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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 26, 2015 8:32 AM!

12 #mustfollow Web Marketing Pros

12 #mustfollow Web Marketing Pros | Must Market |

Follow & Learn From These 12 People
At the bottom of our Make Buffer's Social Failure Your Success Curagami post ( ) we included a list of a few of our favorite web marketers. 

Each of these 12 people teach us things daily, and the list includes many from the community including:

@Guillaume Decugis 
@Kelly Hungerford 
@Cendrine Marrouat -
@Brian Yanish - 

Read about why Buffer's social "failure" can be your success and discover some of my favorite teachers so your online marketing wins customer hearts, minds and loyalty. 

Susan Charles's curator insight, October 27, 2015 6:51 AM

I'm a certified accountant (CPA, CMA) with over 10 years of experience as both a freelance and corporate accountant. I currently work with a wide variety of small business owners  internationally) providing services including financial planning, accounting, payroll and Business promoting


Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 19, 2015 4:27 PM!

Community Shock Is Coming - Curagami

Community Shock Is Coming - Curagami | Must Market |

Content Shock Meets Community Shock
Building on Mark Schaefer's brilliant Content Shock ideas the next web marketing tsunami will be Community Shock. Community Shock is when adding one more member DEPRESSES instead of LIFTS a site's ROI (because cost of acquiring new members became unsustainably high due to intense competition). 

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits
May 11, 2015 8:02 AM!

Don't Make 10 Content Marketing Mistakes That Amateurs Make

Don't Make 10 Content Marketing Mistakes That Amateurs Make | Must Market |

Do you often wake up in the middle of the night saying to yourself that it’s not worth the time and effort. We all do.

Blogs take time to write, those great images need to be found or created and those social networks meed to be managed and nurtured. It is often not done or persisted with because there are no apparent quick rewards. This is where the tortoise can beat the hare by slowly persisting. It is a marathon and a journey not a sprint.

One way of thinking about great content marketing is that you are building an audience before you need them. Content builds credibility, trust and followers over time. This earns you the right to then sell them something down the track.

When content marketing and social media emerged there were no tools. Today we have so many technology tools that it’s overwhelming.

But what is great with marketing tools is that you can scale your efforts. It was something I realized with Twitter early on. A few years ago I implemented one software platform that saved me 120 hours a month and it still does.

So what are some content marketing mistakes that many amateurs new to the game are making.

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great Scoop by @Brian Yanish - Loved the 10 Item List of mistakes "amateurs" make.

1. Not automating

2. Not optimizing for search engines

3. Not hustling your content

4. Not working on your headline

5. Not experimenting

6. Poor quality content

7. Email List Is Money

8. Not thinking like a publisher

9. Not learning from the innovators

We can even agree with #1 since they are "automating" things like social search and, to some lesser extent, publication. We shortened #7 based on their implication - email is money. So True.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 13, 2015 6:17 PM!

Why Storytelling = Future of Web Copy & Why We Write In Present Tense

Why Storytelling = Future of Web Copy & Why We Write In Present Tense | Must Market |

The Problem of Web Copy
Today a friend shared copy that fought itself. He was trying to tell two stories at once. You can't tell two stories at once without reader confusion. I suggested combining the two very cool elements he wanted to mash together into a single story.

"Think of each element as a character in the story, in a story where difference between them will become zero at resolution," I suggested. The conversation reminded me of why storytelling is the future of web copy and why storytelling online is different than writing novels.

Online NOW is the only time that matters, so even historical reference needs to be shared in present tense. Wandering down a historical path is a sure prescription for readers wandering off. Find more online storytelling tips in the G+ post.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 11, 2014 11:54 AM!

Will Hubspot Change Moribund CRM Landscape? Yes

Will Hubspot Change Moribund CRM Landscape? Yes | Must Market |

Posted by Serge Salager on TechCrunch Editor’s note: Serge Salager was formerly CEO of OneMove Technologies and a marketing manager at Affinnova and Procter & Gamble.   After several years of relatively stagnant waters, what was a dull CRM landscape dominated by one player is heating up dramatically. Salesforce officially put its $3.5 billion market …

Marty Note
WOW and WOW. Hubspot confirms what web marketers already know - distance between CRM, CMS and Content Marketing / Curation is short. As distinctions between tools blurs because it must we will gain.

Perhaps a new generation of tools will actually WORK without needing to string a ten tools together, bridge five analytics ecosystems and answer the questions we need to know in near real time.

Pigs flying yet? HubSpot's CRM entry could be ALL GOOD though :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 12, 2014 9:30 PM!

Burn Down The House: Marketing's Big Bang Manifesto

Burn Down The House: Marketing's Big Bang Manifesto | Must Market |

Burn Down The House: Marketing's Big Bang Manifesto
Insufficient describes how I felt driving to Columbus, Ohio to visit the wizards at Ohio State Medicine. Yesterday I created an outline for a book via a new Haiku Deck and it sucked.

It was no Cluetrain Manifesto.

First piece I wrote arriving at The Blackwell Inn on the Ohio State University Campus built on a piece Eli Fennel wrote yesterday. BURN DOWN THIS HOUSE: Marketing's Big Bang Manifesto is getting some great response so closer to the mark this time thanks to friends such as Mark Traphagen and great G+ voices such as David Kutcher and Eli Funnel.

Share your VOICE. Jump in with comments here, on G+ or email martin(at)

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 2, 2014 12:59 PM!

3 Trending Haiku Decks: Gamify The Clash For The Holidays

3 Trending Haiku Decks: Gamify The Clash For The Holidays | Must Market |

3 Trending Haiku Decks
Haiku Deck is a cool visual marketing tool we believe proves Slides are a new marketing channel. Haiku Deck isn't your father's slide deck template. Haiku Deck FORCES you to tell great stories and THINK about how to excite, lead and teach an audience even as you learn, think differently and rock a new content marketing channel.

Don't think Haiku Deck and slides are a new marketing channel? Take a look at some of these stats:

70, 216 = Total Views for team Curagami's 36 Haiku Decks 
7,963 = Views For Top Deck (Warren Buffett's Tips For Startups).
3,454 = views gained since 9.17 across all decks


#1: Gamify Content Marketing (4,158 views +164% since 9.17) 
Now #5 overall and a Top Haiku Deck for us and the fastest to attain such heights. 

#2: Crowdfunding Tips From The Clash (1,223 views +128% since 9.17) 

#3: 5 Holiday Web Design Tips (845 views +113% since 9.17) 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 24, 2014 1:47 AM!

GAMIFY Content Marketing - Fastest @HaikuDeck to 4K (of 37 Curagami decks)

GAMIFY Content Marketing - Fastest @HaikuDeck to 4K (of 37 Curagami decks) | Must Market |
Successful content marketing engages over time. Engagement needs online community and a role shift from content creators to community curators and GAME creators.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This deck has been flying since we put it up. Being featured by @HaikuDeck really helps. The creation of an ecosystem capable of helping drive over 70 views as I suspect the have (was at 67K a week ago) is pretty amazing.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 20, 2014 12:46 AM!

Content Strategy In An Age Of Semantic Search - @HaikuDeck by Harris Schachter

Content Strategy In An Age Of Semantic Search - @HaikuDeck by Harris Schachter | Must Market |
As semantic technology ramps up, how can marketers take advantage of this new age of content discovery? This deck touches on recent advances in semantic search and five disciplines to focus on for more effective SEO and Content Strategy. Full write-up & presentation notes:

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

GREAT Haiku Deck by Harris (@OptimizePrime). So good its no wonder it has over 50,000 views. What makes it great is how well it understands the "we are all media companies" now riff I laid down in Red Bull Branding Lessons on Curatti ( ).

The "new seo" and "everyone is a media company" work nicely together. Great and INSIGHTFUL deck by a new trusted SEO source for me.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 4, 2014 8:28 AM!

$15M For ALS, A Wet Bill Gates and Charities Seek Their Own Ice Bucket [video]

$15M For ALS, A Wet Bill Gates and Charities Seek Their Own Ice Bucket [video] | Must Market |
The success of the ALS challenge has other nonprofits hoping to capture the viral wave.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Amazing Viral "Challenge"
WOW, any disbelief about how social / mobile turns marketing into movements should be answered by the now ubiquitous Ice Bucket Challenge. Here is what we love about the challenge:

* Videos are amazing.
* Celebrities laying down a TIME based, money and activity challenge (dumping ice water on your head).
* Plays great on SOCIAL.

That last bullet is where the real win is. Just as ToughMudder's CEO said they are as much a SOCIAL phenomenon as race this "challenge" spreads because its EASY, FUN and by accepting a "challenge" we join the tribe of previous challengers.

Now the question is how do we dump the equivalent of cold water on curing cancer?

malek's curator insight, September 4, 2014 8:55 AM

Dr. Jonas Salk, who in 1955, after he created the first polio vaccine, was asked, So what’s next? Cancer? — as if a doctor finished with one disease could simply shift his attention to another. 

You probably can say the same about funding cancer after #ALS campaign, except for the fact that it's the complexity of cancer which makes it difficult to cure. Hope is our best ally for now.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 29, 2014 11:04 PM!

Redesigning Scoopit and Your Web Design Too - via @Curagami

Redesigning Scoopit and Your Web Design Too - via @Curagami | Must Market | Redesign Suggestions
Redesigning Scoopit sets a new stage for a favorite content marketing tool. Making Scoopit to be social & to createscommunity can help your web design too.

Things every website design can improve discussed in our Curagami post ( )::

* Set your “stage” (webpages) to be aligned in a “hierarchy” of need.
* Create feedback loops and expose them (like nonprofits use thermometers to track donations).

* Don’t hide your analytics SHARE THEM.

* Double down on winners, leave laggards behind.
* KNOW what is winning so you can double down.
* Ask for and prize User Generated Content.
* Share MORE and then SHARE MORE.

@Brian Yanish -
Brian is a great web marketer and one of the POWER users of Here is a great comment he left on Curagami about this post:

Marty I agree, I never promote my Scoopit homepage as it has no real value for my visitor. My Google analytics show I get very few visitors to the homepage which makes since because most visitors to are not members so can’t follow us via, but they are following other ways because 48% of them are return visitors.

Looking further into the analytics not many go to the topic homepage either, so I’m testing new ways within my marketing strategy for to engage.

Eg. Pop up and slide up call-to-actions as seen on my h topic. This pop up also show when someone is coming to a shared post on my topic not just the homepage. Right now it a newsletter sign up, I’m thinking of doing polls, follow me, and maybe even a context are two. On my newsletter sign up is see a 1.4 ctr%

It sure would be nice to have some customization options for the homepage.

** Brian is the MASTER of organization. Check out his presentation (@Brian Yanish - ). That is a PR6 webpage using OPT (Other People's Templates) and tool (so impressive). Team at really listens to Brian because he has accomplished a lot with their tool. The team is responsive in general, so, thanks to BY and others, we may get a "homepage" we can use.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 27, 2014 12:54 PM!

Invisible Giant: Why New SEO So Hard To See - Most Shared @Curagami Haiku Deck

Invisible Giant: Why New SEO So Hard To See - Most Shared @Curagami Haiku Deck | Must Market |
There is a new invisible giant, a giant using 5 "tricks" so the "new seo" is hard and harder to see and understand. This Haiku Deck and Curatti blog post is about how to see the invisible giant. How to win hearts, minds and loyalty online.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 18, 2014 6:55 PM!

From Brands To Communities - Understanding The Wiki-ization of Marketing

From Brands To Communities - Understanding The Wiki-ization of Marketing | Must Market |

As social media changes web marketint needw to inspire the kind of commitment, support and contribution made popular by Wiki-pedia. Market, create and communicate MOVEMENTS not simply SALES. Create and curate online community. Understand the Wiki-ization of Marketing.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Sébastien Carensac's curator insight, August 19, 2014 5:26 AM

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Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, August 19, 2014 6:11 PM

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 2, 2015 11:02 PM!

BANG...ouch - How I Blew Up Every SEO Link on My Blog #dontdothis

BANG...ouch - How I Blew Up Every SEO Link on My Blog #dontdothis | Must Market |

SEO Blow Up
I know better, but moving to Woocommerce just blew up every URL on my blog. This post explains how URLs are tricky. URLs get changed in many unintended ways.

Changes to your Wordpress categories, use of an add on like Woocommerce or re-publishing after changing the URL window all change your URLs and require 301 redirects to maintain continuity with Google. URLs aren't just YOURS as this post shares.  

After spending 3 days creating manual redirects so my URLs won't stay broken my advice is try not to do that :). Marty  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 21, 2015 9:37 PM!

Why I'm Not A SEO #3

Why I'm Not A SEO #3 | Must Market |

Why I'm Not A SEO in 3 Parts

Why Not A SEO #1
Blue Oceans on Scenttrail Marketing 

Why Not SEO #2
Used Car Salesmen LinkedIn 

Why Not SEO #3
Confusingly Similar & the Psychology of Great Web Marketers
on Curagami  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Digital Brand Marketing
February 19, 2015 10:10 AM!

How Buyer Personas Come to Life with Content Creation

How Buyer Personas Come to Life with Content Creation | Must Market |

Take a step-by-step look at how to quickly build relevant buyer personas and easily create resource-rich content aligned with your audience needs.

Via Pedro Da Silva, Os Ishmael
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great post about how to connect two important dots: buyer personas and content marketing. Customers are different, but they are usually different in similar ways (lol).

This means we can form cohorts or groups of customers in order to increase the relevance of our messaging, marketing and communication. Relevance is an important idea.

Batch and blast days where the same message, usually SALE SALE SALE, is sent to everyone is over. Making sure you send relevant messages to your customers is now a CSF (Critical Success Factor). Sending non-relevant messages is NOISE and the world is noisy enough.

Add to the world's noise and you break the first rule of web marketing - permission means only relevant messages please. The web is so DATA RICH customers are USED TO relevant communication. So used to relevant communication they will not look on being spammed lightly or without action (leaving your list or worse discussing how non-relevant you are to their social nets).

Oh, and don't forget to CURATE content more than you CREATE content because curating sends the "we listen and care about others" signal and trust us you want that :).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 11, 2015 6:00 PM!

2M Views On G+: Why Google+ Helps Online Davids Slay Giants

2M Views On G+: Why Google+ Helps Online Davids Slay Giants | Must Market |

2M Views On GooglePlus
You may think, "2M views so what, many have more than that," and you would be right and wrong. Right because many friends including @Mark Traphagenand @Neil Ferree(to name just two) have many more G+ followers and views than little ole me.

The point of Social Media Marketing is not to win a horse race. The point is to communicate YOUR message in order to create scaled online community. Once your community more than pays for itself your "degrees of freedom" open up.

If you know of another "moderate effort, HUGE return" tool please share and I will use that one too. In the meantime G+ may be the best "do less, get more" online marketing tool ever created. G+ is Davids stone helping to slay giants - how else can a tribe the 4500 generate views of more than 2M?

So get out your sling and load up some G+ rocks today and your digital marketing will be slaying giants soon too :). M

Marijo's curator insight, February 24, 2015 3:14 AM

Must read if you are using G+...

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 25, 2014 5:19 PM!

Content Curation: 7 Reasons Why You Must via @HaikuDeck

Content Curation: 7 Reasons Why You Must via @HaikuDeck | Must Market |

We shocked a SEO Meetup suggesting 90% curation to 10% content creation. This deck explains why you MUST curate content. Content curation is a CSF (Crtical Success Factor) for online marketing.

This Haiku Deck is the fastest to 2,000 views we've ever created. Discover the 7 reasons you MUST curate content:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 4, 2014 8:30 AM!

Social Media: It's the Conversation, Stupid via @HaikuDeck

Social Media: It's the Conversation, Stupid via @HaikuDeck | Must Market |

Social Media It's The Conversation, Stupid is about the new rules of branding created by a social / mobile / connected world.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 30, 2014 10:49 PM!

Rise of the Storyteller / Analyst - via @Jgraymatter for Forbes

Rise of the Storyteller / Analyst - via @Jgraymatter for Forbes | Must Market |

Marty Note
Wait long enough, or in my case live long enough, and it gets to be YOUR TURN (lol). I loved this Justin Gray post on Forbes explaining that MARKETING is the last thing an online play needs.

Couldn't agree more.

I was trained in a different kind of marketing than we practice now at our startup Curagami. I was trained to invade Russia in the winter. THEN messages were few enough and far enough between capturing territory and holding it was possible.

Not so much anymore.

These days capturing hearts, minds and loyalty is the game and everything is happening all at once all the time. The skills needed to play this game, as Justin so astutely notes, are different. Here is an excellent summary of those skills from his Forbes post:

  • Content creators. In an era of shrinking attention spans, the ability to craft compelling stories into engaging online content is key. That’s why marketers need the same skills as a journalist: ideation, writing and editing.
  • Analysts. Marketers need to know how to extract insights from data and use it to make meaningful decisions. They also need to create models to collect data and feedback easily.
  • Designers. Modern marketers must have an eye for aesthetics and be able to capitalize on trends in real time. Look for candidates who can create high-quality, consumer-facing assets at a rapid pace.
  • Planners. Marketers engineer a brand’s interface with the buyer, including when, how and where they’re interacting. That means creating workflows and campaigns based on buyers’ behaviors while paying attention to other messages and campaigns.

AGREE and not just because I'm benefiting from such an analysis. I imagine EVEN if I was still working for one of the largest Consumer Products companies as I did a lifetime ago (P&G, M&M/Mars) we wouldn't be invading Russia in the winter anymore.

UNLESS, we were invading with a tribe of brand Sherpas, telling the story as we went and watching our analytics and pivoting based on what we learn in near real time.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, October 1, 2014 8:05 AM
With companies like Facebook and Twitter leading the way on new marketing, where the ad/marketing message is tailored to the consumer's state of mind and interactions both online and off. Gone are the days one ad for all.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 22, 2014 4:53 PM!

Can't Buy Love And Other Painful New Marketing TRUTH

Can't Buy Love And Other Painful New Marketing TRUTH | Must Market |

Can't Buy Love Rant
Are you as tired of the locust swarm offering 10, 000 or 100,000 followers for $5 as we are? We get it. We are AMERICANS damn-it and that means we get shit done FAST.

I used to be a Director of Ecommerce and worried about my job daily especially this time of year when plans moved from white boards to website and either came in or they didn't. Not coming in meant FAST pivots or look for work. My team and I got good at dancing for our means (lol).

EVEN if you could buy things that matter in today's new world of content is king, authority is queen and context matters you can't fool mother nature or Google. The math always wins. Think inflating your following by 10x in a few days might send up a red flag?

As much as I can RELATE and APPRECIATE our desire for a free lunch, better drugs, job security and love from millions I'm come today to bury Cesar not praise him. Cesar is old and left over and needs to GO.

Cesar is our belief in BIG IS BETTER even if big isn't real, true or honest. Cesar is our western belief in out ability to buy love. Our friends in the east know better.

Love comes from doing the no free lunch ditch digging that makes better people (we lucky few Internet marketers). We've long felt the real and most important "product" any website creates is a team capable of understanding how to win hearts, minds and loyalty online.

TRUST ME we keep looking for the shortcut too. The take this pill and lose 20 pounds or drink this magic potion, kiss a frog and become a prince is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Fairy tales were cool when we were 5. Believing in and subscribing to the most damaging fairy tale - that you can buy love - will hurt your marketing, brand and online trust.

If you can FOOL THEM, many still think, more power to you. The problem is the web is the world's biggest lie detecting amplifier. Would we love to have millions of connections, fans and supporters? Of course if only because such a following confirms our sweat equity and belief system - the karma of good people helping other good people.

We too can be tempted by the devil on our shoulder. We see and ascribe to the "Greater Good" theory instead of the Greater Fool theory. The greater good theory says karma gets repaid. Help others and you too will be helped. Treat others better than you want to be treated and you win the love you need to thrive.

The greater fool theory says a sucker is born every minute and so we should use the tools of mutually assured destruction or risk being left standing in the most important duck, duck, goose game of our lives.

The web is a daily battle between these two opposing armies. Hope you join team Curagami in the Greater Good army. If you are in the "Greater Fool" army you may win, but we still wouldn't want to live the SINGLE and ONLY life any of us are granted based on "a sucker is born every minute". Worked for P. T. Barnum until Cirque du Soleil leveled their circus karma so completely its never coming back (lol).M 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 7, 2014 1:26 PM!

GAMIFY Content Marketing via @HaikuDeck #gamification

GAMIFY Content Marketing via @HaikuDeck #gamification | Must Market |
Successful content marketing engages over time. Engagement needs online community and a role shift from content creators to community curators and GAME creators.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 3, 2014 8:51 AM!

Why Mobile-only Shoppers are Changing Car Sales & Everything!

Why Mobile-only Shoppers are Changing Car Sales & Everything! | Must Market |

25% of consumers used ONLY a smartphone for automotive research & shopping before visiting a dealership. Find out why Mobile-only Shoppers are Changing Car Sales

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great share by +Tim McLain that should be read by ALL #marketing pros for its #socialmobile implications. Mobile is SO MUCH MORE than making information look good on a #smartphone .

As we were building I got that strange feeling you get when you take a wrong turn. About halfway in you realize something isn't quite right. If we could do our first attempts at creating a #gamified #contentmarketing engine for #ecommerce over (and we can and will) I would have gone #mobilefirstdesign .

There are many ways Mobile First changes your process and product including:

* More likely to limit functionality (cuts down on superfluous bells and whistles).
* Flatten the design.
* Limit the color palette.
* Change the #informationarchitecture (from long form to combined snippets).
* More social.
* More gamified (phones are game consoles).

What is true for car dealers is true for all #webmarketing - Mobile is HERE and we best get used to it and embrace this revolution as it picks up speed and fury.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 28, 2014 10:29 PM!

From SaaS To Movement & Community Is Where We Are ALL Headed - @HaikuDeck

From SaaS To Movement & Community Is Where We Are ALL Headed - @HaikuDeck | Must Market |

Great Comment from Haiku Deck to our Curagami Why Haiku Deck Rocks post ( ) prompted this riff about challenges faced by all online marketers.

The move from solipsistic lecturer to community and movement is the path we are all on whether we realize it or not. Haiku Deck has taken grat steps to move from SaaS to community and movement. Have you?

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 19, 2014 1:17 AM!

The New Ecommerce: Current Best Practices - Curatti

The New Ecommerce: Current Best Practices - Curatti | Must Market |
There is a new ecommerce creating new "best practices" such as: easy free shipping, new him, her, kids merchandising, social shopping & UGC conversations.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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malek's curator insight, August 20, 2014 7:02 AM

Malcolm Gladwell’s classic book, Tipping Point,  identifies three unique kinds of people who make social movements possible: connectors, mavens and salesmen.

Brand advocates blend the strengths of a connector and a maven, 

  • a source of reliable information.  
  • ready to create content that influences a purchase.