Missouri S&T
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Scooped by Andrew Federici
June 11, 2014 2:48 PM

Missouri S&T Haunted Mine

The experimental mine classroom at Missouri S&T becomes a Haunted Mine with lots of scary surprises in its dark passages for hundreds of Halloween visitors.
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Scooped by Andrew Federici
June 11, 2014 2:48 PM

S&T Football Camp set for June 16-19 - The Rolla Daily News

S&T Football Camp set for June 16-19 - The Rolla Daily News | Missouri S&T | Scoop.it
S&T Football Camp set for June 16-19
The Rolla Daily News
All campers must provide their own shoes and mouthpiece. No other football equipment shall be worn during camp. Please make sure all personal property is properly marked by its owner.
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