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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from All About Google
February 2, 2014 3:30 AM!

The Personalized Power of Google+ Plus Ones

The Personalized Power of Google+ Plus Ones | Latest Social Media News |
Because of the increasing personalization of Google search, +1's on posts on Google+ can vastly extend the reach and influence of your content. Work hard at building an influential Google+ network.

Via Ron Sela, Rami Kantari
Ron Sela's curator insight, September 6, 2013 6:37 AM

The Personalized Power of Google+ Plus Ones

olbow's curator insight, September 6, 2013 12:04 PM

good effects on plusses. 

* recommended posts on the streams

* recommended posts are shown to your circles, but can also be shown to your extended circles

* CTA to add the person to your circle 

* last but not least, the posts plussed by your circels will score better in your google search result 

=> more than ever, googleplus tries to put people that don't know each other in contact and that's what I love with them compared to Facebook, the simple notion of circle instead of friend : you "connect" instead of "friend"

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
January 17, 2013 4:33 AM!

30 Ways to Build the “Know, Like, and Trust” Factor that Grows an Audience

30 Ways to Build the “Know, Like, and Trust” Factor that Grows an Audience | Latest Social Media News |
Your content is good. You know your material. You know how to put words together in a way people want to read. You're nearly there. But the game isn't

Via janlgordon
Jeff Domansky's comment, January 17, 2013 2:48 PM
Jan, I always enjoy your curation. Keep the great material coming.
janlgordon's comment, January 19, 2013 12:36 AM
Thanks so much Jeff Domansky, I really appreciate your kind words!
Better Homes, Better Life's comment, January 26, 2013 11:19 PM
Outstanding article... blogging is harder than most people think and that is why so many quit.... My blog is finally starting to pay off after a long while.... have to keep going even when only a few are reading... thanks...
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
August 21, 2012 2:22 AM!

What's the Real Truth About Social Scoring and Peer Influence?

What's the Real Truth About Social Scoring and Peer Influence? | Latest Social Media News |

This piece was written by Geoff Livingston.  In today's online world social scoring systems like the new Klout matter, unfortunately. For example, some jobs are tied to scores now


 What's The real truth?  

When real researchers parse influence: they found true influence comes from those who are closest to us in our on and offline social networks, our peers".


As the old adage goes, "You are who you hang out with".


**Peer pressure influences us more than a person with a high Klout score. It's when peers start discussing an idean en masse that they feel safe in discussion that often leads to action.


What about the influencer, the big time blogger you ask?


**they may be communication channel for ideas, and their take on those ideas can sway loyalisst fans who serve as peers.


**Generally, their writings serve as a credibility point for readers, just like Consumer Reports and nothing more


**True meaningful interactions beyond social platitudes don't scale after a certain point.


**Dunbar's theory which states that an individual can only sustain stable social relationships with a community of approximately 150 people.


**Applied, it’s not that a person can’t have more friends than 150, but the more relationships someone maintains they become increasingly superficial.


We choose to be Influenced


**By choosing our friends, we're also choosing to be influenced by their ideas, beliefs and behavior systems. Often their ideals are close to or similar to ours before we spend time together


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read article and see video here: []


Image by Eyesplash

Via janlgordon
Karin Sebelin's comment August 21, 2012 10:21 PM
".......but the more relationships someone maintains they become increasingly superficial."

Interesting to think about - thank you!
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
September 4, 2013 7:41 AM!

The Influence Landscape: The Evolving Power of Shapers & Influencers

The Influence Landscape: The Evolving Power of Shapers & Influencers | Latest Social Media News |
What will be the impact on your business of changing global trends such as: shifting macro economics, social and geopolitical trends, globalization, the increasing influence of the BRIC nations, climate change, food/water and other resource...

Via janlgordon
Global Trends Team's comment, October 3, 2013 4:27 AM
Thanks to all for sharing. Just came across this article on influence which may also be of interest:
Sebastien Caron's curator insight, October 19, 2013 3:10 PM

The Social Business transformation have brought to the enterprise, properties of political systems. Therefore, mapping and monitoring your network of influencers should become part of your operations. 

Matthew Quetton's curator insight, October 21, 2013 12:25 PM

Insightful article of how you can map and manage the influence within your business ecosystem.

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
October 30, 2012 5:14 AM!

Do You Know How Social Currency Influences Behavior?

Do You Know How Social Currency Influences Behavior? | Latest Social Media News |
Conversation Agent quotes on Influence from Valeria Maltoni It's the age of the connected customer and people are now comfortable using technology to share -- privately or in public.


Here are some highlights:


How social currency influences behavior


**Social influences include peer pressure and social exchange. The latter is stronger than an economic motive.


**Most human interactions consist of an exchange of value. From a psychological standpoint, actions like sharing signal desire for self expression, need for validation, and social status recognition, and also simply altruism and affinity with a group or cause.


**Both social influences are amplified in public settings.


Psychologist Robert Cialdini documented six principles of ethical persuasion:


**social proof












Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article, see slideshare, images here: []

Via janlgordon
Thomas Wooldridge's comment, April 19, 2013 7:17 AM
social Proof.. It is what we all seek
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
August 19, 2012 1:26 AM!

7 Ways to Find, Engage & Leverage Powerful Influencers

7 Ways to Find, Engage & Leverage Powerful Influencers | Latest Social Media News |

This piece was written by Belinda Stinson for Jeff Bullas's blog


Jan Gordon: My commentary


This is one of the suggestions that was mentioned in tis article but I can't stress this enough, it should be #1


After you've discovered who the right influencers are, always look for ways you can sincerely contribute to them that is meaningful, then find ways to leverage the relationship and make it a win/win for both of you. 




 "if you want to grow your business, you need to know who the influencers are in your field, learn from their expertise and build a productive professional relationship with them".


Why leverage influencers?:


"Influencers are hubs of information, they have many followers who respect their recommendations and opionions and being featured by them sends a powerful amount of targeted traffic your way - It's good old fashioned word of mouth recommendations on steriods"

Here are a few ways to discover influencers that I personally do myself:

**Twitter Lists - Twitter is a great untapped resource for finding influencers and keep track of what they are posting

**Groups and Forums - These are valuable sources of information.

**Podcasts and webinars - This is a great way to find key influencers - whether it's through interviews, presentations, information products of their own or curated information by others

Here are a few ways to build relationships that I've found very effective in finding influencers in my industry:


**Connect through the social media platforms they use


**Share the posts that are of value to your audience, retweet & quote their content, share, comment and like their Facebook posts


**Help promote what they are involved with, including charity causes, seminars, conferences, publiations and promotions


Selected by Jan Gordon covering, "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


See full articles here: []

Via janlgordon
Sterling Dee's comment, August 18, 2012 10:28 PM
you write the best summaries/commentaries, Jan!
janlgordon's comment, August 19, 2012 1:11 AM
Thank you so much Sterling, I really appreciate your feedback!