Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me.
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Rescooped by ozziegontang from 21st Century skills of critical and creative thinking
onto Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me.
May 5, 2014 4:48 AM!

27 Ways to Obtain Students Attention ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

27 Ways to Obtain Students Attention ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |

Via Lynnette Van Dyke
ozziegontang's insight:

Nothing to add.  Just read it and reflect.

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Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me.
Metaphoric Mind takes disparate things & thoughts; puts them together in interesting ways. Printing press: coin stamping + wine press.
Curated by ozziegontang
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Scooped by ozziegontang
June 18, 2014 3:14 AM!

Dan Pink: My 5 favorite talks on work

Dan Pink: My 5 favorite talks on work | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
Popular business author Dan Pink picks his 5 favorite TED Talks on how to find greater success at work.
ozziegontang's insight:

To Dan's fav 5, I would add Simon Sinek's Start With Why & Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe.  And Dan Ariely's Cost of Social Norms.  The Cost of Social Norms because that is the foundation of the relationship of Vistage Chairs with their members.  It is all about trust and relationship.  ozzie

ozziegontang's curator insight, June 18, 2014 3:16 AM

To Dan's fav 5, I would add Simon Sinek's Start With Why & Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe.  And Dan Ariely's Cost of Social Norms.  The Cost of Social Norms because that is the foundation of the relationship of Vistage Chairs with their members.  It is all about trust and relationship.  ozzie

Rescooped by ozziegontang from 21st Century skills of critical and creative thinking
May 5, 2014 4:48 AM!

27 Ways to Obtain Students Attention ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

27 Ways to Obtain Students Attention ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |

Via Lynnette Van Dyke
ozziegontang's insight:

Nothing to add.  Just read it and reflect.

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Scooped by ozziegontang
March 4, 2014 6:47 PM!

6 Ways to Protect Your Twitter Reputation

6 Ways to Protect Your Twitter Reputation | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
Use these tips on etiquette to build and protect a reliable reputation for your brand on Twitter.
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Rescooped by ozziegontang from Values Based Leadership
March 4, 2014 4:44 PM!

Leadership character: A six-part series by West Point’s Col. Eric Kail

Leadership character: A six-part series by West Point’s Col. Eric Kail | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
We introduce a six-part series written by West Point’s course director of military leadership, Col. Eric Kail.

Via Annette Schmeling
ozziegontang's insight:

Read Annette's insights.   ozzie

ozziegontang's curator insight, March 4, 2014 4:45 PM

Read Annette's insights. And start with anyone of Lee Thayer's books.

ozziegontang's curator insight, March 4, 2014 4:45 PM

Read Annette's insights. And start with anyone of Lee Thayer's books.

ozziegontang's curator insight, March 4, 2014 4:46 PM

Read Annette's insights. And start with anyone of Lee Thayer's books.

Rescooped by ozziegontang from 21st Century skills of critical and creative thinking
March 4, 2014 4:33 PM!

10 Common Blog Writing Mistakes (Infographic)

10 Common Blog Writing Mistakes (Infographic) | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
Ever wondered what the most common grammar mistakes are that bloggers make? Run-on sentences, punctuation, or maybe use of wrong tenses? This infographic highlights common blog post writing errors and blogging facts.

Via Lauren Moss, Lynnette Van Dyke
ozziegontang's insight:

Some great learning lesions.  ozzie  okay...I did it intentionally to interject some humor.

Phillip Newsome's curator insight, September 26, 2014 10:11 AM

 92% of companies that attributed the  acquisition of just 1 customer from blog activity posted multiple times per day.  Stay focused on your customers and hire a competent writer to handle this activity.

Christopher Lopez's curator insight, October 7, 2014 12:38 AM

Blogging is very essential to attract customers. It should be flawless.

Helen Stark's curator insight, October 7, 2014 10:17 AM

Cool infographic that will be useful for any blogger.

Scooped by ozziegontang
February 21, 2014 5:05 PM!

Bored + distracted: audio stories are just not cutting it

Bored + distracted: audio stories are just not cutting it | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
Of all the ways to enjoy a book, minds wander most when we're listening to someone else read it.
Miriam Gilbert's curator insight, February 14, 2014 9:54 AM

Very interesting: comparing the impact of reading vs listening to a book. Not sure I completely agree - the comments are worth noting, too!

Kim Adamof's curator insight, February 14, 2014 11:03 AM

Storytelling via listening - how can you tell your story to get people to want to listen?

Rescooped by ozziegontang from Scriveners' Trappings
September 1, 2013 5:46 PM!

Using Evernote to Confer with Writers ~ Two Writing Teachers

Using Evernote to Confer with Writers ~ Two Writing Teachers | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
Today's guest blog post by Cathy Mere will help you jump on the electronic record-keeping bandwagon. Learn how to use Evernote to keep conferring notes on all of your students.


"We learn so much sitting beside writers as they work in our workshops each day.  Two years ago I gave up my spiral notebook I used to keep records of writing conference conversations for a digital system.  Saying goodbye to my spiral notebook with tabbed sections for each student was easier than I anticipated.  The time was right.  More and more often I found myself wanting to do more than record handwritten snippets of evidence, thought, and conversation.  More and more I found myself wanting to take pictures of student work or record student voices.  More and more I found myself wanting to link to digital pieces students were creating.  More and more I seemed to have a device in my hand instead of a pen.  After learning about Evernote I decided to see if I could use it as a tool to record notes from across the day.  I found myself enjoying the seamlessness of Evernote. It seemed Evernote was a tool to allow me to capture the learning journeys of the young writers in my classroom.


"To begin I created a notebook for each student and then placed them in a class stack.  Each time I confer with a writer during writing workshop I use Evernote.  Before I begin our conversation I glance through the last few notes, watch the work the writer is doing, and wait for an appropriate moment to chat.  For me, it has worked to create a new note inside the student’s notebook each time I have a conference with a writer.  My conferences are often structured like this:"




Via Jim Lerman
Jim Lerman's curator insight, September 1, 2013 1:47 AM

A well documented description of how one teacher has developed her own method to maintain digital notes for all her students in Writers' Workshop by using Evernote.

Patricia Christian's curator insight, September 2, 2013 2:35 PM

Another way to document student writing electronically using Evernote.

Scooped by ozziegontang
August 4, 2013 6:52 PM!


About | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
The blog: The Better Presenter blog provides news, tips and insights that will help you become a better presenter. Evolving out of the Learning Technologies Group's original presentation workshops,...
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Scooped by ozziegontang
July 22, 2013 12:02 PM!


SEVEN STEPS TO PERFECT STORIES??? | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
From structure and plot to heroes and characters, your story must have everything in place if it's to connect with the reader. Follow our guide to storytelling success.
jg3000's curator insight, July 21, 2013 9:31 PM

Amazing !!!!

Debra Evans's curator insight, July 23, 2013 7:09 AM

Love it. I think my students would too

Vnay Thoke's curator insight, August 28, 2013 4:17 AM

Perfect for amatuer writers.

Scooped by ozziegontang
May 18, 2013 2:14 PM!

A Straightforward Guide To Using Pinterest In Education - Edudemic

A Straightforward Guide To Using Pinterest In Education - Edudemic | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
Wondering how to use Pinterest in education? Find out with this highly visual and simple look at how to use Pinterest (great for beginners!)
Stephanie Wainwright's curator insight, May 17, 2013 7:43 PM

using pinterest as an educational resource

Jan Schwartz's curator insight, May 18, 2013 1:32 PM

I admit to knowing nothing about Pinterest, but this makes it look interesting and useful.

Scooped by ozziegontang
May 11, 2013 5:58 PM!

Have Your Teachers Banned Wikipedia? They Must Not Know About This.

Have Your Teachers Banned Wikipedia? They Must Not Know About This. | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
Wikipedia's most common sources of information are news outlets, books, and academic archives. So if your teacher has banned Wikipedia, just follow Wikipedia's trail of sources to get to the good stuff. Oh, and don't tell them we sent you.
Christine Bushong's curator insight, May 7, 2013 7:57 AM

Dennis T OConnor's insight:

Wikipedia is a solid way to begin a search on many topics IF you follow the backtrail to the sources listed in the article. 

As a school librarian, I agree with this advice.  If you know little about a topic that you are researching, begin with Wikipedia to gather search terms and find sources of information from the citations.  Wikipedia should not be cited as a source for academic research, but it can be a tool for finding sources that are.

Sarah Rach-Sovich's curator insight, May 7, 2013 9:06 AM

A great starting point - track it back to see where it might have come from.

Lorena Swetnam's curator insight, May 7, 2013 9:43 AM

Teach students and teachers how Wikipedia can be a starting point in the research process, not the final destination. 

Rescooped by ozziegontang from Digital Storytelling
April 10, 2013 11:04 AM!

Digital Storytelling Evaluation Rubrics

Digital Storytelling Evaluation Rubrics | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |

Via José Carlos
ozziegontang's insight:

Monitor and measure. Karen's comments and finding Jose's rubrics are most helpful.

Cavett Binion's comment, April 9, 2013 7:34 AM
Great insight, Karen, on how an educational rubric is repurposeable for business. Thanks.
José Carlos's comment, April 9, 2013 8:43 AM
Great Karen :)
malek's curator insight, April 9, 2013 10:05 AM

Karen can always find a new angle  in digital storytelling

Rescooped by ozziegontang from Online Teaching
April 8, 2013 8:38 PM!

The World’s Largest Repository of Free Online Learning Tutorials

The World’s Largest Repository of Free Online Learning Tutorials | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |

Here’s a common scenario. Someone emails and asks about an elearning tutorial I have on the blog. It’s not always easy to find the specific tutorial buried in a given post. In fact, there are many times I either forgot that I had created that tutorial or I can’t recall where it’s at either. I know. It’s part of getting older.


Today I am going to fix that. I have listed every blog post that has a video tutorial that shows how to create something related to online learning. So, if you’re just getting started with building online learning courses (or new to the blog), now you have a handy resource with links to all sorts of rapid elearning tutorials.


Via Gust MEES, Nancy O'Sullivan
ozziegontang's insight:

It is great to have fellow curators like Dennis O'Connor and Karen Dietz who keep on giving.  It's the old adage: The more you give, the more you receive.

Rosana Mondino's curator insight, April 14, 2013 5:17 PM

add your insight...

Jordi Castells's curator insight, April 28, 2013 2:45 PM

strongly recommended!

Charles Boddy's curator insight, May 25, 2013 2:07 PM

An amazing collection of free tutorials of interest to teachers and trainers who want to produce online or e-learning materials, especially with PowerPoint. 

Scooped by ozziegontang
May 5, 2014 5:06 AM!

Top 10 for Policy and Action in Integrative Medicine and Health in 2013

Top 10 for Policy and Action in Integrative Medicine and Health in 2013 | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
Top 10 for Policy and Action in Integrative Medicine and Health in 2013 - The Huffington Post

The Academy initiative of ABIHM and Mimi Guarneri, M.D.: new collaborative platform?

An end of year development may have the most significant impact on the field going forward. The American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, in partnership with integrative cardiologist Mimi Guarneri, M.D. and her connection to the Calgary-based Taylor Family Foundation, are imagining the development of a multidisciplinary, multi-stakeholder global platform for education, certification and policy advancement for integrative health and medicine. Such a dream is not new. What sets this apart is the relationship with what is rumored to be potentially an 8-digit level of philanthropic investment. This "Academy," is it is being called, could be an exciting engine for unity and growth.

ozziegontang's insight:

If you want to know the future; create it.  And the ABIHM along with Mimi Guarneri are creating the future of Integrative Medicine.

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Scooped by ozziegontang
March 13, 2014 2:16 AM!

6 Facts About Content Curation and SEO You May Not Know

6 Facts About Content Curation and SEO You May Not Know | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
If you struggle with providing a steady stream of fresh, relevant content for your website, you’re not alone. Perhaps one of the best ways to overcome this challenge, while also increasing the value you provide to your audience, is through the process of editorialized content curation.

But while we know that this process (when done right) is beneficial in terms of driving traffic, extending reach and providing interesting and valuable content, what does Google think about content curation? Continue reading →
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Scooped by ozziegontang
March 4, 2014 6:47 PM!

Launching for Google+: authorship and posting to Google+ Company pages

Launching for Google+: authorship and posting to Google+ Company pages | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
While some debate whether Google+ is a ghost town or not, the search giant's social network quietly passed the 1 Billion user mark. That's right: 1 Billion people have a Google+ account which is 2x Twitter's user base and only 15% less than Facebook's. Perhaps more importantly, the +1 button is pressed more than 5 million times a day and 340 million of its users are active.
Scoopiteers didn’t need to wait for those metrics to be public to demand that we add Google+ to the’s sharing options: as our platform is a hub to discover, curate and share content to feed your online channels, it’s natural to offer as many distribution options as possible. So today, after integrating  with Facebook profiles and pages, LinkedIn profiles, groups and pages, Twitter and many other social platform such as Wordpress or Tumblr, we’re excited to launch our integration with Google+ with 2 new features:

Adding Google+ Company pages as a sharing option to

Adding Google+ authorship to your profile Continue reading →
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Scooped by ozziegontang
March 4, 2014 4:42 PM!

25 Quotes for the Dedicated Storyteller/ Content Strategist

25 Quotes for the Dedicated Storyteller/ Content Strategist | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
SlideShare is the world’s largest community for sharing presentations. Discover great content and connect with like-minded individuals.
ozziegontang's insight:

With these friends of mine that I follow, I can only say read their insights.  Karen's one of those to be followed. ozzie

ozziegontang's curator insight, March 4, 2014 4:40 PM

With these friends of mine that I follow, I can only say read their insights.  Karen's one of those to be followed. ozzie

Ken Morrison's curator insight, March 8, 2014 7:14 AM

My favorite is:

"People don't pay attention to advertising. They pay attention to what interests them. Sometimes that is advertising."

Scooped by ozziegontang
March 4, 2014 4:16 PM!

▶ Andreas Hofer: Sharing (and embedding) a YouTube Video from a certain start time - YouTube

a very useful tip for flipped classrooms: share a video with your students from a certain time or embed it in your blog, class website or LMS
Henrietta Marcella Paz-Amor's curator insight, March 4, 2014 10:01 AM

This is a super helpful tip to get the embedded video code to include a specific start time! I must share this one.

willdonovan's curator insight, March 4, 2014 10:13 PM

#GAJam project #JamTip I love this feature of setting a start time when sharing the video!

Jeff Dumoulin's curator insight, March 5, 2014 8:35 AM

How to share or embed YouTube from a specific time in the video. 

Rescooped by ozziegontang from Business Reputation Marketing (BRM): Tips and News
September 1, 2013 5:48 PM!

Manage Your Online Reputation [infographic]

Manage Your Online Reputation [infographic] | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
SOCIAL MEDIA (AP) - Free PLR infographic - Manage Your Online Reputation in 5 easy steps. (SOCIAL MEDIA (AP) - Free PLR infographic - Manage Your Online Reputation in 5 easy steps.

Via BirdEye
Bonnie Bracey Sutton's comment, August 29, 2013 9:57 AM
Sharing, thanks Jim.
Nacho Vega's curator insight, January 8, 2014 10:18 AM

Be your #manager #PersonalBranding

Rachael Johnston's curator insight, October 20, 2014 9:43 PM

" If you don't manage your online reputation someone else  might do it for you, and you may not like the results." 

Good Point! This article has really made me think about what my online reputation is and looks like. Here is a summary of the 5 easy steps to getting known on the internet and keeping a good reputation while doing so:

1. Asses your current reputation - search for yourself online

2. Identify the changes needed - anything negative needs to be deleted or pushed down in the search results

3. Determine your best areans - publish more content on the places you are most popular,  you will hsve the most influence there.

4. Decide what type of content and topics you will publish about to promote the reputation you want to builld.

5. Start building - Publish and promote valuable content. Track your reputation by measuring and mointoring the success of your publishing and modify and make changes as necessary

Scooped by ozziegontang
August 4, 2013 6:52 PM!

The Lead With Giants Community | Lead With Giants

The Lead With Giants Community | Lead With Giants | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
» The Lead With Giants Community | "…on the shoulder of giants."
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Rescooped by ozziegontang from How to find and tell your story
July 22, 2013 12:56 PM!

Cut through info overload with effective storytelling [infographic]

Cut through info overload with effective storytelling [infographic] | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |

How do you make the voice of your business heard over the din online? By telling your story.  Take a look at the full infographic to see the process broken down into five easy steps:

1. show, don't tell

2. make sure your message doesn't get skimmed

3. manage information for your audience

4. don't let your brand get lost in marketing overload

5. don't let your information get lost in different places

Via Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
Samuel Pustea's comment, July 25, 2013 10:35 AM
Lots of good information in this infographic!
Bad Spoon's curator insight, July 26, 2013 1:59 AM

Les avantages du storytelling dans un environnement marketing B2B surchargé, sous la forme d'une infographie

Grondin Samuel's curator insight, July 26, 2013 2:57 AM
Comment faites-vous la voix de votre entreprise entendu dans le vacarme en ligne? En racontant votre histoire. Jetez un oeil à la pleine infographie pour voir le processus décomposé en cinq étapes faciles:

1. montrer, ne pas dire

2. assurez-vous que votre message ne soit pas écrémé

3. gérer les informations pour votre auditoire

4. ne laissez pas votre marque se perdre dans la surcharge de commercialisation

5. ne laissez pas vos informations se perdre dans des endroits différents
Rescooped by ozziegontang from 21st Century Research and Information Fluency
June 21, 2013 1:51 AM!

Google Docs Research Template - A Stepping Stone

Google Docs Research Template - A Stepping Stone | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |

Earlier this year I designed a template to introduce teachers to the usefulness of using Google Presentation as a tool for research. The purpose of the template is for use as a starting point to help teachers plan and implement technology driven learning experiences that are fueled by Essential Questions and aligned to Common Core Standards.

Via Susan Oxnevad
Tim Brook's curator insight, June 17, 2013 10:13 AM

...and did you know that in Chrome images can be added from a search page by dragging them to the presentation's tab and dropping them on the slide when it opens - superspeedy

Sandra Carswell's curator insight, June 19, 2013 7:29 AM

I tried the link to get a copy of the Google Presentation Research Template that is in this blog post. It was not found. I sent Susan a message so hopefully she will get the link corrected. 

Scooped by ozziegontang
May 11, 2013 6:06 PM!

Nursing Is Storytelling--Are there words of wisdom here for you too?

Nursing Is Storytelling--Are there words of wisdom here for you too? | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |
This guest post is by nurse Amy Dixon, who blogs at Creative RN, where it was originally posted on April 30. She attended a writing workshop last summer offered by the CHMP’s program in Narrative W...
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Rescooped by ozziegontang from Learning & Technology News
May 11, 2013 5:57 PM!

The Great Rebranding of MOOCs

The Great Rebranding of MOOCs | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |

These arguments miss the point of the MOOC, and that point is, precisely, to make education available to people who cannot afford pay the cost to travel to and attend these small in-person events. Having one instructor for 20-50 people is expensive, and most of the world cannot afford that cost. That's *why* the institutions - from which the attendees of this conference were uniquely selected - charge thousands of dollars of tuition every year.

Via Vance Stevens, Nik Peachey
ozziegontang's insight:

 Am I a  life-long learner! What does it take to continue learning? Where is our culture going regarding learning?

Jason R Levine's curator insight, May 11, 2013 9:07 PM

"MOOCs were not designed to serve the missions of the elite colleges and universities. They were designed to undermine them, and make those missions obsolete. Yes there has been a great rebranding and co-option of the concept of the MOOC over the last couple of years. The near-instant response from the elites, almost unprecedented in my experience, is a recognition of the deeply subversive intent and design of the original MOOCs (which they would like very much to erase from history)."

Helena Capela's curator insight, May 12, 2013 4:42 AM

The  adoption of Moocs by institutions and what they were created for

Robert Farrow's curator insight, May 13, 2013 3:10 AM

"MOOCs were not designed to serve the missions of the elite colleges and universities. They were designed to undermine them, and make those missions obsolete. Yes there has been a great rebranding and co-option of the concept of the MOOC over the last couple of years. The near-instant response from the elites, almost unprecedented in my experience, is a recognition of the deeply subversive intent and design of the original MOOCs (which they would like very much to erase from history)."

Scooped by ozziegontang
April 8, 2013 9:01 PM!

Three Keys to Mindful Leadership Coaching - Forbes

Three Keys to Mindful Leadership Coaching - Forbes | Metaphoric Mind-It's interesting to me. |

Douglas Riddle shares: 

Mindful coaches perfect a form of conscious and comfortable simultaneous attention to themselves, their coachee, the relationship between them, and the mental, emotional, and relational dynamics occurring in the moment. There are three aspects of mindfulness that have particular pertinence to leadership coaching:

1)      an empty mind

2)      non-reactivity

3)      permissive attention

ozziegontang's insight:

As a Vistage Chair, 27 years in June,  it is about learning to listen, quieting my own thoughts, and asking questions that allow both the person I'm working with and myself to learn something new. We are mysteries that will never be totally known, no matter how long we delve.  We are back to Lee Thayer's: Thinking influences who I am and the habits I cultive. And who I am shows itself in what I do and don't do.  It all starts with how I think. Get that right and life becomes an amazing journey of discovery and creatiity.  If you want to know the future, create it.

It is about being the crucible that if dropped would shatter and at the same time is able to hold molten metal allowing the slag and dross to be cleared away. In communication we share one thing:  our humanity.

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