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Scooped by Peter Mellow
January 2, 2021 4:30 PM!

'I feel naked without it': 99 per cent of smartphone users experience 'nomophobia'

'I feel naked without it': 99 per cent of smartphone users experience 'nomophobia' | Mobile Learning |
New research suggests nearly all Australian smartphone users experience "nomophobia" – or fear of being without their mobile phones - and more than one in eight have severe symptoms associated with illegal or dangerous behaviour.

A national survey of more than 2800 smartphone users found 99 per cent exhibited some degree of nomophobia. While 37 per cent had only mild symptoms, nearly half experienced the phobia in the moderate range and 13 per cent had a severe case.
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Rescooped by Peter Mellow from The Student Voice
July 4, 2019 6:13 PM!

'Excessive' student mobile phone use linked to more sexual partners

'Excessive' student mobile phone use linked to more sexual partners | Mobile Learning |
People surveyed at US universities who used phones a lot were also more likely to have mental health issues.
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