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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 20, 2016 11:58 AM!

Marketing Questions on Quora Summary - Curagami

Marketing Questions on Quora Summary - Curagami | Must Market |
Marketing Questions on Quora Summary
We’re answering a marketing question a day on Quora, and we’re frustrated. We are frustrated by difficulties of incorporating other platforms into our site.

NOW = Gamification, Content Marketing & Content Marketers
Wish every platform would sign...Read More
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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits
May 11, 2015 8:02 AM!

Don't Make 10 Content Marketing Mistakes That Amateurs Make

Don't Make 10 Content Marketing Mistakes That Amateurs Make | Must Market |

Do you often wake up in the middle of the night saying to yourself that it’s not worth the time and effort. We all do.

Blogs take time to write, those great images need to be found or created and those social networks meed to be managed and nurtured. It is often not done or persisted with because there are no apparent quick rewards. This is where the tortoise can beat the hare by slowly persisting. It is a marathon and a journey not a sprint.

One way of thinking about great content marketing is that you are building an audience before you need them. Content builds credibility, trust and followers over time. This earns you the right to then sell them something down the track.

When content marketing and social media emerged there were no tools. Today we have so many technology tools that it’s overwhelming.

But what is great with marketing tools is that you can scale your efforts. It was something I realized with Twitter early on. A few years ago I implemented one software platform that saved me 120 hours a month and it still does.

So what are some content marketing mistakes that many amateurs new to the game are making.

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great Scoop by @Brian Yanish - Loved the 10 Item List of mistakes "amateurs" make.

1. Not automating

2. Not optimizing for search engines

3. Not hustling your content

4. Not working on your headline

5. Not experimenting

6. Poor quality content

7. Email List Is Money

8. Not thinking like a publisher

9. Not learning from the innovators

We can even agree with #1 since they are "automating" things like social search and, to some lesser extent, publication. We shortened #7 based on their implication - email is money. So True.

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from AANVE! |Website Designing Company in Delhi-India,SEO Services Company Delhi
September 20, 2014 11:51 PM!

6 Free Visual Marketing Revolution Tools

6 Free Visual Marketing Revolution Tools | Must Market |

This lack of artistic ability poses a threat to my marketing career, especially now that visual content marketing is the ticket to success. Even though I have other creative traits, I'm worried I'll get left in the visual storytelling dust.

I know I'm not alone.


Luckily, we non-artists have a few tools to mask our lack of design talent.


These tools are free, but often have advanced paid features for when you're ready to step up your game. They don't replace a designer's expertise, but you can use them for smaller projects, like blogs, social media graphics, or Slideshare templates....

Via Jeff Domansky, aanve
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great share from Jeff and all new to me. Don't let Jeff fool you, if his artistic abilities are failing then I hope I can fail that good (he just past me the other day like a bullet on views). Great share here of new cool tools. 

Jeff Domansky's curator insight, September 15, 2014 11:47 PM

Looking for a way to make charts more appealing? Wish you knew what font was on your competitor's ad? Here's help.

Two Pens's curator insight, September 18, 2014 2:27 PM

My fave is Recite:  let's you make any quote look art directed. Given Twitter's predilection for quotes, it's a no-brainer.

lepidopt's curator insight, September 23, 2014 3:51 AM

confirmo la buena selección

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 7, 2014 1:26 PM!

GAMIFY Content Marketing via @HaikuDeck #gamification

GAMIFY Content Marketing via @HaikuDeck #gamification | Must Market |
Successful content marketing engages over time. Engagement needs online community and a role shift from content creators to community curators and GAME creators.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 3, 2014 12:15 AM!

5 #stealthis Content Marketing Ideas From Amazon via Curatti

5 #stealthis Content Marketing Ideas From Amazon via Curatti | Must Market |
Streaming Downton Abbey via Roku and Amazon Prime this weekend struck a nerve. As the web continues to destroy middlemen and gatekeepers concepts like “CBS” and “Time Warner Cable” are in play. Watching Amazon move from webpage arbitrage to web services platform to streaming video seller got me thinking about tips every content marketer should steal …
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Fun post to write after binging Downton Abbey all weekend (lol). Got me to thinking what happens when the web becomes the TV station and cable network. Amazon is set up nicely to rule the world. 

Well before that happens here are 5 ideas any content marketer should steal TODAY.  

  • Create original content.
  • Crowdsource your content.
  • Infinite Inventory Becomes Buzzing Inventory.
  • Be agnostic about content source.
  • Vertically integrate merchandising.
Steal away and share any other ideas you've stolen from Amazon.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 1, 2014 12:41 PM!

Red Bull's Branding Lessons Redux: We Are All Media Companies Now - Curatti

Red Bull's Branding Lessons Redux: We Are All Media Companies Now - Curatti | Must Market |

We Are All Media Companies Now
Working on how to create community with our new tool ( has me realizing sometimes you write things that don't SUCK and whose meaning becomes more clear as we move forward in time. 

Red Bull's Branding Lessons: We Are All Media Companies Now is reading that way. Evergreen content? Not quite yet. We need to think and write some more, but glad to see shares continue to increase as that means we've touch a nerve.

Social shares increasing over time also means as new people come in they find the piece valuable and that is an indication the content's sell by date is still off in the future. I'm thinking on a Red Bull II. If you have suggestions for similar GET IT social or content marketing companies please share in comments or email to martin(at)

Much appreciated and glad to provide attributions and links back once Red Bull Redux is written. Red Bull On. Marty  

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Scooped by John van den Brink
March 17, 2014 4:54 PM!

Only 28% Brands Can Measure Content Marketing ROI

Only 28% Brands Can Measure Content Marketing ROI | Must Market |

Almost two-thirds (63 per cent) of brands now have a dedicated content marketing budget, research from Bite has found, with 43 per cent of those surveyed saying content marketing was a board priority for their company

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Yep, this infographic sounds and feels right to me. Fact I was surprised it was as high as a third :). Marty

Tim Mustill's curator insight, March 18, 2014 6:16 AM

No worse than print media imho!

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 25, 2014 12:24 AM!

5 Easy Steps To EPIC Content Marketing - Curatti

5 Easy Steps To EPIC Content Marketing - Curatti | Must Market |

If you are going to create #contentmarketing these days it better be EPIC. There is way too much noise. Only Epic Content will do. Here are 5 Easy Steps To Create Epic Content Marketing:

* Get your C-level executives to BELIEVE.
* Think Mobile First.
* Work with customers and creating a "commons".
* COPE (Create Once Publish Everywhere).
* Write a Content Marketing Mission Statement.

Set the stage with those easy steps and EPIC is possible, epic content marketing is probable IF your commitment is strong, you learn fast and you don't mind failing a little. Remember the content you write is NOT about you.

Epic content marketing is always about CUSTOMERS. Answering questions, solving pain points and finding innovative ways to be "of service" are all great ideas for your EPIC content marketing.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 11, 2014 12:09 AM!

Internet Marketing's 3Cs: Content, Community, Conversion - Curatti

Internet Marketing's 3Cs: Content, Community, Conversion - Curatti | Must Market |
Internet marketing's "perpetual motion" machine is based on content creating community and, after winning hearts and minds, community becomes conversion.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Content, Community and Conversion dance a particular ballet. They are partners each contributing movement and beauty to the other. This Curatti post shares how one dancer supports the other with a simple yet complex goal - the self-perpetuation machine that happens as if by magic and helps create MORE from LESS.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Creation, Curation, Management
September 15, 2013 6:07 AM!

Content Marketing Is The New SEO [Infographic]

Content Marketing Is The New SEO [Infographic] | Must Market |

We hear a lot about content marketing these days. It is a phrase a lot of folks throw around to make themselves sound smarter but not many folks understand or

Via massimo facchinetti
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

The Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of content marketing in a sleek infographic. Use it with your CFO to justify funding the "new SEO".

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Marketing_me
August 1, 2013 7:07 AM!

How to Measure Content Marketing Success | Infographic

How to Measure Content Marketing Success | Infographic | Must Market |

This infographic recommends three broad areas to evaluate when assessing content marketing success. With more than 90% of companies now doing some form of content marketing, the logical question is: how do you know if you’re doing it well?

In terms of “what” to measure, this infographic from Brandpoint recommends three broad areas to assess:

  • • Awareness (e.g., search engine rank for target keywords,  social metrics such as likes and followers);
  • • Consideration (longer average visit duration, social shares); and
  • • Conversion (increased conversion rate, growth in newsletter subscriptions).

In terms of “how” to measure success, CMOs utilizing a sophisticated web presence optimization framework for maximizing content marketing results will likely embrace tools for measuring competitive multi-channel marketing metrics—not just “are we making progress?” but also “how are we doing compared to our competitors?”

Read more at the article link...

Via Lauren Moss, Alessandro Rea
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Social media requires new Key Performance Indicators because the value of social media marketing goes deeper than a single Stimulus -Response monkey on a string conversion. Greatbinfographic to help figure out those new KPIs.

tonic ATX's curator insight, April 7, 2014 10:32 AM

Love this graphic on measuring content:

Digital Marketing - WSI France's curator insight, April 24, 2014 5:33 AM

Comment mesurer votre marketing de contenu? La réponse avec cette infographie

Carlos Bisbal's curator insight, June 19, 2014 1:36 PM

¿Como medir el éxito del marketing de contenidos? #infografia #infographic #marketing

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 1, 2013 2:34 PM!

Content Is The New Search Marketing Currency

Content Is The New Search Marketing Currency | Must Market |
Content Is The New Currency For Smarter Search And Smarter Marketing - 06/27/2013
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Interesting to think of content as a currency. Content does act like a currency in a lot of ways including:

* Earns Interest (older content continue to contribute). 

* Costs lower over time (as engine gets more efficient and archive is built). 

* Returns multiply exponentially once authority is established. 

* Investment is required to have a chance to create authority. 

Content is like having a savings account when you were a kid. Your parents made you open it with your grannie's birthday money. The sum may have been so small you missed the BIG LESSON. 

The BIG LESSON is money only has one purpose - self replication via compound interest. Money's natural state is one of decay. Eaten away by inflation and other natural enemies money can wilt, dry up and blow away. 

The only way to overcome money's natural decay is to create a "money tree" that replaces the fruit you pick. Content marketing acts like money too. Its natural state is decay. You must tend your "content crops" with social support and links to "evergreen" or "tent poll" posts. 

Think of linking in like watering. When you water your content marketing crops they become strong and are able to fight off content marketing’s decay. The more sophisticated your engine is about watering the better off your content crop is. 

Features such as:

* People who've read X, also like Y.

* Similar posts "upsale" lists.

* Related posts "cross-sale lists.
* Most popular lists.

* Most commented on list.


By treating content as the "products" and "currency" it is your website and Internet marketing team is more likely to have content do the most magical thing - clone itself via social likes and shares. 

"Clone" isn't exactly right, but each social signal tells Google your content is valuable (no matter when it was created) AND prevents decay. Soon, when author rank is fully incorporated in SEO, your content will have generations of benefit it can gain or share. 

Content is the new "currency' of search marketing.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 3, 2013 7:03 AM!

20 Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Stinks & What To Do About It - CMI [+Marty Note]

20 Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Stinks & What To Do About It - CMI [+Marty Note] | Must Market |

Review this list of 20 things that make content stink. If you have check marks next to more than two your content marketing is stiinking up the joint. Don't worry, you are not alone. Share a few tips on what to do to stink less and wind your way toward great content marketing.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 24, 2015 2:21 PM!

Medium Rocks: New Mobile Micro-Blogging Tool Is A MUST USE via @Scenttrail

Medium Rocks: New Mobile Micro-Blogging Tool Is A MUST USE via @Scenttrail | Must Market |

Medium Cool
Why do we need another blogging tool? Reasonable question. If Medium was simply and only another micro-blogging and content curation tool then the answer would be in the negative.

We don’t need another blogging tool no matter how cool, efficient and mobile-ready the new tool’s User Interface. That’s why Medium isn’t a micro-blogging tool. Medium is a community forming NOW and that has many benefits including:

Grow with the network while not as crowded as Medium will become.

Fill the hole between your blogs and social nets.

Curate across your owned properties easily into one place.

Create and curate mobile ready content.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 24, 2014 1:47 AM!

GAMIFY Content Marketing - Fastest @HaikuDeck to 4K (of 37 Curagami decks)

GAMIFY Content Marketing - Fastest @HaikuDeck to 4K (of 37 Curagami decks) | Must Market |
Successful content marketing engages over time. Engagement needs online community and a role shift from content creators to community curators and GAME creators.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This deck has been flying since we put it up. Being featured by @HaikuDeck really helps. The creation of an ecosystem capable of helping drive over 70 views as I suspect the have (was at 67K a week ago) is pretty amazing.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 16, 2014 11:46 AM!

UGC = Content Gets Best Marketing Results (Great Infographic)

UGC = Content Gets Best Marketing Results (Great Infographic) | Must Market |

Stop wasting time on content marketing tactics that don't deliver. This infographic reveals which types of content work best, and the metrics you should track.

Marty Note
At our startup Curagami ( we had an epiphany. Most valuable content is THEIRS not YOURS. Testimonials rock. We knew that :). M

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 20, 2014 11:30 PM!

Once Upon A Time: Overwhelmed By Digital Marketing? Curagami Can Help

Once Upon A Time: Overwhelmed By Digital Marketing? Curagami Can Help | Must Market |

The New New Marketing
There was a time before the web when "digital marketing" was somethign you did with your fingers. Then everything changed. Change came fast and furious thanks to Moore's Law - Integrated circuit POWER goes up exponentially even as costs plummet.

Once our digital world got to a certain point, let's call that point X, acceleration accelerates. Mobile throws gasoline on the social fire and gets answered by social media marketing with rocket fuel on the fire.

The resulting explosion in a kingdom called BRANDING in a land far, far away once upon a time...

Read the Curagami Story and worry less :). M

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, June 20, 2014 11:53 PM

You gotta read this, Marty's done it again!!!

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 13, 2014 12:11 AM!

The Beatles Were Right Take Love You Make Online and Off: 5 Internet Marketing Tips via Curatti

The Beatles Were Right Take Love You Make Online and Off: 5 Internet Marketing Tips via Curatti | Must Market |
Love, a word rare in business, is important to online marketers. No brand, company or product can create the LOVE needed on their own. We all need friends.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Who knew. The Beatles were right. We take the love we make.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 26, 2014 10:44 AM!

Ideal Length for Online Content [charts & graphs]

Ideal Length for Online Content [charts & graphs] | Must Market |
Learn the ideal length of Facebook posts, tweets, blog posts, Google+ headlines, title tags, paragraphs, and so much more.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Helpful guidelines here. Interesting to see longer Tweets win.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 10, 2014 11:51 PM!

Red Bull's Branding Lessons: We Are All Media Companies Now - Curatti

Red Bull's Branding Lessons: We Are All Media Companies Now - Curatti | Must Market |
BANG Branding Changed Figuring out why branding changed is moot. Understanding HOW branding has changed is important. Brands used to create aspirations for customers as this 1958 Tide commercial demonstrates: Flash forward to this video from Red Bull TV: What happened? A: The web, Smart Phones, We Changed, Branding Changed. There isn’t ONE thing moving …
BlairEvanBall's curator insight, March 12, 2014 4:30 PM

Small company or large brand, we've morphed into our own media company.

The challenge especially for small companies is too develop a daily regimen to find, curate, and produce great content for their customers and audience. While at the same time running a profitable business.


FOCUS on those things that give you the highest return for your time.


The hugh upside for them, they like control and this gives them control to amplify their brand.


For those that don't like the fast pace of change, they'll like irrelevance even more.

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits
February 16, 2014 12:33 AM!

Content Marketing Terms A to Z You Should Know

Content Marketing Terms A to Z You Should Know | Must Market |

Our A to Z of content marketing helps you get a handle on one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. Content marketing is becoming increasingly important (just check out our piece on how content is going to be dominant for 2014).

Via Gwenaël Bonnafoux, Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This is a cool post format - important content marketing terms with short explanations. The format has more editorial control than it appears because the writer is selecting the terms. I would probably arrange in order of priority. They arrange by alphabetical which makes all terms feel equal...they aren't :). M

Carmen Troche's curator insight, February 16, 2014 4:54 PM

Great marketing tools

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 5, 2013 6:27 PM!

Care and Feeding of Networks & 10 Must Follow Scoopiteers

Care and Feeding of Networks & 10 Must Follow Scoopiteers | Must Market |

This post was fun to write. I spent the morning writing about the importance of thinking digital first. This post shares 5 tips about the care and feeding of possibly your most important asset - your network of support, advocacy and content. If your content network isn't the most important thing no one really thinks about very often I don't know what is. 

Since it isn't fair to tease such a list and not share, here is my list of 10 Must Follow Scoopers:

@Robin Good 
@Guillaume Decugis
@Ally Greer 
@ janlgordon 
@Jesús Hernández
@Brian Yanish -
@Dr. Karen Dietz
@Thierry Saint-Paul 
@Neil Ferree
@Ana Cristina Pratas  

If you want to see what each of these great content curators has taught me you will need to read the post (since I'm not one to spoil a tease :).   

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, November 9, 2013 12:56 PM

Totally agree with Marty, each of these Scoopers uses to build their readership.  That's right they are using Other Peoples Content (OPC) that they curate to build their own following and traffic to their channels be it a website or social network. 

Jack Varnell's curator insight, June 14, 2015 3:00 PM

Thanks for this list... I must be doing something right. All were in my network. Even the incomparable @KarenDietz !

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 11, 2013 8:05 AM!

How and Why Content Should Include Numbered Lists: 4 Ideas

How and Why Content Should Include Numbered Lists: 4 Ideas | Must Market |
It has become widely accepted that content arranged in list form is quicker to find, easier to remember, and more actionable, which makes lists ideal for sharing content as part of a highly effecti...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

I'm not a big fan of numbered lists since to number is to create priority, but this excellent post from Content Marketing World with great examples of how your look and feel doesn't have to be limited shows numbered lists are a great idea from a Google perspective. Maybe expressing priority isn't all bad :).

malek's curator insight, September 11, 2013 9:00 AM

Promising the reader a short list of tips to help improve his knowledge about an interesting subject, is a great attraction. Lists work

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 2, 2013 9:24 AM!

Content Is The New SEO: Why and How To Focus on Content Marketing

Content Is The New SEO: Why and How To Focus on Content Marketing | Must Market |
A steady transformation is taking place in online marketing. The strategies for getting your website seen by existing and prospective custom
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Content Is The New SEO
Content is the new Search Engine Optimization because Google wants it to be so. This is an excellent post about WHY content is the new SEO and how to get started.

I do have a common nit to pick. "Create great content," is advice I read frequently. That is like saying, "Win The Lottery" as a way to make your numbers. You might win the lottery, but you might spring wings and suddenly be able to fly too.

Better to embrace content marketing as a CSF for your company and brand (CSF = Critical Success Factor). No matter what your digital presentation is the most important communication you create (period and full stop).

This means you need to get GOOD at digital communication. Here are a handful of hard won tips to create "great online content":

* Short sentences.
* Don't use connections like and, but, thus.

* Short paragraphs keeps readers engaged).

* Visual clues (linked post is bad about clues).

* Use H1s and other meta tags for technical SEO.

* Make CSS makes tags look good on the page.

* Use bullet points early.

* Use a bigger font (reading online sucks).

* Tease links don't drown them.

This last tip is a common error. Many new to Internet marketing want to provide everything AND the kitchen-sink all at once. Better to tease a click and then tease another click and then another. The more time and pages your customers view the better your SEO (what is left of it).

Ask yourself a simple question. Would you rather read one page with 1,000 words or 5 with 200? True you can make a website too clicky. You can make your reader work to hard. Finding the fine line between engagement and work is where metrics and testing should rule your actions.

Never a reason to GUESS with Internet marketing when you can construct a test. If you see abandonment after the 3rd click reduce your 5 click journey to three. If you see preference to read the long form content eliminate the clicks. No matter HOW you present content its substance needs to be great.

Whoops, there I go adding to the "You must create great content," crowd without telling you how to do that. I have posted on tips to create great content and as soon as I find it I will link it in (lol). M


janlgordon's comment, July 2, 2013 9:45 AM
Marty, great article, right on track!!
Scooped by John van den Brink
June 18, 2013 2:10 PM!

8 Steps To Effective Content For Social Media [Slides] - B2B Marketing Insider

8 Steps To Effective Content For Social Media [Slides] - B2B Marketing Insider | Must Market |
Are you struggling with what to share on your social networks? Here are 8 simple steps to creating effective content for social media.

8 Steps To Effective Content For Social Media

  1. Listen first
  2. Stop creating crap
  3. Engage your audience
  4. Find your voice
  5. Be helpful
  6. Find your Rhythm: (the 4-1-1 rule of social sharing)
  7. Reject excuses for not using any social channels
  8. Be entertaining, if you can

To Read more and the slides of Michael: click here


Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Love the "listen first" idea. Best ideas come from THEM (the sentient mob). #2 is infinitely more difficult since THEY also determine what is crap. The way to pave with golden bricks is to pave and understand how to mix mortar into gold. That is another way of saying you are going to produce some crap its inevitable (and needed).

The 4-1-1 Rule is for every 1 self promotion piece you should RT one and share 4. Had to look this up and the rule was popularaized by the Content Marketing Institute and Joe Pulizzi (a trusted source0. I agree, find your own 4-1-1 rule, but I like the the emphasis on OPC (Other People's Content).

Solid slides, great post by John (@AtDotComSocial).

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