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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
January 8, 2014 3:59 PM!

Future of...Everything Is In The Clouds | via @CloudTweaks

Future of...Everything Is In The Clouds | via @CloudTweaks | Latest Social Media News |

Cloud gaming is gaining considerable momentum for a number of reasons and is positioning itself as the future of how games will be played.

Marty Note
I've been doing a lot of 2-14 trends work over the last few weeks. The major impact the cloud brings seems to be forgotten or left out. I received a dramatic demonstration in how much use of "the cloud" can change website design when we created   

We used to limit webpage size to 100K (code + graphics) because to go any larger meant slowing down load times to an unacceptable level. Every half a second we added we lost money, so we were very careful about the size of our pages.

Being careful about the size of our pages meant we had to live in a "lowest common denominator" world where our communication was compromised by environmental constraints. Some restraints remain, but the new caching provided by the cloud creates all kinds of new design headroom that just didn't exist before.

The cloud means we can design cooler, more functional, more engaged sites that feel dynamic and highly personal. The cloud changes all :). M  

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, January 7, 2014 6:03 PM

GaaS despite its funny initials could provide a peek into the future of....well everything. We've already seen a MONSTER TREND toward appification (smaller code updated more frequently) and along comes "cloud gaming".

Benefits of "cloud gaming" include:

* More room on your hard drive (some games can take 14 gigs).
* Games are saved in the cloud so hard drive crash = no worries.

* Better Game Play (thanks to way memory is handled).
* More efficiency will change game development (eventually).

Love this paragraph despite only partially understanding it:

"With recent breakthroughs in hybrid streaming, such as what CiiNOW has done by streaming video and graphics primitives at the same time, it’s much easier to send complex information to mobile devices, tablets and computers at lower bandwidth. Some games are provided through file streaming, a method in which a small percentage of the game is initially installed on a graphics-capable device to allow immediate play.

During play, the remainder of the game continues to download. For movie, TV or less graphic intensive games, video streaming- or video on demand- eliminates the necessity of a game console. Although game consoles or PCs will probably continue to be prevalent, cloud gaming will likely continue to gain popularity as a way to experience new games without having to buy entire game systems."

What I can understand from those points is something we found with Use of cloud services allows for "larger" pages to load faster. The impact on web and game design of building in cloud benefits is hard to over estimate.


Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from New Digital Media
November 17, 2012 4:15 AM!

OnLive gaming comes to LG Google TVs

South Korean electronics manufacturer LG has formed an agreement with US cloud gaming specialist OnLive to integrate the latter's OnLive Game Service into its LG Smart TV with Google TV (G2 Series).



If you've not heard of or tried OnLive yet, check out an on-hands review one of our staff did a while back.

Via Matmi
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