How to find and tell your story
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How to find and tell your story
Discovering the art of storytelling by showcasing methods, tips, & tools that help you find and tell your story, your way.  Find me on Twitter @gimligoosetales
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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
December 3, 2021 2:26 PM!

I am Not a Storyteller | Thaler Pekar

I am Not a Storyteller | Thaler Pekar | How to find and tell your story |

"Unless I am babysitting for my adorable nieces, I recoil when asked for a story. I am not a storyteller. But, like you, I have many stories to share.


Everyone has a story to share. Especially the non-storytellers. We’re just not thinking of our complex, exuberant, maddening, and sad experiences as stories. We’re too busy to spend our time articulating the myriad of antagonists and daily onslaught of turning points. We haven’t had the time, or motivation, to search for inherent lessons or morals in our experiences. It’s simply sundry stuff that happened, that had to happen, that was going to happen anyway."


Read the full article to find out how you are in fact a storyteller.  And what you probably need to start seeing yourself that way.

Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

If you've ever thought this yourself, or know of someone who has said this, share this article with them.  It does as all good stories should do, it speaks to your heart.  Then you can tackle the mind.

Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
November 22, 2019 8:01 PM!

The Promotional Legacy of Game of Thrones | Online Digital Marketing Courses

"The unrivaled cultural phenomenon of Game of Thrones has an almost intangible quality - a mix of ingredients that has propelled it from great to cult to iconic in a relatively short space of time. Love it or loathe it, you’re likely to have been just a bit curious about how the show became so successful.


Today’s digital consumers command inspiring storytelling and attention-grabbing narratives from brands, regardless of sector or industry. In fact, superior brand storytelling can increase the value of a product or service by more than 20 times.


As a show that boasts one of the most gripping, chaotic and unpredictable plotlines television has ever seen and based on a series of fan- and critically-acclaimed novels, it's fair to say that Game of Thrones has deep foundations in storytelling."


Read the full article to find out more about how GoT used these techniques to continue their story off-screen:

  • social media hashtags
  • beautiful death website
  • live streaming experiences
  • collaborations with brands
  • quest for the throne scavenger hunt
  • bleed for the stone experiential campaign
Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

I am such a fan of shows that move their story past the screen.  Even more so when the fans take the story into their own hands and generate their own content.  Among my tv favourites that are doing this well is GoT and Walking Dead.  The story only ends when the reader says it does.

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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
October 13, 2019 12:48 AM!

How To Become an Effective Storyteller | Learning Success

How To Become an Effective Storyteller | Learning Success | How to find and tell your story |
Captivating an audience can easily be done by following these 7 steps.
Jose Luis Yañez's curator insight, June 17, 2020 5:01 AM
How To Become an Effective Storyteller | Learning Success
Debbie Elicksen 's curator insight, May 31, 2023 6:21 PM
This is a cool graphic. Bring out the human in your stories.
Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
August 9, 2019 7:45 PM!

A strategy story does more than communicate your strategy | Anecdote

A strategy story does more than communicate your strategy | Anecdote | How to find and tell your story |

"Could there be a better way for a new CEO to genuinely bond with her executive team, and align her vision and theirs?


Time and again we’ve discovered executive teams who didn’t have a strong grasp of their strategy, or worse, they just assumed that everyone was on the same page – right up until we asked them to explain various elements of the strategy, at which point it became clear that each person had a slightly different take on it.


In this article I’ll explore some of the additional benefits you get from crafting and sharing a strategy story beyond helping your strategy to stick, and unpick why these benefits are gained."


Sometimes the best way to get everyone on the same page is with a good story. Read the full article to find out more about these point and why a good strategy story is essential for business:

  • Clarify the strategy.
  • Help craft the strategy.
  • Make the strategy story ring true.
  • Tighten the rope (translate the strategy story for the front line).
  • Increase motivation through purpose and progress.
  • Provide the gist before the details.
  • Discourage unethical behaviour with clarity.
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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
April 16, 2018 8:14 PM!

The Hero's Journey Guide to Creating Irresistible Patient Testimonials | Incredible Marketing

The Hero's Journey Guide to Creating Irresistible Patient Testimonials | Incredible Marketing | How to find and tell your story |

"Stories are irresistible.  We can’t help but pay attention to them.


Which is why you’re going to trade in your patient testimonials (the ones filled with statements and facts) for patient stories that make your patients the heroes of their own epics."


Read the full article to find out how tell your patients stories by:

  • breaking down each stage of the hero's journey framework to develop a transformational story
  • adapting each stage of the hero's journey into a patient’s journey and pepper your narrative with meaning using five archetypal plots and morals:
    1. The Quest
    2. Overcoming the Monster
    3. Voyage and Return
    4. Rags to Riches
    5. Rebirth
  • using the real life examples and downloadable patient interview questionnaires as a guide


Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

What a great resource!  I'm only sad I didn't discover it when it was first published.  Such a time saver to have a templated format for your storytelling toolkit.  Even if you're not working with patients or testimonials, you have many hero based stories you can tell.  Use the guide and format that Drew has so generously shared to create your own templates focused on your client type or employee base.


I really like how he summed up when to use which plot.

"To ensure you choose the right hero’s journey, identify the nature of the issue first. Then let your patients articulate their motivations. And then analyze the life lessons your patients gained from their journey. Last, choose the hero’s journey that most closely aligns with the given context."

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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
February 28, 2018 4:35 PM!

Periodic Table for Business Storytelling | The Hoffman Agency

Periodic Table for Business Storytelling | The Hoffman Agency | How to find and tell your story |

"Given a choice between dull or interesting, people will gravitate toward interesting every time (our informal research showed 37 out of 37 people preferred Breaking Bad over CSPAN).

That’s the genesis of this Periodic Table of Business Storytelling and this microsite.


By borrowing the same techniques found in storytelling, fiction and nonfiction alike, business communications become more interesting and thus more persuasive.


Equally important, these storytelling techniques offer a repeatable process to improving content development. You don’t have to be Ernest Hemingway to tease out an anecdote in the copy.


We’d like this microsite to serve as an industry resource. Consider this Rev 1.0. We know there’s room for improvement and welcome your input. Feel free to email us at"


Click through to access the periodic table.  As you click on the elements you'll find links to examples.

Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

Thank you to @Dr. Karen Dietz for scooping the article (which led me to this fabulous tool) about the Hoffman agencies recent win for this tool at the In2 SABRE Award for Best PR Agency Blog, Editorial, Communications Platform.

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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
January 25, 2018 2:03 PM!

Infographic: The Seven Standards of Storytelling at Work | Alive with Ideas

Infographic: The Seven Standards of Storytelling at Work | Alive with Ideas | How to find and tell your story |

"In our latest infographic, we share some of the ways that storytelling can be weaved through our organisations with seven simple standards that will help you and your stakeholders communicate in a much more moving and meaningful way."


Read the full article to see the infographic & dig deeper into how to implement these 7 standards:

  1. Select and collect your stories
  2. Make them personal
  3. Make them interesting
  4. Make them relevant
  5. Make them emotional
  6. Refine your structure
  7. Polish your stories
Penelope's curator insight, January 26, 2018 1:51 PM
This infographic can be helpful in crafting your story in all types of scenarios. Writing, speaking, blogging, etc. I especially love the idea of a "swipe file" of factual stories that you can pull from when writing your own.

***This review was written by Penelope Silvers for her curated content on "Writing Rightly"***
Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
November 1, 2017 1:29 PM!

Research: For Better Brainstorming, Tell an Embarrassing Story | Harvard Business Review

Research: For Better Brainstorming, Tell an Embarrassing Story | Harvard Business Review | How to find and tell your story |

"Tell an embarrassing story.  It’ll make you more creative."


Read the full article to find out how to use embarrassing stories to improve the results of your brainstorming sessions.

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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
October 30, 2017 5:15 PM!

Detroit redefined: city hires America's first official 'chief storyteller' | the guardian

Detroit redefined: city hires America's first official 'chief storyteller' | the guardian | How to find and tell your story |
Irritated by the relentless focus on ruin porn, or pre-emptive stories about the city’s tech resurgence, Aaron Foley will attempt to offer a more nuanced portrait


Read the full article to find out more about Detroit’s new way to remodel the narrative of a city beset by a history of decay, race riots and violence: hiring an official “chief storyteller”.  The stories, interviews and first-person accounts Foley and his small staff of reporters are producing will be focused on the present and the reality of living in the city, and will be featured on:

  • social media
  • the city’s cable channels
  • a new locally focused website
Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

We are the stories we tell. But what happens when your story isn't being told, or you don't see yourself in the story?


"Speaking to the Guardian about his new appointment, Foley said the media’s general focus on non-black people moving to Detroit was, in a sense, a distraction. “A lot of the natives were wondering, ‘hey, when do we get to see stories about ourselves?’ That’s where we’re trying to fill in the gaps.”"

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Rescooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose) from Content Creation, Curation, Management
October 22, 2017 3:48 PM!

Brand Storytelling 101: 6 Must Have Content Elements | Pam Marketing Nut

Brand Storytelling 101: 6 Must Have Content Elements | Pam Marketing Nut | How to find and tell your story |
Your brand story should be the thread which connects your value proposition, team, vision, mission, purpose, value proposition with your customers, potential


Click through to the article to access the 30 minute podcast to learn:

  • 6 must have content elements of brand storytelling
  • How to create a brand story that helps you earn trust and establish authority
  • Importance of making it easy for people to listen to, watch and understand your brand story
  • Why you must ensure your brand story helps differentiate you from competition
  • Why you must start from the inside out in creating your brand story
  • Selecting the characters (people) to be part of your brand story
  • Why your brand story is not just about you
  • Why you must know your unique position in the market
  • Why you can't be afraid to share your best stuff, including how you do what you do
  • The importance of testimonials and case studies

Via massimo facchinetti
Dominique Taste's curator insight, October 23, 2017 1:01 PM
Une check list des questions à se poser pour concevoir un storytelling stratégique qui fédère les 6 éléments essentiels :
* l'histoire (au sens historique)
* l'expérience
* le marketing
* la communication
* l'émotion
* le partage
* le contenu
* et bien sûr, la créativité. Plus un podcast complet à suivre en anglais.
Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
October 14, 2017 7:12 PM!

The Story Canvas | Digital Storytellers

The Story Canvas | Digital Storytellers | How to find and tell your story |

"After working with hundreds of nonprofits, social enterprises and impact organisations, we’ve distilled our steps for developing awesome stories into an easy to follow process, The Story Canvas. The Story Canvas is based on the Business Model Canvas’ and is a simple to use tool to develop and iterate your story ideas."


Read the full article to access this step-by-step guide.

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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
July 6, 2017 7:36 PM!

Infographic: How to craft great corporate stories | Ragan

Infographic: How to craft great corporate stories | Ragan | How to find and tell your story |

Unlock the power of storytelling in your organization by following six steps.


Read the following article to access the infographic and find out more about these six tips:

  1. Craft an amazing story
  2. Align and equip leaders as storytellers
  3. Help employees see themselves in the story
  4. Tell your story with knockout campaigns
  5. Bring your story to life with experiences
  6. Recognize. Reinforce. Reward.
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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
December 21, 2016 2:23 PM!

11 Gift Ideas for the Storyteller in Your Life | Anecdote

11 Gift Ideas for the Storyteller in Your Life | Anecdote | How to find and tell your story |
Most families or friendship circles have an avid or aspiring storyteller. We’ve come up with a list of 11 things that any storyteller would like to receive.
Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

What a great list!  I'd love to receive them all.

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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
March 1, 2021 1:53 PM!

Storify your leadership conference | HR-Kitchen

Storify your leadership conference | HR-Kitchen | How to find and tell your story |

Sign up now for this 5 day FREE online conference "Storify your leadership" being held March 22-26. Speakers are 30 international experts with at least 15 years of experience in business-storytelling. They will use real cases from their practice and provide at least one practical tool for working with a team using stories.


About the conference
Our goal is to make stories an accessible tool for every leader. You will learn why, how and when to use stories to get results in your work. With the help of real-life stories from work and life, you will learn to engage employees with a company purpose, communicate values and strengthen culture, create business development strategy, form a human company brand and much more.

Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

Start the car!


So many of my storytelling idols are speaking at this event.  Even if it's happening during your sleepy time, it’s still worth it to sign up. You'll get access to the recordings post conference and access right now to the course “Leadership storytelling 101”.

800Flower's comment, October 3, 2021 6:16 AM
Liza Belqueen's curator insight, August 5, 2022 3:34 PM

Liza Belqueen's curator insight, August 6, 2022 3:11 AM

Rescooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose) from Content Creation, Curation, Management
November 13, 2019 9:40 PM!

7 Ways to Make Your Business Storytelling Awesome | Convince&Convert

7 Ways to Make Your Business Storytelling Awesome | Convince&Convert | How to find and tell your story |

"I love that storytelling is experiencing a “corporate Renaissance” across business, social media, social entrepreneurism, and executive communications. Storytelling is so much bigger than marketing. It’s the foundation of how companies communicate who they are in the world and what they stand for. A resurgence is a great thing, and storytelling itself—the original social medium for humans—is evolving in the business world."


Read the full article to find out more about these seven ways to reinvigorate your organization’s storytelling for more successful marketing:

  1. Go deeper
  2. Think bigger
  3. Get personal
  4. Know your best storytellers
  5. Start co-creating
  6. Solve a need
  7. Upgrade your endings

Via Trumans, massimo facchinetti
ebikeparadise's comment, July 7, 2021 5:01 AM
800Flower's comment, October 3, 2021 6:17 AM
swiftbeaconlights's comment, August 16, 8:32 AM
Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
August 15, 2019 3:11 PM!

Tools | Hackastory

Tools | Hackastory | How to find and tell your story |
DigitalStory.Tools is a directory of tools and resources to help you build your digital stories. Have fun with our handpicked list of 85 tools.


Read the full article to find the link to the (currently) 21 categories of tools.

Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

The hackastory site provides free tips, inspiration and tools on innovation in journalism.  While the site is aimed at journalists, many of the tools they've compiled are applicable to most anyone pursuing their digital story.

800Flower's comment, October 3, 2021 6:17 AM
good's curator insight, November 20, 2022 8:41 PM

Hackastory Tools, como su nombre lo indica ofrece, según indica 85 herramientas para realizar diferentes acciones, por lo que la considero útil para los múltiples propósitos.

swiftbeaconlights's comment, August 16, 8:32 AM
Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
June 25, 2018 3:40 PM!

Doors Are a Surprisingly Powerful Metaphor for Adversity in This Long-Form Political Ad | Adweek

Doors Are a Surprisingly Powerful Metaphor for Adversity in This Long-Form Political Ad | Adweek | How to find and tell your story |

“There’s no reason that political advertising needs to be particularly boring, or particularly straightforward, or what people have been used to seeing in political ads for decades,” says McCabe. “We can make ads that are as cinematic—as well-shot, well-produced, well-written, clever, attention-grabbing—as the big corporations’ ads.”


Access the full article to see the 3.5 minute video which has gone viral.  It's a well-shot, well-written ad that carries the viewer through MJ Hegar's life and experiences, that have led her to change her life direction - using the unifying theme of doors.

Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

It all started with a door.  Such a great example of how a great story can be told in under 4 minutes.  A little of who I am, David and Goliath, and the quest.  Goes to show how a great story can capture everyone's attention quickly.

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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
March 1, 2018 12:36 PM!

Top 6 Best Platforms for Digital Storytellers | Inspirationfeed

Top 6 Best Platforms for Digital Storytellers | Inspirationfeed | How to find and tell your story |

"Our ancestors used it to preserve history; sometimes even drawing images on cave walls and rocks to support their narratives. Kids before grew up telling stories around the campfire, their eyes reflecting the joy and wonder at new chronicles heard over roasted marshmallows. 


Today, storytelling takes on the form of interactive media. Thanks to advancements in technology, we’re not just exploring stories from history or science – we’re also discovering each other’s tales. From students, journalists, cooks, photographers, and even entrepreneurs: we’ve become the new breed of digital storytellers."


Read the full article to find out more about these six platforms for digital storytellers:

  1. Medium
  2. Storify
  3. Maptia
  4. Atavist
  5. Shorthand
  6. Steller
Dominique Taste's curator insight, March 5, 2018 6:28 AM
Une sélection de 6 plateformes digitales, variées et faciles à utiliser pour organiser votre contenu du simple témoignage à un storytelling plus complexe 
Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
February 16, 2018 7:51 PM!

Go Behind the Scenes of Coca-Cola’s Storytelling | Content Marketing Institute

Go Behind the Scenes of Coca-Cola’s Storytelling | Content Marketing Institute | How to find and tell your story |

"Kate Santore took the stage at Content Marketing World to share Coca-Cola’s storytelling ethos – and in the process inspired marketers to ask, “What if?”


“Sharing our strategies and approach to marketing has been a tradition at Coca-Cola to open the door for other brands to learn from our 130 years of marketing experience,” Kate says. “Sharing this ‘thought-ware’ collectively raises the bar for every brand and therefore makes us strive for bigger, better, bolder.”"


Read the full article to gain access to the 17 minute video from the conference and a brief interview that formulated the above graphic and to find out more key storytelling points.

Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

Some of the stand-out storytelling points from the video were:

  • We begin every brief with a storytelling thought-starter question “what if?” This gives us a jumping-off point to push ourselves to ask daring questions.
  • We're looking for coca-cola stories, not stories by coca-cola.
  • One of the building blocks of our stories - be the star of your own show.
  • There are 4 key characters they coca-cola can play - embodiment of an attitude, functional offering or benefit, social connector, object of desire
  • We ask, if we took coca-cola out of the story, could the story still be told?  If yes, then it's not a story we want to tell.
  • Craft stories that take space in the hearts & minds of consumers - following Maya Angelou's saying "it's not what you say, it's how you make them feel"
  • Lens we tell stories through - democratic, inclusive, and relentlessly optimistic.
  • It's a universal story - Coke tastes the same wherever you go
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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
January 8, 2018 4:18 PM!

The 30 Best Digital Storytelling Resources for Imaginative Writing Projects | Global Digital Citizen Foundation

The 30 Best Digital Storytelling Resources for Imaginative Writing Projects | Global Digital Citizen Foundation | How to find and tell your story |

"Using digital storytelling resources in your classroom connects students to an age-old practice in a modern way."


Read the full article to find out, and link to, 30 of the best digital storytelling resources on the web today. 

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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
October 31, 2017 1:38 PM!

A classroom card game to teach digital storytelling skills | Storybench

A classroom card game to teach digital storytelling skills | Storybench | How to find and tell your story |

"Last weekend, at the Journalism Interactive conference hosted by the University of Maryland, I presented a card game that I have been prototyping for the last year in classrooms from Northeastern to the Nieman Foundation. The game, in a nutshell, helps students conceptualize, scaffold and focus a digital story for a specific topic and a specific user."


The Storydeck game is based on the research conducted through Storybench and it organizes many of the common ingredients that go into a successful digital news article.


Read the full article to:

  • download the game (a free pdf)
  • instructions on how to print off the cards
  • find out how it works
Dani Rivera's curator insight, November 2, 2017 10:20 AM
It is a great idea for advanced learners, very convinient for teachers who are pursuing creative writing, since it improves the language skills but at the same time gives a burst of innovation to the class and grouping techniques.
Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
October 28, 2017 11:56 PM!

Storytelling Mistakes to Avoid When Blogging | Sark eMedia

Storytelling Mistakes to Avoid When Blogging | Sark eMedia | How to find and tell your story |

"From telling the wrong story, to a protagonist your audience can’t relate too, these 10 mistakes are the storytelling mistakes to avoid when blogging. "


Read the full article to view the infographic and find out more about these 10 storytelling mistakes:

  1. The stories you want to hear
  2. Guessing about your audience
  3. Faking it
  4. No conflict
  5. Promoting
  6. Too long
  7. A weak opening
  8. No emotion
  9. Too many facts
  10. No main character
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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
October 21, 2017 6:09 PM!

Storytelling quote | @Storyteller

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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
October 13, 2017 5:46 PM!

Disclose Yourself to Others – Courageous Communicator Quest Challenge 3 | leader communicator blog

Disclose Yourself to Others – Courageous Communicator Quest Challenge 3 | leader communicator blog | How to find and tell your story |

"Stories are an integral part to communicating effectively with your employees. A great story goes a long way, because it’s memorable and helps create an emotional connection with the listener. What we feel impacts what we do, so stories can be a great way to move employees to action."


Read the full article to find out more about why great leaders should show their humanity using stories, and an exercise using this storytelling formula to guide you:


  • context
  • characters
  • conflict
  • moral
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Scooped by Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)
May 2, 2017 2:17 PM!

Effectively communicate ideas and stop wasting time

Effectively communicate ideas and stop wasting time | How to find and tell your story |

"It makes sense. We are all busy. We can’t have our time wasted with trivialities like stories, can we? Well, I’m going to argue just the opposite: that far from being a waste of time, stories are one of the most time-efficient methods of communication available to us."


Read the full article to find out more about:

  • Outcome achieved - value of 'return on time' and the 3 outcomes this should be tested against
  • What happens when stories aren’t told - 3 examples
Kim Zinke (aka Gimli Goose)'s insight:

Stories effectively communicate ideas even if they take time to tell.  This article demonstrates how to measure that after a story is told.  The trick is knowing when a story is appropriate vs another mode of communication.

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