Communications Major
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Communications Major
Shifts and nuances in the way we communicate online.
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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
September 30, 2014 10:00 AM!

One Perfect Tweet Captures Everything Wrong With How the Media Covered Chelsea Clinton's New Baby

One Perfect Tweet Captures Everything Wrong With How the Media Covered Chelsea Clinton's New Baby | Communications Major |

2016 is only two years away, people! Does the baby's name (Charlotte) secure North Carolina for Hillary? And other ridiculous media coverage of this blessed event.

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
October 18, 2012 3:05 PM!

History Repeating? Twitter and the Cuban Missile Crisis

History Repeating? Twitter and the Cuban Missile Crisis | Communications Major |

The Twitter account @JFK1962 (formerly @JFK1961 and soon to be @JFK1963), a project of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, has been re-creating the Kennedy Presidency via social media.

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
July 21, 2014 12:07 PM!

Social Media Transforms Dialog in Gaza-Israel Conflict

Social Media Transforms Dialog in Gaza-Israel Conflict | Communications Major |

In a clash of narratives, officials from both Israel and Gaza advise supporters on the language and images that should be used on social media platforms.

Social media has put the propaganda war on steroids.

Said one official, “You’re seeing anger and frustration, you’re seeing sorrow and empathy, and you’re also seeing a wide currency of videos, photos, infographics, emergent hashtags, memes..."

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