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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
October 22, 2013 5:29 AM!

Facebook Fan Pages Worldwide Ranking Catalogue by Category and Country

Facebook Fan Pages Worldwide Ranking Catalogue by Category and Country | Latest Social Media News |
Browse all Facebook pages and discover the most important KPIs and amazing insights. Select the country and category to refine your results.

Via Robin Good
Robin Good's curator insight, October 21, 2013 2:17 PM

Thanks to FanPageKarma, an excellent web app to learn and improve your social media marketing by learning directly from your competitors, has just published a worldwide catalogue of Facebook Fan Pages categorized by sector and country.

For each brand included in the catalogue you can check the existing number of fans, its growth rate and page performance, and compare these with the ones of your own Facebook page.

My comment: This is a great resource to find and collect great examples of effective social media strategies by finding the best performers by country or by specific industry sector. 

Very useful: 8/10

Full catalogue: 

Mariale Peñalosa Arguijo's curator insight, October 24, 2013 1:32 PM

add your insight...

Moses B. Tambason's curator insight, November 9, 2013 2:43 PM

More people are running to charity tube to post free videos and watch free videos than posting on you tube. Try posting at charity tube and you will never leave. More visitors and more video views. Don't take our word for it, try it. Post one same video on youtube and put it on and return ater five hours and compare the viewers rate and decide for yourself. Create your very own group or forum and control who watch it and invite everyone to watch the video. Above all, post video in English or in any language and viewers can watch video description in their own language. Try it and let us know your experience. Above all it is absolutely free like youtube

Scooped by Gerrit Bes
August 23, 2013 4:50 AM!

Broadcasting with Twitter: How to steer well clear of bad habits and create a winning formula | Useful Social Media

Broadcasting with Twitter: How to steer well clear of bad habits and create a winning formula | Useful Social Media | Latest Social Media News |
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
May 20, 2013 9:31 PM!

Save The World Marketing Is Here!

Embrace Save The World Marketing 
In a social mobile and connected time for profit companies should learn emotional storytelling from nonprofits. Nonprofits should learn viral marketing and SEO from their for profit cousins. 

Save The World Marketing is a "new altruism" that is sweeping across social media. Companies and brands that embrace Save The World marketing create an emotional connection with customers via authentic stories and social media.

Every enterprise is saving the world in some interesting way. Telling that story or finding partners who can help tell a company's "save the world" story should be a top priority for senior managers and small to medium sized businesses (SMBs). 

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Yu Ji's curator insight, May 21, 2013 6:37 AM

To some extent, it pointed the changes happened today in marketing and how to cope with such changes.

Scooped by Gerrit Bes
April 30, 2013 5:38 AM!

How to Target Facebook Ads Based on Purchase History, Lifestyles and More | Social Media Examiner

How to Target Facebook Ads Based on Purchase History, Lifestyles and More | Social Media Examiner | Latest Social Media News |
Partner Categories: learn how to use Facebook’s Partner Categories to reach the audience you want and get better results from your Facebook advertising.
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Scooped by Gerrit Bes
January 9, 2013 4:22 AM!

How Brands Used Twitter in 2012

How Brands Used Twitter in 2012 | Latest Social Media News |
Twitter is definitely a platform that will survive on the long run, constantly growing in terms of increased user base as well as brands joi
Gerrit Bes's insight:

How do you use Twitter? . . .

Kathy E Gill's curator insight, January 8, 2013 4:22 PM

Looking back on 2012 ....

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from New Digital Media
October 6, 2012 1:18 AM!

How To Motivate Customer Engagement With Your Brand

How To Motivate Customer Engagement With Your Brand | Latest Social Media News |

“The Optathlon programme has been a resounding success and has generated millions in revenue for United Airlines.”
Extract from United’s campaign video, February 2011

Matmi is proud to have so many very happy clients – but this was a first. Not the quote so much as the fact that our client (via our American partner, Barrie D’Rozario Murphy) was so happy with the results of this campaign, they made a video about it!

Via Matmi
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from "#Social World, Internet, Gadgets, Computers, CellPhones, Future, Space"
March 16, 2012 2:40 AM!

Brand Social Media Monitoring with Brandseye

From "This video explains how Brandseye software works to keep users informed about how their brand is perceived online and allows them to manage and shape your online reputation.


Though the graphics, visuals and animations are interesting and engaging, what sets this video explanation apart for me is a nice narrative structure that begins by showing the pain a real world business experienced from the problem that this product is intended to solve.


It uses a successful common simplified story structure – situation/complication/resolution."


Original video: ;

Via Robin Good, ABroaderView
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Content Curation World
August 25, 2013 5:07 AM!

How Big Brands Aggregate and Curate Fans and Employees Voices with Social Media Hubs

How Big Brands Aggregate and Curate Fans and Employees Voices with Social Media Hubs | Latest Social Media News |
Social content curation and social content creation are often the core to many brands' social networking efforts. Curating and sharing useful content associates

Via Robin Good
Prof. Hankell's curator insight, August 26, 2013 4:52 AM
Robin Good's insight:



A growing number of big brands have started to utilize social media tools to aggregate and curate the best and most relevant voices talking about their products and offers and to bring them together into one unique online social media hub.


From Cisco to Intel, IBM and DELL, the understanding that both the customer and employees are the true, trusted voices of a company, will gradually replace the artificious, paid for and detached advertising heritage is slowly, but steadily growing.


Lee Odden writes about it: "Growing social participation is motivating many companies to aggregate content produced and curated by the brand’s own employees.

This is a compelling opportunity to harvest the brand’s own collective wisdom. A single destination for curated social content fuels a brand publisher model that supports brand storytelling, content marketing, PR and even SEO objectives." 


In this article you can find 10 real-world examples of social media hubs from big brands. Go explore them and see what are the traits and characteristics that make them so valuable to these companies.



Resourceful. Good examples and resources. 8/10


Full article: ;

Sally Katsuta's curator insight, September 24, 2013 1:57 AM

Its great topic and I learnt the importance of social hubs with lots of examples. I also agree that social hubs are essential and key to gain more funs. I also enjoy to seeing those sites with blogs, pictures. thanks

Robert M's curator insight, August 2, 2014 7:55 AM

Its amazing how important social media has become in today's business world.

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation Revolution
August 3, 2013 3:57 AM!

Facebook To Brands, "Drop Dead", But Should You Close Your Facebook Page?

Facebook To Brands, "Drop Dead", But Should You Close Your Facebook Page? | Latest Social Media News |
Is it time for you to close your Facebook brand page? Here are three important things to consider

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, August 2, 2013 8:58 AM

Should You CLOSE or REDUCE Your Facebook Marketing?
Didn't know that Facebook was being such a jerk about "graph search" for brands. Not surprised to see you can buy your own list back as that is the kind of ransom Facebook has shown brands from the start. 

Interesting to see Mark Cuban takes his marbles and go home (threatening to close his Facebook pages). The article makes a good point.


If you have a substantial UNIQUE Facebook following you are probably stuck paying the $2. If not you may consider the cost / benefits of your Facebook marketing and arrive at where Cuban is - thinking about closing down your Facebook page (or relegating it to the "low investment" side of the fence). 


Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Social media and education
May 15, 2013 5:15 AM!

Why Is Facebook Blue? The Science Behind Colors In Marketing

Why Is Facebook Blue? The Science Behind Colors In Marketing | Latest Social Media News |

There are some amazing examples of how colors actually affect our purchasing decisions. After all, sight is the strongest developed sense in most human beings. It’s only natural that 90% of an assessment for trying out a product is made by color alone.


So how do colors really affect us, and what is the science of colors in marketing, really? As we strive to make improvements to online products, studying this phenomenon is key. Find some of the latest, most interesting research on the subject at the article link...

Via Lauren Moss, Jack Patterson
Ken Morrison's comment, May 28, 2013 7:52 PM
Thanks for sharing. I am curious if green equals the idea of wealth in all countries or if that is only in countries with green currency? That would be an interesting research topic if it hasn't been done yet.
Ken Morrison's comment, May 28, 2013 7:52 PM
Thanks for sharing. I am curious if green equals the idea of wealth in all countries or if that is only in countries with green currency? That would be an interesting research topic if it hasn't been done yet.
sistema italia srl's curator insight, May 29, 2013 10:41 AM

La Strategia di Marketing guarda anche al Colore. Qual'è quello che si abbina meglio al vostro business? scegliamolo insieme :-)

Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
January 15, 2013 5:30 AM!

cooala - Play, Discover, Benefit

cooala - Play, Discover, Benefit | Latest Social Media News |

An app for consumers to playfully connect with brands. In a thrustworthy and straight forward way.

Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Social Media (network, technology, blog, community, virtual reality, etc...)
October 21, 2012 3:16 AM!

How to Use Facebook to Build Your Brand: 4 Great Articles + Infographics

How to Use Facebook to Build Your Brand: 4 Great Articles + Infographics | Latest Social Media News |

This article shares links to excellent brand-building articles- everything from marketing statistics to how to use Facebook Offers or run web-based contests.

Clearly organized summaries for each link allow you to assess the focus and access the related infographics.


Topics covered include:

12 revealing marketing stats about Facebook for business Facebook Offers: pros and cons 5 common mistakes when running online contests How to remove your wall posts from your timeline  


Visit the various links for more information on these relevant social media topics that provide helpful resources for both businesses and individuals...

Via Lauren Moss, roberto toppi
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Scooped by Gerrit Bes
March 26, 2012 3:20 AM!

What's Klout all about? Have you got Kred? The low-down on digital influence

Digital Influence is one of the hottest trends in social media, yet is largely misunderstood. Brian Solis' report for the Altimeter group drills into it to help you understand what's important . . .

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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
March 2, 2012 3:58 AM!

Facebook Conference: Think of Brands As People

Facebook Conference: Think of Brands As People | Latest Social Media News |

Austin Carr writes on "Yesterday at New York’s fMC, the Facebook Marketing Conference, the company echoed that very sentiment as it argued that following brands on Facebook is no different than following friends and family.


Introducing a suite of new advertising tools--enhanced brand Pages, premium offers, mobile ad placements--the social network reasoned that users would appreciate the additional avenues advertisers now have to reach them, because advertisers share "quality" content.


"Our main objective is to make sure that over time, the advertising is as good as the content you would receive from your friends or family," said Carolyn Everson, Facebook’s VP of global marketing solutions. "It’s very similar to your own Facebook experience.


There are certain friends that you probably love getting updates from--they are witty and interesting--and that’s really what we’re trying to do with brands: Stop thinking about brands over here and people over here, but actually [think of] brands as people.


Facebook is definitely trying to push brands to use the social network to create more engagement, as it seems more and more difficult on the crowded platform. 


But we know now that content is king and context is god.


Being a publisher not only gives you control on what you share but from where you share it. How to get more visibility than that?


Nothing is more powerful than publishing your content where you have a chance to be heard. 


Full original article: 


(Edited by Robin Good)

Via axelletess, Robin Good
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