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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 10, 2015 12:23 PM!

7 Quick Tips on Setting Up Your Startup On Social Media via @shane_barker

7 Quick Tips on Setting Up Your Startup On Social Media via @shane_barker | Must Market |

SMM For Startups
Great tips here for #startups including:

1. Create Your Social Media Strategy
2. Choose the Right Social Networks

3. Ask Your Audience What They Want
4. Provide Customer Service on Social Media
5. Build An Online Community
6. Constantly Evaluate Your SMM Strategy

7. Don't Be Afraid To Experiment

I left a comment on Shane's post about the need to curate content and blog. Social media without meaningful shares is spam. Startups are so self referential. They are so widget focused it can be hard to have them THINK about the world their widget fits into. Content curation helps open any company up to great relevant content from other sources. Curating that content creates a supportive social network and places a startups business in context.  



malek's curator insight, October 11, 2015 6:58 PM

I would say #6.Track and evaluate your social media performance, is probably the one we hardly do.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 20, 2014 12:46 AM!

Content Strategy In An Age Of Semantic Search - @HaikuDeck by Harris Schachter

Content Strategy In An Age Of Semantic Search - @HaikuDeck by Harris Schachter | Must Market |
As semantic technology ramps up, how can marketers take advantage of this new age of content discovery? This deck touches on recent advances in semantic search and five disciplines to focus on for more effective SEO and Content Strategy. Full write-up & presentation notes:

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

GREAT Haiku Deck by Harris (@OptimizePrime). So good its no wonder it has over 50,000 views. What makes it great is how well it understands the "we are all media companies" now riff I laid down in Red Bull Branding Lessons on Curatti ( ).

The "new seo" and "everyone is a media company" work nicely together. Great and INSIGHTFUL deck by a new trusted SEO source for me.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 28, 2014 10:29 PM!

From SaaS To Movement & Community Is Where We Are ALL Headed - @HaikuDeck

From SaaS To Movement & Community Is Where We Are ALL Headed - @HaikuDeck | Must Market |

Great Comment from Haiku Deck to our Curagami Why Haiku Deck Rocks post ( ) prompted this riff about challenges faced by all online marketers.

The move from solipsistic lecturer to community and movement is the path we are all on whether we realize it or not. Haiku Deck has taken grat steps to move from SaaS to community and movement. Have you?

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 21, 2014 2:44 PM!

The Illusion of PPC and E-Mail Success - via @Curagami w/ Phil Buckley Video

The Illusion of PPC and E-Mail Success - via @Curagami w/ Phil Buckley Video | Must Market |
If you're still betting the farm on Email and PPC delivering you customers and revenue, you're falling behind.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 1, 2014 12:41 PM!

Red Bull's Branding Lessons Redux: We Are All Media Companies Now - Curatti

Red Bull's Branding Lessons Redux: We Are All Media Companies Now - Curatti | Must Market |

We Are All Media Companies Now
Working on how to create community with our new tool ( has me realizing sometimes you write things that don't SUCK and whose meaning becomes more clear as we move forward in time. 

Red Bull's Branding Lessons: We Are All Media Companies Now is reading that way. Evergreen content? Not quite yet. We need to think and write some more, but glad to see shares continue to increase as that means we've touch a nerve.

Social shares increasing over time also means as new people come in they find the piece valuable and that is an indication the content's sell by date is still off in the future. I'm thinking on a Red Bull II. If you have suggestions for similar GET IT social or content marketing companies please share in comments or email to martin(at)

Much appreciated and glad to provide attributions and links back once Red Bull Redux is written. Red Bull On. Marty  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 10, 2014 11:51 PM!

Red Bull's Branding Lessons: We Are All Media Companies Now - Curatti

Red Bull's Branding Lessons: We Are All Media Companies Now - Curatti | Must Market |
BANG Branding Changed Figuring out why branding changed is moot. Understanding HOW branding has changed is important. Brands used to create aspirations for customers as this 1958 Tide commercial demonstrates: Flash forward to this video from Red Bull TV: What happened? A: The web, Smart Phones, We Changed, Branding Changed. There isn’t ONE thing moving …
BlairEvanBall's curator insight, March 12, 2014 4:30 PM

Small company or large brand, we've morphed into our own media company.

The challenge especially for small companies is too develop a daily regimen to find, curate, and produce great content for their customers and audience. While at the same time running a profitable business.


FOCUS on those things that give you the highest return for your time.


The hugh upside for them, they like control and this gives them control to amplify their brand.


For those that don't like the fast pace of change, they'll like irrelevance even more.

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MobileWeb
November 25, 2013 9:46 AM!

Mobile Is The New Black: Make Your Social Media Mobile Friendly

Mobile Is The New Black: Make Your Social Media Mobile Friendly | Must Market |
Are you reading this on your mobile device? The probability is likely, considering there are currently 6 billion (and growing!) active mobile devices in the world, and companies continue to tailor their marketing to the small screen of your iPhone.

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great mobile / social Tips Scooped by Brian Yanish (@MarketingHits) including:

* Resize your Facebook posts No bigger than 620 x 320

* Choose Facebook Ads wisely

* Make it visual

* Turn up the content

* Get smart about couponing

* Take advantage of Twitter

* Upload to Instagram

* Utilize Email Marketing

My favorite is getting smart about couponing as that tip can make a real difference to your bottom line especially at this time of year.

Be careful not to have "battling coupons" where one deal wipes out another an check coupon websites like Retail Me Not to make sure they are up to date and don't have old coupon codes that don't work anymore since there is nothing more frustrating than trying to get a deal that is dead.

Joachim Scholz, PhD's curator insight, December 2, 2013 9:24 AM

The first phase of the trend towards mobile is in full swing, and it is time to adapt your marketing strategies for it. Resizing facebook ads, making it more visual and so on are the obvious things to think about, but there is also a second revoultion wrapped in the first: The move to (mobile) content marketing.


To oversimplify: Consumers watch big screens, but they touch small ones!


So the marketing communications you put on consumers' phone screens needs to be much more content oriented, something your consumers will voluntarily seek out. Being a service star in getting consumers the right coupon is a first thing to do, but also add levels of engagement and play. Coke did a great example during the London Olympic Games (on Marketing in Motion, use the Find buttom) for which they created a music DJ/mixing app that allowed consumers to build their own soundtrack to the games and send it to their friends.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 11, 2015 6:00 PM!

2M Views On G+: Why Google+ Helps Online Davids Slay Giants

2M Views On G+: Why Google+ Helps Online Davids Slay Giants | Must Market |

2M Views On GooglePlus
You may think, "2M views so what, many have more than that," and you would be right and wrong. Right because many friends including @Mark Traphagenand @Neil Ferree(to name just two) have many more G+ followers and views than little ole me.

The point of Social Media Marketing is not to win a horse race. The point is to communicate YOUR message in order to create scaled online community. Once your community more than pays for itself your "degrees of freedom" open up.

If you know of another "moderate effort, HUGE return" tool please share and I will use that one too. In the meantime G+ may be the best "do less, get more" online marketing tool ever created. G+ is Davids stone helping to slay giants - how else can a tribe the 4500 generate views of more than 2M?

So get out your sling and load up some G+ rocks today and your digital marketing will be slaying giants soon too :). M

Marijo's curator insight, February 24, 2015 3:14 AM

Must read if you are using G+...

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 29, 2014 11:04 PM!

Redesigning Scoopit and Your Web Design Too - via @Curagami

Redesigning Scoopit and Your Web Design Too - via @Curagami | Must Market | Redesign Suggestions
Redesigning Scoopit sets a new stage for a favorite content marketing tool. Making Scoopit to be social & to createscommunity can help your web design too.

Things every website design can improve discussed in our Curagami post ( )::

* Set your “stage” (webpages) to be aligned in a “hierarchy” of need.
* Create feedback loops and expose them (like nonprofits use thermometers to track donations).

* Don’t hide your analytics SHARE THEM.

* Double down on winners, leave laggards behind.
* KNOW what is winning so you can double down.
* Ask for and prize User Generated Content.
* Share MORE and then SHARE MORE.

@Brian Yanish -
Brian is a great web marketer and one of the POWER users of Here is a great comment he left on Curagami about this post:

Marty I agree, I never promote my Scoopit homepage as it has no real value for my visitor. My Google analytics show I get very few visitors to the homepage which makes since because most visitors to are not members so can’t follow us via, but they are following other ways because 48% of them are return visitors.

Looking further into the analytics not many go to the topic homepage either, so I’m testing new ways within my marketing strategy for to engage.

Eg. Pop up and slide up call-to-actions as seen on my h topic. This pop up also show when someone is coming to a shared post on my topic not just the homepage. Right now it a newsletter sign up, I’m thinking of doing polls, follow me, and maybe even a context are two. On my newsletter sign up is see a 1.4 ctr%

It sure would be nice to have some customization options for the homepage.

** Brian is the MASTER of organization. Check out his presentation (@Brian Yanish - ). That is a PR6 webpage using OPT (Other People's Templates) and tool (so impressive). Team at really listens to Brian because he has accomplished a lot with their tool. The team is responsive in general, so, thanks to BY and others, we may get a "homepage" we can use.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits
August 14, 2014 11:39 PM!

5 Secrets of Social Media Lead Generation [Infographic] via @MarketingHits

5 Secrets of Social Media Lead Generation [Infographic] via @MarketingHits | Must Market |
Did you know that social media can generate almost 100% more leads than any other channel including; direct mail, telemarketing, trade shows or even PPC?

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Yeah I've read that social media is an amazing lead gen tool, but there are some important ways to go about it outlined in this excellent infographic from @Brian Yanish -

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 19, 2014 3:01 PM!

Heroic Summary of The State of Social Media: Summer 2014 by @albertqian

Heroic Summary of The State of Social Media: Summer 2014 by  @albertqian | Must Market |

Read the updated seasonal report for where social media is headed.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great "inside baseball" summary of "state of the state" look into social media marketing by the extra brilliant Albert Qian for @ janlgordon's Curatti.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 26, 2014 10:44 AM!

Ideal Length for Online Content [charts & graphs]

Ideal Length for Online Content [charts & graphs] | Must Market |
Learn the ideal length of Facebook posts, tweets, blog posts, Google+ headlines, title tags, paragraphs, and so much more.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Helpful guidelines here. Interesting to see longer Tweets win.

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Suggested by Ava William
December 31, 2013 6:12 AM!

Coca-Cola's Bottle is Half Full [cool Infographic & forgotten SMM]

Coca-Cola's Bottle is Half Full [cool Infographic & forgotten SMM] | Must Market |
With rising unit volume sales in emerging markets, Coca-Cola’s third quarter earnings were in line with analysts’ estimates, despite the decline in net revenues as a result of currency fluctuations
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Loved this extensive analysis of some very positive Coca-Cola results. Well said here:

"Coca-Cola did not give any guidance for the next quarter, and said that its overall strategy to grow in emerging markets while embracing the shift to healthier beverages remains unchanged.

The company also mentioned that it has repurchased almost $2.8 billion worth of stock so far in 2013, and will buyback a further half a billion dollars’ worth of shares by the end of the year. Share repurchases in 2013 represent almost 2% of the company’s market cap."



Any company that buys its stock back, increases unit sales, has a well articulated and better-executed strategy is one to follow. What this analysis left out is how GREAT Coke is getting at Social Media.

Coca Cola's consistent social creativity is re-contextualizing an "old line" brand. Steve Jobs was dismissive of "sugar water" when he hired Scully away from Pepsi.

Social media provides ways to create new conversations about old brands. "New conversations" keep brands alive and relevant. In fact, of the two, Apple vs. Coca Cola, my social marketing innovation vote would go to sugared water ;)M.


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