What's the Real Truth About Social Scoring and Peer Influence? | Latest Social Media News | Scoop.it

This piece was written by Geoff Livingston.  In today's online world social scoring systems like the new Klout matter, unfortunately. For example, some jobs are tied to scores now


 What's The real truth?  

When real researchers parse influence: they found true influence comes from those who are closest to us in our on and offline social networks, our peers".


As the old adage goes, "You are who you hang out with".


**Peer pressure influences us more than a person with a high Klout score. It's when peers start discussing an idean en masse that they feel safe in discussion that often leads to action.


What about the influencer, the big time blogger you ask?


**they may be communication channel for ideas, and their take on those ideas can sway loyalisst fans who serve as peers.


**Generally, their writings serve as a credibility point for readers, just like Consumer Reports and nothing more


**True meaningful interactions beyond social platitudes don't scale after a certain point.


**Dunbar's theory which states that an individual can only sustain stable social relationships with a community of approximately 150 people.


**Applied, it’s not that a person can’t have more friends than 150, but the more relationships someone maintains they become increasingly superficial.


We choose to be Influenced


**By choosing our friends, we're also choosing to be influenced by their ideas, beliefs and behavior systems. Often their ideals are close to or similar to ours before we spend time together


Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read article and see video here: [http://bit.ly/NW7OMt]


Image by Eyesplash

Via janlgordon