Communications Major
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Communications Major
Shifts and nuances in the way we communicate online.
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Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
August 22, 11:33 AM!

Among America’s “Low-Information Voters”

Among America’s “Low-Information Voters” | Communications Major |

A reporter from the New Yorker speaks with low-information voters—people who pay little attention to political news—about their perspective on the political race and why many of them favor Donald Trump. Conspiracy theories abound!

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December 11, 2016 11:30 AM!

Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America

Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America | Communications Major |

Here is the "scorched-earth" op-ed from Tenn Vogue by Lauren Duca. Pay attention girls (and boys... and everyone else) to Trump's systematic attempts to destabilize the truth and weaken the foundation of American freedom.


Insist on fact-checking every Trump statement you read, every headline you share or even relay to a friend over coffee. If you find factual inaccuracies in an article, send an email to the editor, and explain how things should have been clearer.

Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
July 19, 2016 8:52 PM!

Inside Donald Trump’s 3,000 Bizarre Domains

Inside Donald Trump’s 3,000 Bizarre Domains | Communications Major |

Donald Trump owns a ton of domains. Or more accurately, The Trump Organization does. A little while back this writer obtained the full list of around 3,200 and decided to sort through them in order to find out which ones are being used, which aren’t, and to see if there’s anything of note hidden in there.


The investigation reveals that the Trump Organization is awash in half-baked impulses, poor management, little-to-no planning and is more concerned with its own vanity than any sort of substance or quality. In other words, it’s par for the course.



Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
May 9, 2016 10:19 AM!

Trump's Use of Social Media Helps Unravel Republican Party

Trump's Use of Social Media Helps Unravel Republican Party | Communications Major |

“Trump leveraged a perfect storm,” said Steve Case, the founder of AOL, in an email message. “A combo of social media (big following), brand (celebrity figure), creativity (pithy tweets), speed/timeliness (dominating news cycles).”

Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
February 10, 2016 12:07 PM!

The Rise of Donald Trump Is a Terrifying Moment in American Politics

The Rise of Donald Trump Is a Terrifying Moment in American Politics | Communications Major |

He has the reality television star's ability to operate entirely without shame, and that permits him to operate entirely without restraint.

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October 7, 2015 12:30 PM!

Pithy, Mean and Powerful: How Donald Trump Mastered Twitter for 2016

Pithy, Mean and Powerful: How Donald Trump Mastered Twitter for 2016 | Communications Major |

It took Mr. Trump’s unfiltered, type-anything style to fulfill what digital strategists have long predicted: a campaign built on social media.

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November 8, 2012 2:20 PM!

VIDEO: Donald Trump Defends Himself on Twitter After Brian Williams Burn on NBC

VIDEO: Donald Trump Defends Himself on Twitter After Brian Williams Burn on NBC | Communications Major |

In case you missed right-wing Twitter rants by Donald Trump, you can stop before driving "well past the last exit to relevance" and read them here. The Donald, as the world's greatest combover is still called, was about to end his latest "15 minutes" of fame, until NBC anchor Brian Williams came along and gave him another 41 seconds. This stopped Trump from tweeting about the Obama reelection as the end of the world and diverted him (for the time being) into tweeting about Brian Williams' TV ratings.

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July 18, 2023 1:45 PM!

Elon Musk Did to Twitter What Donald Trump Did to America

Elon Musk Did to Twitter What Donald Trump Did to America | Communications Major |

How to take something that has flaws — and break it completely.

timberchic's comment, August 23, 2023 12:38 AM
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November 28, 2016 9:09 AM!

Here Are All the Fake 'News' Sites to Watch Out for on Facebook

Here Are All the Fake 'News' Sites to Watch Out for on Facebook | Communications Major |

If "fake news" sites tipped the 2016 U.S. presidential election in the wrong direction, we need to be vigilant to make sure that the next four years (and beyond) are not further manipulated.

Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
July 19, 2016 8:31 PM!

Twitter Shreds Melania Trump's Plagiarized Speech

Twitter Shreds Melania Trump's Plagiarized Speech | Communications Major |

The Internet never forgets—or lets things go.

Moments after journalist Jarrett Hill observed that portions of Melania Trump’s opening night speech at the Republican National Convention were nearly identical to those spoken by Michelle Obama at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, Twitter users jumped on the apparent plagiarism.

Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
March 2, 2016 7:29 PM!

People Were Desperately Googling ‘How Can I Move to Canada’ Tuesday Night

People Were Desperately Googling ‘How Can I Move to Canada’ Tuesday Night | Communications Major |

Donald Trump's Super Tuesday victories in the GOP presidential primaries means more Americans are considering moving to Canada if he actually wins the presidency in November.

Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
December 11, 2015 8:13 PM!

Facebook Now Lets You Find and Delete Friends Who Support Donald Trump

Facebook Now Lets You Find and Delete Friends Who Support Donald Trump | Communications Major |

It's easy! And, it also works for Hillary Clinton and just about any other politician with a page.

Scooped by KazzaDrask Media
July 23, 2015 1:50 PM!

VIDEO: Sen. Lindsey Graham Destroys Cellphone After Donald Trump Discloses His Number

VIDEO: Sen. Lindsey Graham Destroys Cellphone After Donald Trump Discloses His Number | Communications Major |

Presidential hopeful Senator Lindsey Graham repeatedly destroys a cellphone in a video released the day after rival for the Republican Party's nomination, Donald Trump, disclosed his number.

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