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Rescooped by Yves Carmeille "Libre passeur" from Organisation Development
April 16, 2018 6:47 AM!

Talent management as a business discipline: McKinsey

Talent management as a business discipline: McKinsey | KILUVU |

With 161,000 employees in more than 150 countries, Unilever operates globally and at scale. The consumer-goods group’s brands range from Lipton tea and Magnum ice cream to Surf laundry detergent and Dove skin care. Under the leadership of Paul Polman, chief executive since 2009, the Anglo-Dutch group has sought to drive growth though innovation and by actively reshaping its portfolio while reducing operational complexity and focusing on sustainability as a key theme.

Leena Nair, chief human resources officer (CHRO), joined Unilever in 1992 as a management trainee. Prior to taking on her current role, she was the group’s global head of diversity and inclusion. She says, “If you look at a competitive advantage that a company truly has, it is really only the ideas, the ingenuity, the passion of its people. Because everything else can be matched.”

Via David Hain
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Rescooped by Yves Carmeille "Libre passeur" from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
June 25, 2017 9:33 PM!

8 Ways To Make a Great First Impression During A Job Interview

8 Ways To Make a Great First Impression During A Job Interview | KILUVU |

Forming a first impression of someone takes seconds, and that can feel impossible to nail when you’re in a job interview. Luckily, most hiring managers take more time to form their opinion.


A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology found that the first 15 minutes are when an impression is made during an interview, and that’s enough time to connect and sell yourself.


We spoke with hiring managers and found out what impresses them. Here are eight things to do to help you land the job.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, June 25, 2017 7:22 PM

Hiring managers reveal what always impresses them, and what will ensure you’ll never get an offer, no matter how qualified you are.

Vanessa Ong Li Wen's curator insight, June 26, 2017 2:55 AM
By chance, I came across this article which, as its title suggests, tells you how to make a great first impression during a job interview. As someone who feels they have attended, or even given, more interviews than most students, I thought I knew most tips for interviews. However, this article really surprised me in giving some unconventional tips for a job interview. Firstly, like all human beings, interviewers are naturally attracted to courteous, respectful and sincere individuals. Hence, it is important that one interacts with the receptionist in a friendly manner as it is possible that the interviewers may ask them for opinions on their job candidates. In addition, it is also important to build good rapport with the interviewers and engage them in conversation. I believe that when you interact with the interviewers in a sincere and friendly manner, it will spark their interests in you and allow you to leave a good impression on them. Also, it is critical that you are able to share a summary of your journey, experiences at the top of your head. While many may feel that this is a less than easy task to carry out, I feel it is not unusual for people to forget about simple, everyday facts when they are nervous during a job interview. I feel if we are able to give a coherent summary of our experiences, then it is more than likely that we can be an effective ambassador of our department, and achieve success. Furthermore, giving statistics to show that you are prepared and ready, is also a desired trait that one should have. Finally, I believe we should always be willing to showcase our true self - without any add on, to our interviewers. It is hence important to sometimes be vulnerable and share about your obstacles in life, as well as how you dealt with them. Finally, asking great questions that provide insight to the interviewers on your thought process and goals, is also a great way to sell yourself. While all these are good tips to prepare you for an interview, as cliché as it may seem, I truly believe that what is most important is to be yourself and trust that the interviewers will be able to see your value in the company. There is little meaning in showcasing yourself as a successful, capable individual whose only value is to put on a good show during that 15 minutes or so in the interview, but who fails to bring real significance to the company.