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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Content Curation World
onto Information Technology & Social Media News
July 4, 2013 1:38 PM!

Why Google, Yahoo and Others Are Making You Think RSS Is Dead: Lockdown

Why Google, Yahoo and Others Are Making You Think RSS Is Dead: Lockdown | Information Technology & Social Media News |

Via Robin Good
Robin Good's curator insight, July 4, 2013 7:19 AM

Marco Arment the creator of Instapaper, has an excellent and provocative piece on why Google is closing down all of its RSS appendages (they just closed also the RSS feeds in Google Alerts) and the logic behind this strategy.

He writes: "Officially, Google killed Reader because “over the years usage has declined”.1 I believe that statement, especially if API clients weren’t considered “usage”, but I don’t believe that’s the entire reason.

The most common assumption I’ve seen others cite is that “Google couldn’t figure out how to monetize Reader,” or other variants about direct profitability. I don’t believe this, either. Google Reader’s operational costs likely paled in comparison to many of their other projects that don’t bring in major revenue, and I’ve heard from multiple sources that it effectively had a staff of zero for years. It was just running, quietly serving a vital role for a lot of people."

"The bigger problem is that they’ve abandoned interoperability. RSS, semantic markup, microformats, and open APIs all enable interoperability, but the big players don’t want that — they want to lock you in, shut out competitors, and make a service so proprietary that even if you could get your data out, it would be either useless (no alternatives to import into) or cripplingly lonely (empty social networks).

Google resisted this trend admirably for a long time and was very geek- and standards-friendly, but not since Facebook got huge enough to effectively redefine the internet and refocus Google’s plans to be all-Google+, all the time.4"

Provides better perspective on RSS, Google, FB and Twitter and your future relationship with RSS.

Must-read article. 9/10

Full article:

(Image credit - RSS logo - Shutterstock)

Ashish Rishi's curator insight, July 4, 2013 11:49 PM

Love you Marco!!!  Agreed  and couldn't have asked for more. Internet to me was the ultimate democratization tool , a leveler, a ground playing field that challenged all institutions that had unnecessary walls around them - say educational institutions , you loved them, but they were for a fortunate few. Internet platforms  ( including google) were formed for the love of internet, they have milked it enough and why not ? but now these guys are trying to become to old school walled gardens, I just hope that in doing so , they don't lose the charm that defines them.

Laura Brown's comment, July 6, 2013 2:43 PM
This is like the AOL model of the Internet which they offered years ago. People thought they were online but they were only online via AOL which mean AOL controlled what they say, how they saw it, etc. Many people were fine with the AOL version of the Internet. People who just wanted to look at email and use chat forums for personal reason and put up a personal home page, etc. However, the people who did not like being restricted or confined choose to opt out of AOL and use other ISP's (Internet Service Providers). I'm not surprised Google wants to take several steps back and go that way, take control of what people are allowed to see and make sure the ads are featured versus having the option to block them. They have already gone several steps backwards in bringing back pop up ads. No one seems to protest those, or the video and other bulky ads which take up a lot of bandwidth. People had a large voice against all that when it was still the artists, scientists and other geeks who ruled online. Now it is the marketers and the Internet reflects the change in a big way. It's like one big ad soup. Google just wants to tie it all up in a neat bundle.
Information Technology & Social Media News
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
March 1, 7:39 AM!

IPG Mediabrands presenta sus conclusiones del MWC 2024

IPG Mediabrands presenta sus conclusiones del MWC 2024 | Information Technology & Social Media News |
IPG Mediabrands presenta a través de un nuevo informe las principales conclusiones extraídas de la última edición del Mobile World Congress.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
August 1, 2022 7:01 PM!

Nothing's next phone may skip what makes the Phone 1 special

Nothing's next phone may skip what makes the Phone 1 special | Information Technology & Social Media News |
A new rumor says Nothing is working on a new phone — and it might be missing the Nothing Phone 1's most unique feature.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
September 16, 2021 4:49 AM!

Facebook sabe desde hace años que Instagram es dañino para las jóvenes

Facebook sabe desde hace años que Instagram es dañino para las jóvenes | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Una investigación interna de Facebook revela que la empresa sabe desde hace años que Instagram es una red social que propone dinámicas tóxicas a las adolescentes.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
April 7, 2021 7:39 AM!

How to Make User Interface Readable: Tips and Practices

How to Make User Interface Readable: Tips and Practices | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Learn what factors influence readability and legibility in web and mobile user interfaces and check how to improve them for better user experience.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
March 16, 2021 7:16 AM!

Padres, mártires y comunidades de la World Wide Web

Padres, mártires y comunidades de la World Wide Web | Information Technology & Social Media News |
A propósito del aniversario de la World Wide Web, analizamos pasado, presente y futuro de la red con el profesor Quelic Berga.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
February 9, 2021 6:04 AM!

Elon Musk once again says SpaceX's Starlink internet service will IPO once its cash flow is more predictable

Elon Musk once again says SpaceX's Starlink internet service will IPO once its cash flow is more predictable | Information Technology & Social Media News |
SpaceX's Starlink internet service will go public once its cash flow is predictable, Elon Musk said Tuesday.SpaceX must endure...
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Digital Delights - Digital Tribes
September 2, 2019 8:44 AM!

Online marketing vs. marketing online

Online marketing vs. marketing online | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Online marketing has become a messy mix of direct marketing, seo, tricks, tips, code and guesswork. It’s an always-moving target and it’s mostly focused on tactics, not strategy, becaus…

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
Ana Cristina Pratas's curator insight, August 31, 2019 5:14 AM

Online marketing has become a messy mix of direct marketing, seo, tricks, tips, code and guesswork. It’s an always-moving target and it’s mostly focused on tactics, not strategy, because tactics are easy to measure.


Marketing online, on the other hand, is what happens when the work to serve our audience arrives in an electronic form. Marketing online is simply marketing–the act of making things better by making things–aided by a mouse and a keyboard.


Careful not to get stuck focusing on the wrong one. You need both, but one drives the other.

Angel Rose's comment, May 18, 2020 5:15 AM
Angel Rose's comment, May 18, 2020 5:15 AM
Scooped by Jesús Hernández
July 21, 2019 7:34 PM!

How Uber designed its Lite app for the rest of the world

How Uber designed its Lite app for the rest of the world | Information Technology & Social Media News |
As Uber expanded into Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, it faced a major problem: The design that helped make it a powerhouse wasn’t as effective in these new markets.
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Mastering Facebook, Google+, Twitter
July 20, 2019 6:38 AM!

Think FaceApp Is Scary? Wait Till You Hear About Facebook

Think FaceApp Is Scary? Wait Till You Hear About Facebook | Information Technology & Social Media News |
The idea that FaceApp is somehow exceptionally dangerous threatens to obscure the real point: All apps deserve this level of scrutiny.

Via THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY, massimo facchinetti
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from tecno4
July 20, 2019 6:35 AM!

Tecnología Li-Fi a la venta, Internet a través de la luz

Tecnología Li-Fi a la venta, Internet a través de la luz | Information Technology & Social Media News |
¿Y si con una bombilla, además de obtener luz tuviéramos acceso a Internet de gran velocidad? Con la tecnología Li-Fi es posible, y está más cerca de lo que pensamos.

Via Gumersindo Fernández
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Educación, TIC y ecología
July 15, 2019 7:27 PM!

Twitter presenta sus emails resúmenes personalizados

Twitter presenta sus emails resúmenes personalizados | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Os comentamos las sospechas hace unos días, Twitter compró una empresa de marketing por email especializada en la personalización de contenido, y en enero compraron Summify… ahora desde el blog de Twitter confirman el lanzamiento de sus “newsletters personalizadas”. El objetivo es permitir enviar un email semanal con lo más relevante que pasa por nuestra…

Via Ramon Aragon
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from El rincón de mferna
July 14, 2019 5:43 PM!

Google premia al parche de monitoreo fetal más pequeño del mundo

Google premia al parche de monitoreo fetal más pequeño del mundo | Information Technology & Social Media News |
En el blog de Google han presentado el proyecto de una empresa que puede salvar muchas vidas. Se trata de Modoo, una startup con sede en China que ha creado el parche de monitoreo fetal más pequeño del mundo, empresa que ha ganado el premio Judge´s Choice en el Día de demostración de Google para…

Via Mariano Fernandez S.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
July 14, 2019 5:39 PM!

Convert (YouTube) Video to MP3: The Quickest and Easiest Way in 2019

Convert (YouTube) Video to MP3: The Quickest and Easiest Way in 2019 | Information Technology & Social Media News |
This post lists the best video to MP3 converter and 10 free YouTube video to MP3 converters to help you quickly convert video to MP3.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
March 1, 7:39 AM!

OpenAI invierte en el fabricante de robots humanoides Figure AI

OpenAI invierte en el fabricante de robots humanoides Figure AI | Information Technology & Social Media News |
OpenAI ha decidido invertir en Figure AI, que desea apoyarse en la matriz de ChatGPT para desarrollar nuevos modelos de IA para sus robots.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
August 1, 2022 7:00 PM!

Discord is making its Android app more like iOS

Discord is making its Android app more like iOS | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Discord switched to React Native for its Android app to ensure Android users will get new features and updates at the same time iOS users do.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
April 7, 2021 7:52 AM!

LG abandona el negocio de telefonía móvil

LG abandona el negocio de telefonía móvil | Information Technology & Social Media News |
El fabricante surcoreano LG ha confirmado las especulaciones sobre el cierre de su negocio d
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
April 7, 2021 7:38 AM!

User Experience Testing: What And How To Test UX In 2021

User Experience Testing: What And How To Test UX In 2021 | Information Technology & Social Media News |
User Experience Testing: What and How to Test UX in 2021 - Follow the Inkbot Design Blog for more Inspiration and Designer Tutorials.
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
March 16, 2021 6:50 AM!

La cámara de acción de 26 gramos

La cámara de acción de 26 gramos | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Insta360 presenta su diminuta cámara de acción Go 2 con tecnología de estabilización digital que te puedes poner a modo de clip en cualquier parte...
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
February 9, 2021 6:03 AM!

Cyberpunk 2077 maker hacked, source code of games possibly stolen

Cyberpunk 2077 maker hacked, source code of games possibly stolen | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Stolen data allegedly includes that of an unreleased version of 'The Witcher 3'....
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Future of Cloud Computing, IoT and Software Market
July 30, 2019 5:27 AM!

What cloud computing means for the future of smart cities

What cloud computing means for the future of smart cities | Information Technology & Social Media News |
How 5G will combine with cloud computing to make smart cities of the future more beneficial to residents and industries alike.

Via massimo facchinetti
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Technology in Business Today
July 20, 2019 6:38 AM!

Chip allowing Brain-Computer Communication to come 'before the end of next year' - Elon Musk

Chip allowing Brain-Computer Communication to come 'before the end of next year' - Elon Musk | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Chip allowing Brain-Computer Communication to come 'before the end of next year' - Elon Musk

Neuralink CEO Elon Musk says his company is working to connect the human brain with a machine interface before the end of the year. He claims the micro processor chips will allow humans to connect wi

Via TechinBiz
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from cross pond high tech
July 20, 2019 6:37 AM!

Intel's Pohoiki Beach is a neuromorphic computer capable of simulating 8 million neurons

Intel's Pohoiki Beach is a neuromorphic computer capable of simulating 8 million neurons | Information Technology & Social Media News |
At DARPA's Electronics Resurgence Initiative 2019 in Michigan, Intel introduced a new neuromorphic computer capable of simulating 8 million neurons. Neuromorphic engineering, also known as neuromorphic computing, describes the use of systems containing electronic analog circuits to mimic neuro-biological architectures present in the nervous system. Scientists at MIT, Perdue, Stanford, IBM, HP, and elsewhere have pioneered pieces of full-stack systems, but arguably few have come closer than Intel when it comes to tackling one of the longstanding goals of neuromorphic research — a supercomputer a thousand times more powerful than any today. Case in point? Today during the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Electronics Resurgence Initiative 2019 summit in Detroit, Michigan, Intel unveiled a system codenamed “Pohoiki Beach,” a 64-chip computer capable of simulating 8 million neurons in total. Intel Labs managing director Rich Uhlig said Pohoiki Beach will be made available to 60 research partners to “advance the field” and scale up AI algorithms like spare coding and path planning. “We are impressed with the early results demonstrated as we scale Loihi to create more powerful neuromorphic systems. Pohoiki Beach will now be available to more than 60 ecosystem partners, who will use this specialized system to solve complex, compute-intensive problems,” said Uhlig. Pohoiki Beach packs 64 128-core, 14-nanometer Loihi neuromorphic chips, which were first detailed in October 2017 at the 2018 Neuro Inspired Computational Elements (NICE) workshop in Oregon. They have a 60-millimeter die size and contain over 2 billion transistors, 130,000 artificial neurons, and 130 million synapses, in addition to three managing Lakemont cores for task orchestration. Uniquely, Loihi features a programmable microcode learning engine for on-chip training of asynchronous spiking neural networks (SNNs) — AI models that incorporate time into their operating model, such that components of the model don’t process input data simultaneously. This will be used for the implementation of adaptive self-modifying, event-driven, and fine-grained parallel computations with high efficiency.
Via Philippe J DEWOST
Philippe J DEWOST's curator insight, July 19, 2019 9:08 AM
Intel inside (your brain)
Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Amazing Science
July 15, 2019 7:27 PM!

Loihi is Intel's brainy chip designed to outthink other computer's Core CPU

Loihi is Intel's brainy chip designed to outthink other computer's Core CPU | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Intel plans to make its digital brain chip, code-named Loihi, available to researchers in 2018, in a bid to put its hardware into cutting-edge AI applications. Will your PC be next?


Intel is reportedly preparing to fabricate “Loihi,” a self-learning “brain chip” that mimics how the human intellect functions, as a foundation for further developments in artificial intelligence. Named after an active undersea volcano south of the island of Hawaii, Intel said in a statement Monday that Loihi includes a total of 130,000 silicon “neurons” connected with 130 million “synapses,” the junctions that in humans connect the neurons within the brain. The Loihi chip, which Wiredreported will be manufactured next month on Intel’s 14-nm process technology, will be shared with leading universities and research institutions next year in a bid to advance AI development, Intel said.


Coincidentally, Microsoft said that it, too, is working on ways to develop new avenues for alternative computing, including manufacturing actual chips and systems, as well as developing software to power quantum computers. Intel’s Loihi doesn’t employ quantum techniques, but it has a similar goal: Instead of trying to “brute force” its way into a solution, as traditional chips do, Loihi tries to mimic the parallel structure of the human brain to arrive at those same answers much more efficiently.


Intel said it believes the Loihi chip could be used autonomously, A Loihi-powered medical device, for example, could determine what a “normal” heart rate was and therefore be able to figure out when an abnormal heart condition presented itself. Intel emphasized that its chip is intended to “self-learn,” teaching itself the answers to problems, using its digital array of synthetic neurons and synapses. Each “neuromorphic core” includes a learning engine that can be programmed to adapt. “As AI workloads grow more diverse and complex, they will test the limits of today’s dominant compute architectures and precipitate new disruptive approaches,” Michael Mayberry, corporate vice president and managing director of Intel Labs, wrote in a blog post.

Via Dr. Stefan Gruenwald
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from El rincón de mferna
July 14, 2019 5:44 PM!

4 aplicaciones Android para hacer ejercicio desde casa

4 aplicaciones Android para hacer ejercicio desde casa | Information Technology & Social Media News |
El ejercicio y entrenamiento físico son más que necesarios para que nuestro cuerpo se sienta en forma, pero no siempre se cuenta con el tiempo necesario para asistir al gimnasio. Por ello, hemos preparado un listado con las mejores alternativas para hacer ejercicio desde la comodidad de tu casa. Ejercicios en casa Comenzamos con una…

Via Mariano Fernandez S.
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Content Creation, Curation, Management
July 14, 2019 5:41 PM!

Content Is NOT the Same as Content Marketing

Content Is NOT the Same as Content Marketing | Information Technology & Social Media News |
Marketing with content is NOT the same thing as content marketing. Learn the difference and eight steps to content marketing – Content Marketing Institute

Via massimo facchinetti
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