Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin
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Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin
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Curated by Eva Sanagustin
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
October 31, 2021 7:44 AM!

Boost subscriber growth by mapping your reader's journey | Revue

Boost subscriber growth by mapping your reader's journey | Revue | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
The week in newsletters - A weekly update for newsletter editors and audience managers, sent every Tuesday morning in the US, afternoon in Europe, and evening in
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
October 31, 2021 7:43 AM!

Customer Journey Mapping: How-to Guide and Free Template

“What is the most important skill a marketer should cultivate?” I got asked recently. It didn’t take me more than a heartbeat to reply. “Empathy and curiosity.” Technical skills can be learned or improved. The innate willingness to understand your audience is much harder to develop. But thankfully, some tools and methodologies can help you understand your target audience and serve them better. And chief among them stand two elements: the audience persona and the customer journey map. Today, I want to tell you more about the latter. Customer journey map types and examples If you look for customer journey
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
October 31, 2021 3:01 AM!

Part IV

Part IV | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Articles traitant de Part IV écrits par nikevsunderarmour
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
October 30, 2021 2:46 AM!

Empathy Mapping: A Guide to Getting Inside a User's Head | UX Booth

Empathy Mapping: A Guide to Getting Inside a User's Head | UX Booth | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
An empathy map is a simple, easy-to-digest visual that captures knowledge about a user’s behaviors and attitudes. It is a useful tool to helps teams better understand their users. Empathy mapping is a simple workshop activity that can be done with stakeholders, marketing and sales, product development, or creative teams to build empathy for end users. For teams involved in the design and engineering of products, services, or experiences, an empathy mapping session is a great exercise for groups to “get inside the heads” of users.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
May 25, 2020 5:44 AM!

«Pilares del contenido. Cinco recursos para fortalecer a tu equipo», mi libro para medianas y grandes empresas –

«Pilares del contenido. Cinco recursos para fortalecer a tu equipo», mi libro para medianas y grandes empresas – | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
No sé si es el mejor momento para lanzar un libro, pero sí sé que ahora las empresas necesitan recursos para que su equipo se mantenga cohesionado. Llámalo recurso, documento, entregable... para mí, es un
Eva Sanagustin's insight:

A la venta en Amazon, mi nuevo libro dedicado a las medianas y grandes empresas.'s curator insight, February 14, 2022 5:52 AM

Aquí os dejo Los Pilares del Contenido

Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
January 25, 2020 2:54 AM!

Just-Right Personas: How to Choose the Scope of Your Personas

Just-Right Personas: How to Choose the Scope of Your Personas | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Narrow- and broad-scope personas achieve different goals. Success depends upon knowing the tradeoffs and structuring your personas’ scope based on what you are trying to achieve.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
August 10, 2019 6:27 AM!

Voice of the Customer: The Definitive Guide - Appbot

Voice of the Customer: The Definitive Guide - Appbot | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
We've summarized our years of experience and research to share what Voice of the Customer is, how it can help your business, and how to get started.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
August 3, 2019 4:00 AM!

Scrap the user persona. Replace it with the storyboard. | Inside Design Blog

Scrap the user persona. Replace it with the storyboard. | Inside Design Blog | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Designing empathically at scale is one of the most vexing problems of the design process. It’s time to get creative.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
May 21, 2019 1:26 PM!

Buyer Personas: One Method Doesn't Fit All

Buyer Personas: One Method Doesn't Fit All | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Which persona method works better for your marketing programs? – Content Marketing Institute
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
March 31, 2019 4:25 AM!

10 Components of a Well-Defined B2B Buyer Persona

10 Components of a Well-Defined B2B Buyer Persona | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
December 19, 2018 7:04 AM!

150 Buyer Persona Questions You Must Ask

150 Buyer Persona Questions You Must Ask | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
While my business partner Colin Mathews has been working on building  Mailshake, I’ve been hard at work building buzz and recruiting beta users. So far, we’ve had more than 3,500 people request access to the system, but only a few hundred of those really got the product and were successfully able to leverage it. Along …
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
December 19, 2018 4:50 AM!

¿Buyer persona o brand persona? Descubre sus principales diferencias

¿Buyer persona o brand persona? Descubre sus principales diferencias | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
En el mundo del marketing es bastante común escuchar acerca de dos conceptos distintos: buyer personas y brand persona. ¡Conoce sus principales diferencias!
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
December 2, 2018 3:27 AM!

7 Advanced Research Methods To Find the Real Needs of Your Audience

7 Advanced Research Methods To Find the Real Needs of Your Audience | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
This post will teach you proven audience research techniques that'll allow you to understand the real needs of your customers and make informed decisions
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
October 31, 2018 8:10 AM!

How to Use Social Media Personas to Boost Brand Engagement

How to Use Social Media Personas to Boost Brand Engagement | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Want to reach your brand's ideal customers via social? By crafting social media personas, you can better adapt your content and campaigns to do just that.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
October 14, 2018 2:35 PM!

Navigating the Complexities of Writing for Multiple Buyer Personas

Navigating the Complexities of Writing for Multiple Buyer Personas | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
How can brands address multiple buyer personas with a single piece of content, while still delivering a personalized and relevant message?
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
October 7, 2018 4:32 AM!

How to Reach Your Buyer Persona with SEO

How to Reach Your Buyer Persona with SEO | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
When it comes to SEO, what terms should you try to rank for? How do you decide on those terms? The answer is simple: start with your buyer persona.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
August 21, 2018 6:48 AM!

Six Steps to Better Customer Journey Mapping

Six Steps to Better Customer Journey Mapping | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
The bottom line results of customer journey mapping have been overstated.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
August 20, 2018 4:44 AM!

The Time-Starved Marketer's Guide to Easy Buyer Personas

The Time-Starved Marketer's Guide to Easy Buyer Personas | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
As marketers, we know that identifying our ideal customer is important, but the thought of developing detailed buyer personas can be daunting. Learn how to focus your efforts and your research to gain valuable insights about your customers without taking forever.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
July 16, 2018 6:50 AM!

How Buyer Personas Should Inform Your Go to Market Strategy

Building personas is a crucial step to an informed and targeted marketing strategy. Know who you're talking to before you address them.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
April 14, 2018 3:32 AM!

Customer Journey Mapping: How to Create One the Best Way (Template)

Customer Journey Mapping: How to Create One the Best Way (Template) | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Effective customer journey maps help companies create better experiences and retain more customers. Follow this guide + template to create one quickly.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
April 14, 2018 3:30 AM!

How to Map Content to Your Marketing Funnel to Boost Conversions

How to Map Content to Your Marketing Funnel to Boost Conversions | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
How can marketers map content to the funnel to serve customer needs at every stage? Start with this process CoSchedule used to boost conversions by 69.77%.
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
April 14, 2018 3:29 AM!

Update Your Buyer Stages with This Necessary Addition

Update Your Buyer Stages with This Necessary Addition | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Tradition isn't a reason to stick with the same buyer stages you've been using since digital was just getting started. Upgrade your customer's experience.
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Rescooped by Eva Sanagustin from Content Creation, Curation, Management
April 12, 2018 3:36 PM!

How to Research and Plan Your Blog Content for a Year  

How to Research and Plan Your Blog Content for a Year   | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Discover how to use your blog's editorial calendar to plan and publish strategic content on a consistent schedule.

Via Stefano Principato, massimo facchinetti
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Scooped by Eva Sanagustin
February 4, 2018 12:55 PM!

Guía | Qué es el customer journey y cómo puedes crearlo para tu negocio

Guía | Qué es el customer journey y cómo puedes crearlo para tu negocio | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Descubre qué es el customer journey y cómo puede ayudar a tu negocio. También te enseñaré a crear un customer journey paso a paso y los contenidos que necesitarás.
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Rescooped by Eva Sanagustin from Content Creation, Curation, Management
January 31, 2018 3:01 AM!

Are Buyer Personas Really Dead?

Are Buyer Personas Really Dead? | Marketing de contenidos, artículos seleccionados por Eva Sanagustin |
Should your brand still bother with buyer personas? This case study suggests no—that today's wealth of customer data requires something a little different.

Via massimo facchinetti
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