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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 5, 2013 6:27 PM!

Care and Feeding of Networks & 10 Must Follow Scoopiteers

Care and Feeding of Networks & 10 Must Follow Scoopiteers | Must Market |

This post was fun to write. I spent the morning writing about the importance of thinking digital first. This post shares 5 tips about the care and feeding of possibly your most important asset - your network of support, advocacy and content. If your content network isn't the most important thing no one really thinks about very often I don't know what is. 

Since it isn't fair to tease such a list and not share, here is my list of 10 Must Follow Scoopers:

@Robin Good 
@Guillaume Decugis
@Ally Greer 
@ janlgordon 
@Jesús Hernández
@Brian Yanish -
@Dr. Karen Dietz
@Thierry Saint-Paul 
@Neil Ferree
@Ana Cristina Pratas  

If you want to see what each of these great content curators has taught me you will need to read the post (since I'm not one to spoil a tease :).   

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, November 9, 2013 12:56 PM

Totally agree with Marty, each of these Scoopers uses to build their readership.  That's right they are using Other Peoples Content (OPC) that they curate to build their own following and traffic to their channels be it a website or social network. 

Jack Varnell's curator insight, June 14, 2015 3:00 PM

Thanks for this list... I must be doing something right. All were in my network. Even the incomparable @KarenDietz !

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Rise of the Fourth Economy
August 22, 2012 12:05 AM!

‘Superorganisations’ – Learning from Nature’s Networks

‘Superorganisations’ – Learning from Nature’s Networks | Must Market |

Fritjof Capra, in his book ‘The Hidden Connections’ applies aspects of complexity theory, particularly the analysis of networks, to global capitalism and the state of the world; and eloquently argues the case that social systems such as organisations and networks are not just like living systems – they are living systems. The concept and theory of living systems (technically known as autopoiesis) was introduced in 1972 by Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela.


This is a complete version of a ‘long-blog’ written by Al Kennedy on behalf of ‘The Nature of Business’ blog and BCI: Biomimicry for Creative Innovation www.businessinspired...

Marty Note
I've been fascinated with emergence in biology for years reading E. O. Wilson and others. This looks cool and along those lines. I'm somewhere between emergence, systems not requiring top down authority to build things like ants and bees, and weather-like models where we can forecast emergent "fronts" based on news, past behaviors, time of year and archived Internet behavioral data.

Via ddrrnt, Spaceweaver, David Hodgson, pdjmoo, Sakis Koukouvis, Jason Brunson
ASPEL Editor's curator insight, January 4, 2014 11:36 AM

Fritjof Capra, in his book ‘The Hidden Connections’ applies aspects of complexity theory, particularly the analysis of networks, to global capitalism and the state of the world; and eloquently argues the case that social systems such as organisations and networks are not just like living systems, they are living systems. This parallel relationship between nature and technical complex systems Kelly describes as “vivi-systems” and he proposes that the “world of the made will soon be like the world of the born: autonomous, adaptable, and creative but, consequently out of our control. ” The hyper connection and web of life we can now experience through the use of digital tools and platforms will allow us to circumnavigate the old paradigm and develop for the collective greater good. 

So how can we look to nature and use Biomimicry to help us optimise our groups and organisational communications to create real value in our social networks, to build or shape networked businesses that are built for resilience?

Lorien Pratt's curator insight, January 4, 2014 11:29 PM

A great resource in the Decision Intelligence for Sustainability space.

pdjmoo's curator insight, December 6, 2014 11:04 PM