Toxic Leadership
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Toxic Leadership
Why are there so many toxic leaders out there, and what can we do about it?
Curated by george_reed
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Scooped by george_reed
April 19, 2023 5:03 PM!

'He Was the Worst Leader I've Ever Had': Suspended Brigade Commander Accused of Toxic Leadership

'He Was the Worst Leader I've Ever Had': Suspended Brigade Commander Accused of Toxic Leadership | Toxic Leadership |
Col. Jonathan Chung's attorney declined to provide any specifics but said the investigation revolves around accusations of counterproductive leadership.
george_reed's insight:

It doesn't take a felony to be relieved of command, it only takes a leadership style that damages the unit. Good leaders add value, and if the do not, there's another out there who will be happy for the opportunity. 


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Scooped by george_reed
February 7, 2023 9:15 AM!

Sources: Fort Sill Commander Suspended from Duty for Allegedly Breaking Hunting Rules on Base

Sources: Fort Sill Commander Suspended from Duty for Allegedly Breaking Hunting Rules on Base | Toxic Leadership |
Maj. Gen. Kenneth Kamper, an artillery officer, was suspended in the midst of an inspector general investigation into his conduct.
george_reed's insight:

The Army doesn't use the term "Toxic Leadership." Their doctrinal publications refer to "counterproductive" leadership." 

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Scooped by george_reed
February 2, 2023 12:54 PM!

TOXIC LEADERS! How to help your BAD BOSS 🤔#leadership #budge

george_reed's insight:

If they are really toxic, they will resist your attempts to help them and see you as a threat. Don't walk away, run.

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Scooped by george_reed
February 2, 2023 12:51 PM!

Berkeley Fires Women’s Swim Coach for Bullying and Bias

Berkeley Fires Women’s Swim Coach for Bullying and Bias | Toxic Leadership |
The University of California, Berkeley, fired Teri McKeever, its women’s swimming coach, on Tuesday, the Southern California News Group reported. The university, which interviewed 147 people and reviewed 1,700 documents, found “by a preponderance of the evidence that Coach McKeever discriminated against certain student-athletes, in certain instances, on the basis of race, national origin and disability.” The coach also engaged in bullying, a report said. McKeever is the most successful and famous female coach in swimming history. Cal athletic director Jim Knowlton on Tuesday released an open letter to swimmers, saying in part, “I was disturbed by what I learned in the course of reading through the report’s 482 pages that substantiate far too many allegations of unacceptable behavior. I want to apologize, on behalf of Cal Athletics, to every student-athlete who was subject to this conduct in the past, and I want to thank everyone who had the courage to come forward and share their story with the investigators.” McKeever told the investigators that she was a victim of a double standard applied to women in jobs formerly held only by men. “I deny and unequivocally refute all conclusions that I abused or bullied any athlete and deny any suggestion I discriminated against any athlete on the basis of race, disability or sexual orientation,” McKeever’s statement said. “There were and should be consequences for violating team rules, not showing up for scheduled appointments, misusing resources, not giving an honest effort and behavior that was not congruent with their individual or our team goals.”
george_reed's insight:

Bullying in collegiate sports? I am shocked.

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Scooped by george_reed
January 2, 2023 11:06 AM!

What to Do When You Have a Bad Boss

What to Do When You Have a Bad Boss | Toxic Leadership |
Despite the $15 billion companies spend annually on managerial and leadership development, bad bosses are common in the American workforce. So why do employees end up working longer (two years, on average) for toxic bosses than nontoxic bosses? Quitting can be hard for a number of psychological reasons. But it’s not the only option for employees struggling with bad bosses. Before deciding to quit, employees should try a number of strategies to ameliorate their tough situations. Having direct conversations with their bosses, engaging with their support networks, making lifestyle changes outside of work, and exploring other opportunities within their current organizations are good places to start. It is, however, possible that quitting is the best option — and that’s okay. Doing so gracefully and strategically will help employees transition from bad situations to better ones.
george_reed's insight:

For a more in-depth analysis of why we sometimes prefer toxic bosses, see Jean Lipman-Blumen's exploration in Toxic Leadership published in 2005. 

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Scooped by george_reed
January 1, 2023 11:14 AM!

The eight most dangerous signs of toxic ‘leaders’ | by Paul Aladenika | Dec, 2022

This is the second in a three-part series focusing on organisational toxicity.The first blog addressed ‘nine subtle signs that your organisation is becoming toxic’, whilst the third offering will…...
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Scooped by george_reed
December 8, 2022 2:55 PM!

What to Do When a Direct Report Is Bullying You

What to Do When a Direct Report Is Bullying You | Toxic Leadership |
Bullying in the workplace can take many forms and come from many directions, including “upward” — that is, bullying of managers by people who report to them. Upward bullying often starts with covert behaviors such as withholding information and subtle gaslighting.
george_reed's insight:

I usually focus on bullying from the top down but it can happen from the other direction. 

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Scooped by george_reed
December 6, 2022 1:30 PM!

Toxic Management: Is Musk's leadership style practical?

Toxic Management: Is Musk's leadership style practical? | Toxic Leadership |
Uma Iyer examines the positive and negative aspects of leaders that often drive innovation by maximizing toxicity in workspaces...
george_reed's insight:

With bright light comes dark shadows.

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Scooped by george_reed
November 7, 2022 9:28 PM!

The 8 Toxic Leadership Traits (and How to Spot Them)

The 8 Toxic Leadership Traits (and How to Spot Them) | Toxic Leadership |
Learn the 8 most common toxic leadership traits and how to spot them, plus the 7 best ways to deal with a toxic leader in the workplace.
george_reed's insight:

Sometimes I am asked how to avoid being toxic. Ok, don't do these things. 

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Scooped by george_reed
November 6, 2022 11:51 AM!

The 8 drivers of a toxic culture (and tips for changing them)

The 8 drivers of a toxic culture (and tips for changing them) | Toxic Leadership |
Here are eight major drivers of toxic cultures that leaders and HR should keep an eye out for, and what can be done about them.
george_reed's insight:

This one is not a bad list as lists go. 

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Scooped by george_reed
November 6, 2022 11:44 AM!

The red flags of a toxic boss | Information Age | ACS

The red flags of a toxic boss | Information Age | ACS | Toxic Leadership |
An expert outlines the five things to look for.
george_reed's insight:

I would add to this list, but it is not a bad start. 

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Scooped by george_reed
July 14, 2022 3:44 PM!

San Diego has lost 22% of police staffing – Toxic leadership blamed –

San Diego has lost 22% of police staffing – Toxic leadership blamed – | Toxic Leadership |
SAN DIEGO, Calif.- San Diego is suffering from the largest exodus of police officers from the city in over...
george_reed's insight:

I have known the SDPD to be a good law enforcement agency, but a 22% turnover rate does raise some questions about leadership and work environment. 

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Scooped by george_reed
July 7, 2022 9:53 PM!

The Power of Navy Leaders -- Especially Chiefs -- to Make or Break Sailors

The Power of Navy Leaders -- Especially Chiefs -- to Make or Break Sailors | Toxic Leadership |
As the Navy continues to deal with the fallout of several personnel crises, more attention is being focused on the leaders who deal directly with the junior sailors.
george_reed's insight:

The power of the Chiefs Mess is undeniable. With great power comes great responsibility. 

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Scooped by george_reed
February 7, 2023 9:17 AM!

Revealed: States and cities with the most toxic co-workers –

Revealed: States and cities with the most toxic co-workers – | Toxic Leadership |
Let’s be honest. Workplaces have been, are, and will always be ‘toxic’ to some degree. Whether it’s the playing out of top-level office politics or the annoying interplay of those amongst junior ranks, toxic behavior can shatter morale, hamper productivity and intensify conflicts in the workplace.
george_reed's insight:

This is an interesting approach.

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Scooped by george_reed
February 2, 2023 12:56 PM!

The “Trickle-Down” Effect of Toxic Leadership – Leading Higher

The “Trickle-Down” Effect of Toxic Leadership – Leading Higher | Toxic Leadership |
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the “dark side” of leadership. Researchers have described toxic leadership as abusive, petty, bullying, tyrannical, unpredictable, narcissistic, and authoritarian. It has been said that toxic leaders “rise to their stations in life over the carcasses of those who work for them.”(1) The psychological impact of this type of destructive leadership is significant. From publicly belittling subordinates to taking credit for others’ work, the impact of toxic leadership is incredibly damaging to those on the receiving end. This is not surprising given the often volatile and cruel nature of the individuals who engage in this abhorrent behavior. The negative consequences of toxic leadership are far-reaching, both psychologically and organizationally. Subordinates have been found to have higher stress, lower self-esteem, and increased alcohol abuse.(2) Those who experience toxic leadership are also likely to have lower levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Unfortunately, the impact of toxic leaders does not stop at the targeted individual. The “ripple effects” of toxic leadership has been found to extend to the subordinate’s personal relationships outside of work. This is often in the form of increased partner conflict and greater work-life conflict.(3) Perhaps more troubling, toxic leadership has been found to correlate with increased abuse toward peers and other team members at work.(4) According to social learning theory, individuals learn to model the behaviors of others through observation. Because of their status, leaders play an important role in this social learning process. The leader’s example then impacts subsequent workgroup behaviors. The “Trickle-Down Effect” In cases of toxic leadership, leaders who mistreat others set the example for the rest of the team that such behaviors are acceptable and appropriate in the workplace. Toxic leader behaviors then contribute to an overall climate of incivility and disrespect. The destructive behaviors “trickle down” to the rest of the team and become a catalyst for interpersonal deviance among the group members.(5) Instead of nurturing a positive climate of work engagement, research show that toxic leaders set a negative example and create a context in which employees are less civil to each other. In the past 10 years, there has been a significant decline in civility in the workplace, including the growth of bullying. Christine Porath, a Georgetown University business professor, wrote an article in The New York Times about the decline of civility in the workplace. She said, “A quarter of those I surveyed in l998 reported that they were treated rudely at work at least once week…That figure rose to just over half in 2011.” According to a 2010 survey conducted by the Workplace Bullying Institute, 35% of the American workforce (or 53.5 million people) has directly experienced bullying – or “repeated mistreatment by one or more employees that takes the form of verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, humiliation, or sabotage of work performance” – while an additional 15% said they have witnessed bullying at work. Approximately 72% of those bullies are bosses. When toxic leaders model negative behaviors, they create an atmosphere in which team members learn that disrespect and mistreatment are acceptable, tolerated, or even rewarded. With little or no other context for how to lead, junior leaders with less experience may model the behaviors of their toxic supervisor and perpetuate a culture of incivility. In such instances, toxic leaders create a cycle of disrespect that gives rise to a number of “bad apples” on the team. With a more comprehensive understanding of the damaging influence of toxic leadership, every effort should be made to reduce the likelihood of these destructive behaviors occurring in organizations. Measuring, monitoring, training, and coaching are effective strategies that can help to eliminate toxic leadership behaviors in the workplace. (1) Reed, G.E. (2004). Toxic Leadership. Military Review, July-August, 67-71, page 68. (2) Lian, H., Ferris, L.D., & Brown, D.J. (2012). Does taking the good with the bad make things worse? How abusive supervision and leader-member exchange interact to impact need satisfaction and organizational deviance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 117, 41-52. (3) Carlson, D.S., Ferguson, M., Perrewe, P.L., & Whitten, D. (2011). The fallout from abusive supervision: An examination of subordinates and their partners. Personnel Psychology, 64, 937-961. (4) Mawritz, M.B., Mayer, D.M., Hoobler, J.M., Wayne, S.J., & Marinova, S.V. (2012). A trickle-down model of abusive supervision. Personnel Psychology, 65, 325-357. (5) Gallus, J.A., Walsh, B.M., van Driel, M., Gouge, M.C., & Antolic, E. (2013). Intolerable cruelty: A multilevel examination of the impact of toxic leadership on U.S. military units and service members. Military Psychology, 25, 588-601. Leadership DevelopmentLeadership SkillsLeadership TrainingToxic Leadership
george_reed's insight:

Thanks for the citation, Dr. Yorges. 

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Scooped by george_reed
February 2, 2023 12:52 PM!

Toxic leadership - by 𝚃𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚖𝚊𝚗

Toxic leadership - by 𝚃𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚖𝚊𝚗 | Toxic Leadership |
It isn't just nasty people who turn out to be toxic leaders...
george_reed's insight:

There are so many ways to be toxic. 

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Scooped by george_reed
January 14, 2023 9:25 AM!

Colorado emergency management division needs "leadership intervention"

Colorado emergency management division needs "leadership intervention" | Toxic Leadership |
A leadership intervention is in order at Colorado’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to address dysfunction among its top brass, a third-party review found. More than on…
george_reed's insight:

This could be a case study in what happens when you let toxic leadership fester. 

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Scooped by george_reed
January 1, 2023 11:18 AM!

Here's How Leaders May Be Unknowingly Causing A Toxic Workplace

Here's How Leaders May Be Unknowingly Causing A Toxic Workplace | Toxic Leadership |
Company cultures—good and bad—trickle from the top down. Here are four behaviors that signal leaders may be creating a toxic environment for employees.
george_reed's insight:

Toxic leaders can sometimes be very task oriented while suffering from blind spots that contribute to an inability to see the impact they are having on others. 

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Scooped by george_reed
December 6, 2022 1:26 PM!

The Problem With Toxic And Counterproductive Leadership Allegations

Allegations of toxic or counterproductive leadership are problematic, someone may make an allegation because of how they FEEL not because of what actually happened.
george_reed's insight:

It is true that allegations of toxic leadership are subjective and easy to make. That is why the impact of leader behaviors on the organization is a better indicator than a specific behavior or the perceptions of one individual. 

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Scooped by george_reed
December 8, 2022 2:54 PM!

House report says Commanders owner obstructed inquiry into ‘toxic’ workplace

House report says Commanders owner obstructed inquiry into ‘toxic’ workplace | Toxic Leadership |
A new report from the House Oversight and Reform committee accused Washington Commanders owner Daniel Snyder of obstructing their investigation into a “toxic” workplace that witnesses said the embattled owner “permitted and participated in.” In their 79-page report released Thursday, the Democrats on the committee said the 58-year-old NFL owners gave “misleading” responses during his…
george_reed's insight:

Sometimes you have to wonder about the correlation between wealth and accountability. 

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Scooped by george_reed
November 10, 2022 5:38 PM!

Colorado Parks and Wildlife director's exit triggered by $50,000 settlement

Colorado Parks and Wildlife director's exit triggered by $50,000 settlement | Toxic Leadership |
Colorado agreed to a $50,000 settlement with former Parks and Wildlife director Dan Prenzlow for "emotional distress" and other issues in the wake of an outside investigation that found he facilitated an unhealthy work environment.
george_reed's insight:

Toxic leadership can be expensive to organizations that do not act when it becomes apparent. 

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Scooped by george_reed
November 7, 2022 9:24 PM!

The Anti-Leader: How Bad Leaders Get Everything Wrong

The Anti-Leader: How Bad Leaders Get Everything Wrong | Toxic Leadership |
What is an anti-leader?
george_reed's insight:

If Ron Riggio is writing it, I am reading it. His insights are always on point. 

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Scooped by george_reed
November 6, 2022 11:47 AM!

Marine DESTROYS Toxic Leadership with EPIC RANT?! (Yikes...)

george_reed's insight:

Strong language in this view from a junior enlisted perspective. 

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Scooped by george_reed
July 25, 2022 9:23 PM!

The domineering leader of Colorado’s emergency responses has history of tirades, F-bombs and intimidation –

The domineering leader of Colorado’s emergency responses has history of tirades, F-bombs and intimidation – | Toxic Leadership |
During his five years at the helm of Colorado’s responses to a host of natural and public health disasters, Mike Willis has displayed a pattern of aggressive behavior and inappropriate conduct, acc…
george_reed's insight:

How much is enough when dealing with aggressive behavior and inappropriate conduct?

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Scooped by george_reed
July 14, 2022 3:41 PM!

How Leader Behaviours accidentally contribute to The Great Resignation

How Leader Behaviours accidentally contribute to The Great Resignation | Toxic Leadership |
Leadership behaviours often contributes to high turnover and toxic cultures that take years to turn around.
george_reed's insight:

I like to say that talent flees toxicity, but like most things, it is a bit more complicated than that statement alone would suggest. 

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