Communications Major
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Communications Major
Shifts and nuances in the way we communicate online.
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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
May 25, 2016 12:53 PM!

How Facebook Warps Our Worlds

How Facebook Warps Our Worlds | Communications Major |

We construct precisely contoured echo chambers of affirmation that turn conviction into zeal, passion into fury, disagreements with the other side into the demonization of it.

Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
February 6, 2016 6:10 PM!

Twitter's Algorithmic Timeline Switch Is All Your Own Fault

Twitter's Algorithmic Timeline Switch Is All Your Own Fault | Communications Major |

By liking and retweeting every pointless and inconsequential Tweet in the past we have given the Twitter algorithm an untrue insight into what we really want to see. You will be served up with everything based on your past history this way, not what is truly meaningful. If you surround yourself with celebrities and like everything they say, that’s all you’ll ever see. Conversely, if you like tweets about local affairs and politics, then you’ll miss out on Kim Kardashian’s latest line of elastic band lingerie. It’s not all bad…