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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 25, 2014 5:19 PM!

Content Curation: 7 Reasons Why You Must via @HaikuDeck

Content Curation: 7 Reasons Why You Must via @HaikuDeck | Must Market |

We shocked a SEO Meetup suggesting 90% curation to 10% content creation. This deck explains why you MUST curate content. Content curation is a CSF (Crtical Success Factor) for online marketing.

This Haiku Deck is the fastest to 2,000 views we've ever created. Discover the 7 reasons you MUST curate content:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 12, 2014 12:15 AM!

Can Subscriptions Smite The SEO Giant? - Curatti

Can Subscriptions Smite The SEO Giant? - Curatti | Must Market |
Can subscriptions help your online marketing smote the invisible SEO giant? Like Curagami subscriptions create immediate engagement with real customers.
malek's curator insight, August 12, 2014 12:07 PM

Another intriguing piece of  ever-changing marketing. The car renting app is a case-in-point in online subscription magic. But you can't go without deeply looking at the "Creating Ambassadors" bullet,  details are still building the big picture

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 13, 2014 12:11 AM!

The Beatles Were Right Take Love You Make Online and Off: 5 Internet Marketing Tips via Curatti

The Beatles Were Right Take Love You Make Online and Off: 5 Internet Marketing Tips via Curatti | Must Market |
Love, a word rare in business, is important to online marketers. No brand, company or product can create the LOVE needed on their own. We all need friends.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Who knew. The Beatles were right. We take the love we make.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 23, 2014 4:24 PM!

Tripping Over The New SEO's 3 Legged Stool via @CrowdFunde

Tripping Over The New SEO's 3 Legged Stool via @CrowdFunde | Must Market |

“There it is,” I said to myself but aloud. As everyone at Triangle Startup Factory turned to look at me I waved them off. How was I going to explain that the 3 word mnemonic we’d been looking for was there sitting there in front of me. Truth be told I tripped over it:

* Story.

* Authority.

* User Generated Content (UGC).

This startup journey is a strange one. Equal parts hard work and CHANCE we throw dice and see how they roll. What about you? You in?

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 12, 2014 11:24 PM!

Toy Story's Creator Shares Magical Storytelling Tips [TED Talk Video]

Toy Story's Creator Shares Magical Storytelling Tips [TED Talk Video] | Must Market |
Filmmaker Andrew Stanton ("Toy Story," "WALL-E") shares what he knows about storytelling -- starting at the end and working back to the beginning. Contains graphic language ... (Note: this talk is not available for download.)
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

We are entering a time when STORY is paramount. Anyone and everyone can share content. Few can tell great stories. Fewer websites will tell great stories. 

Andrew Stanton shares great tips every Internet marketer and web designer should take to heart as we enter "the time of online stories". Loved this explanation of why stories are so important for humans:

"We all love stories. We're born for them. Stories affirm who we are. We all want affirmations that our lives have meaning. And nothing does a greater affirmation than when we connect through stories. It can cross the barriers of time, past, present and future, and allow us to experience the similarities between ourselves and through others, real and imagined."

and ...

"In 1998, I had finished writing "Toy Story" and "A Bug's Life" and I was completely hooked on screenwriting. So I wanted to become much better at it and learn anything I could. So I researched everything I possibly could. And I finally came across this fantastic quote by a British playwright, William Archer: "Drama is anticipation mingled with uncertainty." It's an incredibly insightful definition. "|

I love the idea of Story as affirmation. Reviews are affirming stories. Comments and other forms of User Generated Content (social shares) also feel like "affirming signals".

Affirmation goes in two directions as my friends at Bazaar Voice taught me years ago. I asked, "Why would someone write the 251st review of a product?" "To join the tribe," was their simple and beautiful explanation.

One VERY important role for User Generated Content (UGC) is to confirm the contributor as a member of the tribe. The other is to confirm the content being reviewed or commented on. More than affirmation UGC can help reset a company's branding and positioning.

As marketers we have our own language and the "curse of knowledge". We know too much about the stories we tell. UGC helps confirm our story is consistent with the experience our products create.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 28, 2013 1:55 PM!

How Netflix Is Changing Content Curation - ScentTrail Marketing

How Netflix Is Changing Content Curation - ScentTrail Marketing | Must Market |
Netflix & Amazon know something most new to web merchants miss; Information creates online scale becoming the gold at the end of a means rainbow.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Netflix and Amazon understand something most "new to web" catalog merchants don't - information is both means and ends. Online scale depends on information more than money. 

This post is about how Netflix uses their reviews-based User Generated Content engine to disrupt online retailing. Where that disruption will end who knows? The advantage of online scale is, once built, you can point a scaled and increasingly intelligent system at any business vertical and win. 

Amazon will make more money from their cloud services than from book sales soon. Why? Because online scale presents ways to monetize one could only imaging at the beginning of the journey. Netflix's genius use of review curation shows, once again, the value of online scale and of thinking like an Internet marketer instead of print or brick and mortar based least online.  

Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, December 28, 2013 4:45 PM

@Martin (Marty) Smith says,"Amazon will make more money from their cloud services than from book sales soon. Why? Because online scale presents ways to monetize one could only imaging at the beginning of the journey. Netflix's genius use of review curation shows, once again, the value of online scale and of thinking like an Internet marketer instead of print or brick and mortar based least online."

Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, December 28, 2013 4:46 PM

@Martin (Marty) Smith says, "Amazon will make more money from their cloud services than from book sales soon. Why? Because online scale presents ways to monetize one could only imaging at the beginning of the journey. Netflix's genius use of review curation shows, once again, the value of online scale and of thinking like an Internet marketer instead of print or brick and mortar based least online."

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 11, 2013 12:10 AM!

The Camry Effect - Toyota Rocking Social Media

The Camry Effect - Toyota Rocking Social Media | Must Market |
Camry owners across the US were asked to share their special moments with Camry. With a sprinkle of HTML5, 200,000+ stories were created as part of the...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Toyotay Knows UGC
FINALLY a major brand ASKS for some User Generated Content (UGC) and cares. Amazing, of course it would have to be Toyota. Granted Pepsi ReFresh was pretty cool and there is a smattering of other big brands that seem to be getting it. 

We are also about to see the latest Super Bowl UGC, the yearly push to create an ad that will live longer than halftime and not show up on anyone's "worst ads of the Super Bowl" list. 

As The Great Social Customer Service Race proved most big brands aren't present on social when presence is answer their Tweets.

How Social Media Is Changing Customer Service  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits
September 15, 2014 9:27 AM!

How To Get Your Best Customers To Do Your Marketing For You

How To Get Your Best Customers To Do Your Marketing For You | Must Market |

As a small business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. With so many different hats to wear, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get your best customers to do your marketing for you?

If only it were that easy, right?

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Our epiphany was realizing the most socially shared and linked to content on our websites and blogs wasn't ours but THEIRS. When customers share content they support it with links from their social nets. This "Friends of Friends" marketing is how your brand breaks through to the other side of the filter bubble. 

Filter bubbles, well outlined by Eli Pariser in a TED talk,,  make it all but impossible for branded marketing messages to reach their intended audience. 

Marketing today must be done by friends of your and friends of theirs where "theirs" are people your brand doesn't know yet. When your brand is introduced thanks to "friends of friends" marketing then trust and conversion aren't far away.

Going in cold is not something that works very often in a socially connected time like this.  

Matt Rogers's curator insight, September 14, 2014 11:16 PM

This article presents an interesting five step process for effectively creating brand ambassadors.  The process consists of creating goals, recruiting a small group, creating a community around your product, rewarding the ambassadors, and adjusting it based on what works and doesn't.  Brand ambassadors can be vital to the success of a company and potential superiority over competitors.  Getting customers involved can also create a greater sense of loyalty than just doing business as usual.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 30, 2014 11:20 PM!

Stop Solipsistic Marketing II - 10 Tips on Two Blogs (Curatti & Curagami)

Stop Solipsistic Marketing II - 10 Tips on Two Blogs (Curatti & Curagami) | Must Market |
Is you digital marketing talking to itself about itself? Here are 10 Tips so your online marketing wins hearts, minds and loyalty. On Curagami & Curatti.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Tips on Curagami
1. Follow more followers.
2. Value & Curate User Generated Content ( #ugc ).
3. Find Your 1% Contributors & Give Them JOBS.
4. Follow & Brand Customers (like Red Bull Branding Lessons )
5. Gamify UGC.

Tips 6 -10 are on Curatti

6. Build Community.
7. Curate 90%, Create 10%.
8. Create An Ask.
9. Use new #marketingchannels like #crowdfunding .
10. Use #newmarketing tools such as +Curagami, +Listly, +Haiku Deck,  &  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 28, 2014 11:51 PM!

Ouch! 3 Ways To Avoid the Coming Community Shock - Curatti

Ouch! 3 Ways To Avoid the Coming Community Shock - Curatti | Must Market |

Community shock is what comes after March Schaefer's content shock. This post shares 3 quick tips for winning the coming race to create online community:

* Social - embracing social media marketing.

* Mobile - operating mobile first and crating responsive websites.

* Gamification - using the 4th pillar of building online community to attain the scale and return every Internet marketer needs.

malek's curator insight, April 29, 2014 6:48 AM

Intriguing, mix economy with content and you'll be playing a new game. @Martin (Marty) Smith is outlining how to survive the new order.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 12, 2014 1:40 PM!

This Is Your Brain On Content Curation - @CrowdFunde

This Is Your Brain On Content Curation - @CrowdFunde | Must Market |

Remember those great, “This Is Your Brain on Drugs,” commercials? New neuroscience research shows benefits of your brain on content curation may be equally startling: I think there are some promising avenues of discovery in the work of Gary Marcus that could one day help address how we learn. Gary Marcus describes deep learning this …

What About You?
Are you seeing conversations and social media becoming increasingly important to your marketing? Share your experiences, fears, concerns, comments here, on CrowdFunde's blog or social media (linked on the post).

Thanks, Mary, Phil & Team at CrowdFUnde  

Tysa Fennern's curator insight, April 22, 2014 11:21 PM

With all the content curation tools, using seems appropriate to share this article!

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 27, 2014 11:27 PM!

Why There Is A Curatti In Your Future - Curatti

Why There Is A Curatti In Your Future - Curatti | Must Market |

Great conversations with Guillaume Decugis, Mark Schaefer, Phil Buckley, Mark Traphagen & others last week convince me there's a Curatti in our future.

Curatti is an example of the HuffPost, BuzzFeed, Mashable multi-author, multi-thread held together by content curation model. I've noted to own the conversaton is to own the traffic. This model is best way to "own the converation" today and that is why there is a Curatti in your future.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 4, 2013 10:12 PM!

"Crowdfunding Game Changer" - A Haiku Deck by Martin Smith

"Crowdfunding Game Changer" - A Haiku Deck by Martin Smith | Must Market |

Crowdfunding is about to BLOW UP bringing vast changes to every functional department for SMBs and Fortune 1,000 companies. This deck explores the implications of crowdfunding on marketing, sales, B2B content marketing, customer service and loyalty. 

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