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Curated by Gerrit Bes
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from BUSINESS and more
June 16, 2012 1:37 AM!

How to Design an Ecommerce Website Experience Your Shoppers Adore

How to Design an Ecommerce Website Experience Your Shoppers Adore | Latest Social Media News |

Learn what it takes to design an ecommerce website that your visitors and customers love, this can made the difference. [note mg]


While many online shopping experiences are smooth sailing, others can range anywhere from mildly frustrating to just plain cringe-inducing ... and unfortunately those hair-pulling experiences end up costing ecommerce businesses serious sales.


So ask yourself: do you have what it takes to quickly orient your visitors, make them feel comfortable, and get them clicking those 'Add to Cart' and 'Buy Now' buttons on your website? Or is the only button visitors click on your site the 'Back' button? In this blog post, you'll find out what it takes to design an amazing ecommerce online shopping experience that yields transactions and return visits instead of teeth clenching and fist pounding.


First, run the sniff test.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
June 11, 2012 10:16 PM!

12 Keys to Success on Twitter

12 Keys to Success on Twitter | Latest Social Media News |

Twitter was never designed to be a social network but it has become one.

In fact it was designed initially in 2006 to used by individuals as an SMS type service to communicate with a small group at the podcasting company Odeo.


When I first joined Twitter in 2008, I was underwhelmed and wondered as to its usefulness. Its early attraction to me was its novelty factor.


It has overcome this challenge and four years later it has built an impressive resume.

Over 140 million active users as of 2012 Generates over 340 million tweets daily Handles over 1.6 billion search queries per day Tenth most visited site on the internet


In the nearly six years since its founding over 600 million users have registered Twitter accounts.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
May 28, 2012 12:24 AM!

7 Ways to Be a Successful Social Marketer

7 Ways to Be a Successful Social Marketer | Latest Social Media News |

Social marketing is an advertising art that is widely utilized but less widely successful, forcing marketers who are looking for real, measurable results to hone their tactics. Review our list of seven ways to be a successful social marketer to help give you a leg up on the competition!


1. Build strong, targeted social media accounts.

Your social media accounts are only as useful as the friends and followers connected to them, making the first step of building those accounts absolutely crucial. Instead of simply working to obtain as many connections as possible, work instead to connect with like-minded people who are more likely to have an interest in what you have to offer.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
May 21, 2012 2:30 AM!

Content's New Life Cycle - 4 Important Steps to Build & Maintain Your Brand

Content's New Life Cycle - 4 Important Steps to Build & Maintain Your Brand | Latest Social Media News |

This piece was written by Aaron Dunn for Content Marketing Institute.


These steps apply to your overall content marketing strategy whether you're creating or curating content.


The challenge:


**Companies are now left trying to make sense of which ones they should be paying attention to, what they need to be doing in these channels to gain a competitive advantage, and how it all ties into their overall content marketing strategy.


The solution:


**In today’s rapidly shifting web, it’s essential that companies start to take a more holistic approach to content marketing and connect more effectively with their various stakeholders across a number of web and social channels. 


Here are the four steps:


As we awaken to the new realities of content, here are four ways to rethink your content execution, and take advantage of the new content life cycle.


**Structure your content marketing strategy as a holistic system that allows you to connect more effectively with various stakeholders across a number of social channels, drive conversation, and influence customers.


**Open up content contribution to more users across the organization, providing more opportunities to connect with and engage customers in social channels, and extend your online reach.


**Be sure to remove any technology or process roadblocks that inhibit the expansion of your contributor pool — the more people who are able to contribute easily, the more content you will have to push across your channels.


**Deliver fresh, compelling and timely content that engages users and keeps visitors returning to your site, and then be sure to extend that content into your social channels.


**Be sure you are listening to the online conversations of your target audience, and optimize your content and content strategy based on the insights you gather from them.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Marketing, Social Media and Beyond"


"Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"

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Via Martin Gysler, janlgordon
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from BUSINESS and more
May 10, 2012 10:38 PM!

The Beginner’s Guide to Mobile App Marketing

The Beginner’s Guide to Mobile App Marketing | Latest Social Media News |

Getting your app discovered is the fundamental challenge every app marketer faces. With millions of apps across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and other platforms, standing out in the boundless sea of available apps is becoming increasingly difficult.


The best app marketers will pursue a comprehensive, well-rounded app marketing strategy that includes pre-launch work and post-launch work. The best strategies will include organic and paid app marketing channels.


Here’s the complete guide to app marketing that every app owner needs to follow.


Before Launch


Contrary to popular belief, your marketing strategy needs to start well before your app goes live in the app store. Like any successful product, understanding who your customers are and where you can find them is one of the most important pieces of the app marketing puzzle. There are a few steps you need to take before you launch your app:


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
May 1, 2012 1:25 AM!

5 Ways to Turn Twitter into Your Most Powerful Social Media Tool

5 Ways to Turn Twitter into Your Most Powerful Social Media Tool | Latest Social Media News |

What do you use as your daily Social Media dashboard every day?

Most likely not I am guessing.


Yet, in recent months, there were a great number of browser extensions released, specifically for They help you create a much greater experience right inside


What I like best about this is that you are in charge regarding how many bells and whistles you are adding. You can basically fully customize your own Social Media dashboard.


So here are my top 5 finds you can use to make a truly powerful Social Media tool for you:...


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
March 28, 2012 11:59 PM!

30 Ways Your Business Should Leverage Social Media This Year

30 Ways Your Business Should Leverage Social Media This Year | Latest Social Media News |

Some very interesting ways to improve your business in this year. [note mg]


Social media is big in business circles and every business is scrambling to implement social media strategies to take advantage of this new opportunity. If your business is not already on the social media bandwagon, you still have time to create a social media strategy and start getting social.


Here is a list of the top 30 ways your business should leverage social media this year. The list is by no means exhaustive and any other ideas you may have are welcome.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
March 8, 2012 2:54 AM!

The 7-Point Checklist for Powerful Landing Page Copy

The 7-Point Checklist for Powerful Landing Page Copy | Latest Social Media News |
Learn how to write compelling landing page copy that helps engage visitors and yield a better conversion rate.


Whether writing blog posts, drafting lead nurturing emails, or shooting videos for their YouTube channel, successful inbound marketers are master content creators. But when you think about landing pages, most people jump to conversions. How often are people abandoning my form? Which treatment performed better? What's the page's bounce rate? How good all these metrics look, however, boils down to what you already do well: writing remarkable content.


But writing effective landing page copy is a little different than writing, say, a blog post. There are some landing page copywriting nuances that, though seemingly minor, have a huge impact on conversions. So if you're looking for the quickest way to create a great landing page, invest your time in creating copy that follows these landing page copywriting best practices.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
March 2, 2012 4:01 AM!

Blog Smarter: Turn Your Blogging Skills into Successful Affiliate Promotions

Blog Smarter: Turn Your Blogging Skills into Successful Affiliate Promotions | Latest Social Media News |

You're a blogger and you spends a lot of time to write your blog posts. Maybe you would like make some money so that you could continued your blog, if it's the case, this excellent article will give you interesting information about how you can do it. [note mg]


Like most bloggers, you probably want to make some money from your blog. Chances are good you’ve tried things like writing product reviews or putting banners or links to affiliate products into your sidebar.

But while many bloggers have mastered the “Art of Blogging” (or at least the basic principles) successfully, earning money from your blog doesn’t seem to be that easy. So what could be better for you than to use your blogging experiences and skills to improve the results of your affiliate promotions?


In this post, I’ll show you how you can re-purpose three of the most successful blogging strategies to get more out of your affiliate promotions. As a nice extra, these tactics will also have a positive effect on your blog. But more importantly, you’ll learn how you can merge them into a combined and even more powerful strategy for your affiliate promotions.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from BUSINESS and more
February 28, 2012 7:39 PM!

10 Steps to Finding the Influencers in Your Market

10 Steps to Finding the Influencers in Your Market | Latest Social Media News |

Here are ten concrete steps to finding and growing the social media influencers in your particular market. Because, as you know it's often the most difficult step in our business. [note mg]


Why is an influencer strategy so important?

It can help drive your social media execution. It can be a core part of your search engine optimization strategy. Ultimately, if done correctly, it will drive sales and position your organization as one of the leading experts in the field.

There is no right way to developing and cultivating relationships with the influencers in your industry, but here are 10 steps to get you started in the right direction.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
June 14, 2012 2:01 AM!

Six ways to create great content in just 15 minutes a day

Six ways to create great content in just 15 minutes a day | Latest Social Media News |
Content marketing can be an extremely complicated, time-consuming, and expensive proposition! So I came up with content options for the time-starved!


Let’s face it. Content development can be a complicated, time-consuming, and expensive proposition! So I started thinking about this in the context of my friends and small business customers who simply can’t afford that kind of effort. It led to this idea: micro-content, or creating small bits of marketing content when you don’t have time to blog, create videos or spend all day on Facebook.


Let’s examine ideas about using micro-content for your social media strategy, assuming you are testing the water and only have 15 minutes a day to devote to this activity. Hey, I’m up for a challenge!



Like any marketing initiative, you must have a firm idea of your strategy, selling points, and target audience...


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from Hot off the press- Social Media
May 30, 2012 1:16 AM!

Create a Facebook Business Page – 20 Tips That Guarantee Success

Create a Facebook Business Page – 20 Tips That Guarantee Success | Latest Social Media News |

With over 800 million active users, Facebook is by far the biggest social networking website at present. The number of users is increasing on a daily basis, with thousands of people setting up Facebook accounts. The traffic and usage is sufficient to judge Facebook’s stature in the social media industry. It has grown in leaps and bounds and is far ahead of the competition.

For the past few years, businesses have gauged the potential of Facebook for marketing and creating a brand image. The trend towards online marketing has increased, with internet based promotion becoming a major part of businesses’ marketing strategies. Through Facebook, businesses can target their market segment and attract customers. Already, a majority of the businesses are using Facebook to increase awareness about their products and services. A corporate Facebook page can enhance the popularity and sales of your business.


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Via Martin Gysler, Lesley Rodgers
Cassy Dave's comment, May 30, 2012 1:22 AM
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
May 24, 2012 2:06 AM!

Official Google Blog: Search, plus Your World

Official Google Blog: Search, plus Your World | Latest Social Media News |

I know a lot of people who have been reluctant to get involved with Google Plus. I’ve heard all sorts of reasons from “I don’t have time to do that as well as Facebook and Twitter,” to “Hrmph. I don’t even like it.” But if you were not convinced already about how important Google Plus data is likely to be for SEO in coming months, then this announcement by Google might change your mind.


Google Search has always been about finding the best results for you. Sometimes that means results from the public web, but sometimes it means your personal content or things shared with you by people you care about. These wonderful people and this rich personal content is currently missing from your search experience. Search is still limited to a universe of webpages created publicly, mostly by people you’ve never met. Today, we’re changing that by bringing your world, rich with people and information, into search.


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Via Martin Gysler
Pompieriitm's comment, May 27, 2012 2:15 PM
Îmi place.
Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
May 10, 2012 10:39 PM!

Why Small Business Have A Huge Advantage Over Brands In Social Media

Why Small Business Have A Huge Advantage Over Brands In Social Media | Latest Social Media News |
How small business can perform better than brands in social media by focusing on simple goals, being human, ensuring satisfaction and measuring ROI...


I currently have the fortune to experience two different fronts of digital marketing. Under Plural, I work with brands and, with SocialMouths I mostly jam with small business, personal brands, and bloggers.


One of the reasons I absolutely love this setup is that they are two different worlds in how the social web is approached, how it’s handled and how success is measured.


So I’m here to tell you that, despite the ridiculous budgets and unlimited resources, small business has a huuuge advantage over brands when it come to social media.


Here are my thoughts:


Strategy. Or Not?


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from BUSINESS and more
May 8, 2012 1:35 AM!

B2B Marketing & Pinterest: 5 Tips for Becoming the Ultimate Pinner

B2B Marketing & Pinterest: 5 Tips for Becoming the Ultimate Pinner | Latest Social Media News |

Want the skinny on using Pinterest to promote your b2b marketing? Follow these five tips and kick-start your brand’s expansion into this emerging social media phenomenon.


1. Advertising and infographics rule the b2b marketing pins


Today, B2B marketers can get tons of great examples of award winning infographics and advertising campaigns on Pinterest. For that alone it’s an amazing resource. However, for other types of marketing, well, my fellow marketers, we have some work to do. Imagine a Pinterest page filled with pins of amazing fashion, inspirational interior design, stunning landscapes, and a screenshot of your low production value product demo video…um, it’s nice you have a presence, but how does that pin of a crappy screenshot of a crappy video look next to the rest of these other magnificent pins?


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from BUSINESS and more
April 21, 2012 2:12 AM!

12 Ways to Become a Recognized Expert

12 Ways to Become a Recognized Expert | Latest Social Media News |
Getting quoted, giving speeches and writing articles are great ways to market your business.


As we measure the degree of damage, or more precisely, reduced revenue and increased costs from the downturn, advertising spending tends to be one of the first cuts owners make. Yet this may be a great time to expand marketing to take a share of the market away from your competitors.


The key is marketing without little or no money through efforts like community engagement, referrals or sending a press release to local media. Another method is becoming a recognized expert who is called upon by media and other outlets to speak, write and lend your expertise.


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
March 24, 2012 3:39 AM!

How To Write Your Social Media Plan in 8 Steps | Social Media Today

How To Write Your Social Media Plan in 8 Steps | Social Media Today | Latest Social Media News |

Maybe it’s because you’re in marketing. Maybe it’s because you’re from the younger generation assumed to be digital natives. Or maybe it’s because you’re already experimenting with social media and your success has been noticed.


For whatever reason, The Powers That Be have chosen you to write your company’s social media plan. Or perhaps they haven’t asked, but you know social media is big and getting bigger, and so you want to write a plan to persuade your management to get involved.


Where do you start?


Here are some ideas on the main topics you need to cover in creating an impressive, yet realistic social media plan that garners executive buy-in and a clearer path to success...


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from BUSINESS and more
March 2, 2012 4:02 AM!

12 Signs That Your Business is Successful

12 Signs That Your Business is Successful | Latest Social Media News |
How do small-business owners know whether they should keep the business open or close up shop?


Running a small business can be confusing. Many owners are just successful enough not to go out of business. The path forward is often unclear. Should they keep the business open in hopes of future success or close up shop?


What is that moment of truth that tells the small-business owner they will be successful? Here are 12 signs that you've got something going beyond survival.


1. Your company earns money while you're on vacation

Going on vacation and earning money at the same time means you have built a company, not just a job...


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Via Martin Gysler
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Rescooped by Gerrit Bes from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
March 1, 2012 5:28 AM!

7 Ways to Find Great People to Follow on Twitter

7 Ways to Find Great People to Follow on Twitter | Latest Social Media News |

It is true that there are several ways to find good connections through social media. If the best, in my opinion, is the direct contact, here is a list of some tools that can also support you in this process. [note mg]


Is your Twitter timeline filled with the same boring tweets every day? If you don’t know where to look for new and interesting tweeters, you might be stuck with an ordinary feed. We found a few resources and tips to help you find the most interesting people on Twitter. And there’s a bonus to following interesting people: they might find you interesting too!




WeFollow is one of the most popular Twitter directories. You can add yourself to the directory and find the most popular influencers in categories such as social media, blogger, music and tech. You can also search by keyword for more specific interests.


WeFollow is comprehensive and features the most important influencers in major fields of interest...


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Via Martin Gysler
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