networks and network weaving
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networks and network weaving
How networks can transform our world
Curated by june holley
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Scooped by june holley
Today, 9:10 AM!

Everyone a Network Weaver. Mapping a Social Innovation Ecosystem… | by Pedro Portela | The HiveMind

In February 2017, we posted an article called “Activism and the New Science” where we explored the power of social network analysis (SNA) in a context of civil society movements. We explored how…
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Scooped by june holley
July 18, 7:44 AM!

Embracing Afro-centric philosophies to decolonize research –

Embracing Afro-centric philosophies to decolonize research – | networks and network weaving |
By Truphena Mukuna How can researchers ensure that they de-centre Western-centric research methodologies, methods and theoretical frameworks so that the research is localized, and the researcher and relevant community voices are heard? How can Afro-centric philosophies be mainstreamed to ensure that the research deconstructs the epistemic injustice that currently exists? In this i2Insights contribution I…
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Rescooped by june holley from Papers
July 8, 8:26 AM!

The development of ecological systems along paths of least resistance

Jie Deng, Otto X. Cordero, Tadashi Fukami, Simon A. Levin, Robert M. Pringle, Ricard Solé, Serguei Saavedra

A long-standing question in biology is whether there are common principles that characterize the development of ecological systems (the appearance of a group of taxa), regardless of organismal diversity and environmental context. Classic ecological theory holds that these systems develop following a sequenced orderly process that generally proceeds from fast-growing to slow-growing taxa and depends on life-history trade-offs. However, it is also possible that this developmental order is simply the path with the least environmental resistance for survival of the component species and hence favored by probability alone. Here, we use theory and data to show that the order from fast-to slow-growing taxa is the most likely developmental path for diverse systems when local taxon interactions self-organize to minimize environmental resistance. First, we demonstrate theoretically that a sequenced development is more likely than a simultaneous one, at least until the number of iterations becomes so large as to be ecologically implausible. We then show that greater diversity of taxa and life histories improves the likelihood of a sequenced order from fast-to slow-growing taxa. Using data from bacterial and metazoan systems, we present empirical evidence that the developmental order of ecological systems moves along the paths of least environmental resistance. The capacity of simple principles to explain the trend in the developmental order of diverse ecological systems paves the way to an enhanced understanding of the collective features characterizing the diversity of life.

Read the full article at:

Via Complexity Digest
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Scooped by june holley
July 1, 2:56 PM!

Study: Socio-political dynamics in clean energy transition | Santa Fe Institute

Study: Socio-political dynamics in clean energy transition | Santa Fe Institute | networks and network weaving |

Times of crisis often call for strong and rapid action, but in polarized societies, strong top-down policies can backfire. In a paper published on June 17, 2024, in Environmental Research Letters, SFI Applied Complexity Fellow Saverio Perri, SFI Science Board Fellow Simon Levin (Princeton University), and colleagues present a conceptual model of how these dynamics could play out in efforts to decarbonize our energy supply.

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Scooped by june holley
June 18, 9:59 AM!

Get your Tickets! – 🌐 Reimagining Mapping - Synergies between Networks for Systems Transformation – Zoom

Get your Tickets! – 🌐 Reimagining Mapping - Synergies between Networks for Systems Transformation – Zoom | networks and network weaving |
🌐 Reimagining Mapping - Synergies between Networks for Systems Transformation – Zoom, Thu 20 Jun 2024 - 🥷 Unleash your Inner Networks Ninja
There is incredible potential in mapping networks to reveal opportunities for shifting systems and transforming our societies. Yet to date, most network and systems mapping is performed in a way that is static, and difficult to interpret for th
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Scooped by june holley
June 11, 7:37 AM!

Get your Tickets! – ⛵ Localizing Philantropy: Funding Grassroots and Indigenous Communities – Zoom

Get your Tickets! – ⛵ Localizing Philantropy: Funding Grassroots and Indigenous Communities – Zoom | networks and network weaving |
⛵ Localizing Philantropy: Funding Grassroots and Indigenous Communities – Zoom, Thu 13 Jun 2024 - 🌱 Invest in Innovation: Directing Funds to the Frontlines
Systems change is nuanced and complex, with unique solutions required for different contexts. Local communities possess a deep understanding of their unique challenges and opportunities, collectivel
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Scooped by june holley
June 10, 5:20 PM!

From Biology to Changemaking: Embracing the Tree of Alignment in Transformative Work

From Biology to Changemaking: Embracing the Tree of Alignment in Transformative Work | networks and network weaving |
the Tree of Alignment and the overarching tree analogy stand as a unifying, clarifying, and inspiring model. It aids diverse changemakers in collaborating more coherently and effectively towards a shared vision, despite not having detailed knowledge of each other’s actions. This approach underscores the strength and utility of the model in fostering collective understanding and synergy among the varied contributors to the change process.
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Scooped by june holley
June 4, 11:46 AM!

Welcome to Our Mbari Harvest | The Emergence Network

Welcome to Our Mbari Harvest | The Emergence Network | networks and network weaving |
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Scooped by june holley
June 4, 11:32 AM!

Social change needs a new leadership style

Social change needs a new leadership style | networks and network weaving |
We know, you know, everybody knows that social change is never down to just one person. Many hands are needed to make real, long lasting transformation. Yet so often, the organisational processes and structures we fall back on reinforce top-down models of leadership, rather than collective endeavours. 
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Scooped by june holley
May 27, 8:54 AM!

Get your Tickets! – 🏗️ Building Belonging in Networks: From Inner Work to Liberatory Relationships – Zoom

Get your Tickets! – 🏗️ Building Belonging in Networks: From Inner Work to Liberatory Relationships – Zoom | networks and network weaving |
🏗️ Building Belonging in Networks: From Inner Work to Liberatory Relationships – Zoom, Wed 5 Jun 2024 - 🍃 Towards Leadership that Connects
We all yearn for belonging and connection and understand that work is needed in both our relationships and ourselves. This bonfire session invites you to explore some of the barriers and pathways to the deeper relationships we nee
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Scooped by june holley
May 27, 8:52 AM!

Get your Tickets! – 📖 How to Tell Stories that Captivate Your Network Members, Funders & Partners – Zoom

Get your Tickets! – 📖 How to Tell Stories that Captivate Your Network Members, Funders & Partners – Zoom | networks and network weaving |
📖 How to Tell Stories that Captivate Your Network Members, Funders & Partners – Zoom, Wed 5 Jun 2024 - 📖 Unlock the Power of Storytelling
Stories have the unique power to humanize abstract data, making complex networks and systems relatable and understandable. They reveal intricate interconnections, showing how elements influence each other and contribute t
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Scooped by june holley
May 16, 11:22 AM!

Get your tickets! – 📣 Funding Social Movements to Accelerate Global Change – Zoom

Get your tickets! – 📣 Funding Social Movements to Accelerate Global Change – Zoom | networks and network weaving |
📣 Funding Social Movements to Accelerate Global Change – Zoom, Thu 23 May 2024 - Investing in movements is not just about supporting individual causes and campaigns; it's about nurturing the very fabric of social change itself.
Movements serve as dynamic catalysts for accelerating social and systemic change. They embody the collective will of communities
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Scooped by june holley
May 2, 12:41 PM!

What are “the neighbourhood fundamentals” that can help us adapt to a 3-degrees climate warming? Best to be prepared… —

Indy Johar’s Dark Matter Labs - and Imandeep Kaur’s Civic Square - have been constant inspirations to the Alternative Global since our foundation. They are naturally cosmolocal , in our terms, because they constantly think of what the localised, strong-community responses to global trends wou
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Scooped by june holley
July 18, 7:45 AM!

Is a community’s purpose best communicated as a question?

Is a community’s purpose best communicated as a question? | networks and network weaving |
Community = Living the questions together Key ideas by Chelsea Robinson, Erin Dixon, Sita Magnuson, Michel Bachmann. Written by Fabian Pfortmüller. Originally published at Together Institute Many y…
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Scooped by june holley
July 17, 8:15 AM!

July News & Events

July News & Events | networks and network weaving |
ACEnet July 2024 News ACEnet Staff News ACEnet is excited to welcome Isabel Stitchick as the new Appalachian Accessible Food Network Coordinator! Isabel at the Solid Ground Farm Regenerative Economy V
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Scooped by june holley
July 3, 9:36 AM!

Who Cares?

Who Cares? | networks and network weaving |
Care is a theme that has come up over and over again in our System Sanctuary peer-learning sessions. When we mapped out and analyzed the systemic barriers and opportunities in the climate change space, care was there. It was everywhere.
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Scooped by june holley
June 27, 2:45 PM!

The A to Z of Systems Thinking: A for AND

The A to Z of Systems Thinking: A for AND | networks and network weaving |
I loved Algebra at school. In particular, I loved arithmetic sequences, and practiced them so much that it became easy for me to see a group of numbers and extract a pattern that connected the…
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Scooped by june holley
June 11, 7:38 AM!

Get your Tickets! – 🌱 Healing Collective Trauma through Relationships: Weaving Networks for Reconciliation – Zoom

Get your Tickets! – 🌱 Healing Collective Trauma through Relationships: Weaving Networks for Reconciliation – Zoom | networks and network weaving |
🌱 Healing Collective Trauma through Relationships: Weaving Networks for Reconciliation – Zoom, Tue 18 Jun 2024 - 🌿 Healing Together: Weaving Networks to Transform Trauma
Are you looking for ways to address and heal deep-seated impacts of trauma within your community and societal systems? This interactive session will explore how to create healing-centered networks that provide opportunitie
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Scooped by june holley
June 11, 7:36 AM!

Get your Tickets! – 🌳Governance & Consent Decision Making – Zoom

Get your Tickets! – 🌳Governance & Consent Decision Making – Zoom | networks and network weaving |
🌳Governance & Consent Decision Making – Zoom, Tue 11 Jun 2024 - 🌟Consent Fosters Equity, Accountability and Transparency
Join us for a workshop that explores how consent-based decision-making can be a powerful tool to create a more inclusive and equitable governance system. Using an appreciative inquiry perspective the workshop will explor
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Scooped by june holley
June 10, 11:54 AM!

Social change needs a new leadership style

Social change needs a new leadership style | networks and network weaving |
We know, you know, everybody knows that social change is never down to just one person. Many hands are needed to make real, long lasting transformation. Yet so often, the organisational processes and structures we fall back on reinforce top-down models of leadership, rather than collective endeavours. 
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Scooped by june holley
June 4, 11:32 AM!

Our traditional, seemingly natural ways of thinking about property are in crisis. Dark Matter Labs wants us to experiment, widely and wildly —

A cross-post from the endlessly inventive Dark Matter Labs, launching their “Property and Beyond” Lab . Crisis and/of Property The concept of property is deeply embedded in our modern socio-economic systems. So much so that it is often viewed as sacrosanct, a near-natural law-like means to d
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Scooped by june holley
May 31, 4:50 PM!

Interrogating Erasure in Systems Change by Centering the Stories of Black Women as Collective Power in Weaving Equitable Experiences

Interrogating Erasure in Systems Change by Centering the Stories of Black Women as Collective Power in Weaving Equitable Experiences | networks and network weaving |
This article is part of Illuminate’s Equitable Horizon Blog Series. Find more from this series HERE. Introduction The paper is written from the perspectives and experiences of three Black wom…
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Scooped by june holley
May 27, 8:53 AM!

Get your Tickets! – ⚖️ Embodying Social Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - Somatic Practices for Collective Liberation – Zoom

Get your Tickets! – ⚖️ Embodying Social Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - Somatic Practices for Collective Liberation – Zoom | networks and network weaving |
⚖️ Embodying Social Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - Somatic Practices for Collective Liberation – Zoom, Tue 28 May 2024 - 🔥 Experiencing the Power of Somatic Practices
In this bonfire circle, we will dive into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) by moving through our relationship to social justice. And when we say “moving through”, we mean it! Through a variety of somatic practices, we will lea
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Scooped by june holley
May 27, 8:51 AM!

Networks Festival

The Networks Festival is a month-long gathering in May for funders, convenors, network leaders, companies, and governments come together to deepen our understanding of how to drive social change through networks – and practice centering relationships to transform our world.
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Scooped by june holley
May 16, 2:30 AM!

Get your tickets! – 📣 Funding Social Movements to Accelerate Global Change – Zoom

Get your tickets! – 📣 Funding Social Movements to Accelerate Global Change – Zoom | networks and network weaving |
📣 Funding Social Movements to Accelerate Global Change – Zoom, Thu 23 May 2024 - Investing in movements is not just about supporting individual causes and campaigns; it's about nurturing the very fabric of social change itself.
Movements serve as dynamic catalysts for accelerating social and systemic change. They embody the collective will of communities
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