Communications Major
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Communications Major
Shifts and nuances in the way we communicate online.
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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
July 16, 2014 11:33 AM!

Why Does the Internet Want the 'Texas Cheerleader Hunter' Dead?

Why Does the Internet Want the 'Texas Cheerleader Hunter' Dead? | Communications Major |

On the Internet, women are the most dangerous game. Consider this: an attractive, young woman posing next to dead animals arouses more anger than a middle-aged, pot-bellied man doing the same. 

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
September 17, 2013 1:11 PM!

A Lot of People Are Very Upset that an Indian-American Woman Won the Miss America Pageant

A Lot of People Are Very Upset that an Indian-American Woman Won the Miss America Pageant | Communications Major |

Hateful tweets hit an all-time racist apex on Sunday night when an Indian-American woman was named Miss America 2014. We don't know where most of these people live (could it be Kansas, who sent a blonde-haired, blue-eyed babe with a bow and arrow to the pagent)? Sadly, some of the same people who don't like President Obama's "look" used the social media platform to once again behave badly.

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
August 22, 2013 7:38 PM!

Pretty Much Every Woman in Online Publishing Can Agree On This

Pretty Much Every Woman in Online Publishing Can Agree On This | Communications Major |

Bryan Goldberg, the founder of Bleacher Report, made news last week, though not in the way he intended. He announced that he’d raised $6.5 million for a new venture -- a women’s web site called Bustle.

Goldberg got roundly, and deservedly, thrashed after his self-written funding announcement appeared on PandoDaily. The problem: Goldberg announced he was going to “completely transform women’s publishing” by running celebrity escapades next to serious news items "because we recognize how many diverse interests are shared amongst the next generation of women.”

That didn’t go over too well, given that lots of people have been working quite hard, for some time, thank you, to completely transform women’s publishing -- in a much more radical way than Goldberg seems to be aware of. And many of them are, unlike Goldberg, actual women.

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
October 1, 2012 11:55 AM!

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 15 Celebrities Who Have Faced A Diagnosis

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: 15 Celebrities Who Have Faced A Diagnosis | Communications Major |

Thanks to early detection techniques and self-exams, so many women are diagnosed with breast cancer that can be treated successfully. Here are 15 celebrities who have faced a diagnosis and who have gone public with their stories to help raise awareness.

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
February 23, 2012 11:46 AM!

Governor of Virginia Shifts Position on Abortion Bill

Governor of Virginia Shifts Position on Abortion Bill | Communications Major |

In a political year that was suppposed to be all about the economy, this was the second instance in a month in which a public outcry - fueled by online media and social networks - organized in part by women’s health advocates through social media caused a reversal on the issue of abortion.

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
May 28, 2014 12:42 PM!

Maya Angelou, Lyrical Witness of the Jim Crow South, Dies at 86

Maya Angelou, Lyrical Witness of the Jim Crow South, Dies at 86 | Communications Major |

Ms. Angelou’s landmark book, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” was among the first autobiographies by a 20th-century black woman to reach a wide readership.

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
August 22, 2013 7:45 PM!

Should Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Have Posed in Vogue?

Should Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Have Posed in Vogue? | Communications Major |

Being an 'it girl' for tech may help Yahoo change its dated image, but it's not without some controversy.

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer posed for the September issue of Vogue, and guess what? This photo spread isn't causing the backlash we might expect.


Mayer’s shot is feminine and sensual while still being very corporate, says branding expert Karen Leland. Mayer holds an iPad with her face on it, says Leland, stressing she has a body and a brain. “To me she’s trying to create an integrated message that yes I’m a CEO but I’m also a feminine woman and that makes me powerful.”

Take that, boys!
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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
October 21, 2012 12:33 PM!

Twitter Gives Saudi Arabia a Revolution of Its Own

Twitter Gives Saudi Arabia a Revolution of Its Own | Communications Major |

The medium has allowed Saudis - both men and women - to cross social boundaries and collectively address delicate subjects in real time.

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
May 14, 2012 2:43 PM!

Can Tech Companies Continue to Innovate With No Women at the Table?

Can Tech Companies Continue to Innovate With No Women at the Table? | Communications Major |

Only 3.6% of Fortune 500 companies have female CEOs. And at companies like Adobe, Facebook, Zynga, and Pandora, women have been excluded entirely from the boards of directors. Yet, women bring in half or more of the income in 55% of U.S. households. And women ages 50 and older control a net worth of $19 trillion and own more than three-fourths of the nation’s financial wealth. So, when will we start seeing more of us en masse in leadership positions?

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