agenda and took it upon itself to finance the eradication of the Syrian regime. In 2009 Bashar El-Assad refused to sign a hugely lucrative exclusive contract with Qatar that would supply a gas pipeline to Europe. Assad refused because it would have undercut their chief ally Russia who controlled that supply. Since then, Qatar has been on a mission to replace the Assad regime by financing the rebels and supplying them with weapons.


The Saudis have also channeled Jihadist and Salafist elements to fight the regime. In the meantime, Syria is being destroyed and its population devastated.


What is going on now in Syria?


Today the Syrian people, including all the Alawites and most of the Sunnis, are realizing that they are the victims of an organized international plot against them. A recent survey by NATO showed that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is winning the war against the foreign–backed opposition. It stresses that 70 percent of the Syrians support their leader and would vote for him again in the up-coming elections. Anything that you hear otherwise is pure media fabrication.


There can be only one solution for Syria, which would be a diplomatic one. Any attempt at more violence at this stage to tip the balance in favor of the rebels, as they call them, will play entirely into the hands of Al-Qaeda.


What about Lebanon in all this?


Today Lebanon is sheltering over 1.5 million refugees from Syria. This is putting a huge security strain on the nation. It must be said that, for the West, these refugees are all portrayed as escaping from the regime. This is not true. At least half of the refugees are escaping from the “rebel” forces that are massacring their villages and occupying their homes. Among those refugees, there are at least 150,000 militant Islamic Jihadist rebels who are now operating freely in Lebanon and being financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. These Syrian terrorist rebels have already claimed responsibility for several terrorist attacks that have killed hundreds of civilians in the past few months.


Lebanon is at the mercy of the outcome in Syria. In the past the relationship of the Syrian regime to Lebanon was one of fear and repression. But the Christians of Lebanon, who are a minority in the Middle East, like the Allawites, understand that Bashar El-Assad is very different from his father and that ultimately he is the only guarantor of their safety at this point against the Islamic Jihadist tsunami that his heading their way. These terrorist rebels are slaughtering whole Christian towns in Syria. Nobody talks about this. Women and children are being massacred in the most disgusting and barbaric ways. It is fair to say that the West has demonized Bashar El-Assad for defending his country against terrorists. What would America or Israel have done in his place?


On the one hand, the USA seems to support the un-democratic overthrow of the Egyptian president by their military to fight the rise of militant Islam in Egypt, and on the other hand it condemns Bashar El-Assad’s use of the military to fight Islamic terrorists who want to overthrow the government in his country. This is a double standard, and I hope that the West will understand that this war in Syria is not about one man, but it is about the dominance of extremist political interests and economic gains in the region. It is imperative to end the violence because war is never a solution. Only the people suffer and lives are destroyed for nothing.


TRACY CHAMOUN is in South Florida for a few days. For more information or an interview please contact Robert Weneck @ 954-683-1518

Patrick Williams's curator insight, September 9, 2013 10:33 PM

This topic has lots of interesting facts in it. It is a very trending topic all around the United States.