Communications Major
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Communications Major
Shifts and nuances in the way we communicate online.
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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
February 4, 2014 7:22 PM!

Woody Allen, Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett Respond To Dylan Farrow's NYT Piece

Woody Allen, Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett Respond To Dylan Farrow's NYT Piece | Communications Major |

An open letter from Mia Farrow's daughter Dylan in the New York Times on Sunday has unleashed a firestorm of celebrity social media frenzy surrounding allegations that Woody Allen (Dylan's one-time stepfather) sexually abused her as a child. While the allegations have been part and parcel of celebrity gossip since the 1990s, will it take 21st century communication devices for justice to be served? Or, will Allen ultimately be exonerated by A-listers with larger numbers of Twitter followers?

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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
February 4, 2014 7:13 PM!

'Palpable Bitchery': What Exactly Is Stephen King Saying About Dylan Farrow?

'Palpable Bitchery': What Exactly Is Stephen King Saying About Dylan Farrow? | Communications Major |

Stephen King is the latest celeb-Tweeter to get into hot water with the Twitterverse for a 140-character (or less) observation about a current topic. King, who has only been using the micro-blogging platform for 2 months, seems to have stepped onto the wrong side of the Dylan Farrow-Woody Allen child sex abuse firestorm. 

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