MOOCs, SPOCs and next generation Open Access Learning
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MOOCs, SPOCs and next generation Open Access Learning
Examining the development of the Massive Open Online Course and its variants.
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Scooped by Peter Mellow
June 4, 2020 2:40 AM!

How can we save the Mooc?

How can we save the Mooc? | MOOCs, SPOCs and next generation Open Access Learning |
As most universities digitise all their teaching, they are finding it very difficult to deliver education online. Gorgi Krlev offers three challenges to conventional wisdom
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Rescooped by Peter Mellow from Learning with MOOCs
February 17, 2016 7:27 PM!

Report Review of Siemen’s ‘Preparing for the Digital University’ - Class Central's MOOC Report

Report Review of Siemen’s ‘Preparing for the Digital University’ - Class Central's MOOC Report | MOOCs, SPOCs and next generation Open Access Learning |
Class Central summarizes the main findings from the MOOC Research Initiative (MRI) Report: Preparing for the Digital University.

Via ColinHickie
elearning at eCampus ULg's curator insight, February 18, 2016 4:59 AM

Interesting report as always from Class Central. If you can only ready one or two resources about MOOCs, here is one of them

Rescooped by Peter Mellow from Digital Learning - beyond eLearning and Blended Learning
December 15, 2019 7:09 PM!

Designing Learning at Scale: Insights From edX’s Senior Learning Designer

Designing Learning at Scale: Insights From edX’s Senior Learning Designer | MOOCs, SPOCs and next generation Open Access Learning |
Read an interview with edX learning experience designer Ben Piscopo to learn more about the field of instructional design, the value learning designers bring to online learning, and insights for effectively building and scaling your own learning programs.
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Rescooped by Peter Mellow from Learning with MOOCs
January 23, 2013 9:02 PM!

In the Wake of the MOOC Trend, Don’t Forget About Other Forms of Online Learning «

In the Wake of the MOOC Trend, Don’t Forget About Other Forms of Online Learning « | MOOCs, SPOCs and next generation Open Access Learning |

While it can be argued that there are both benefits and drawbacks to this form of learning, we shouldn’t fail to realize that when we have conversations about “online learning,” MOOC’s are certainly not the only formalized learning spaces currently available via the Internet.

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