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Information Technology & Social Media News
Mobile Marketing and Technology are my passions.... those are the ones I can confess ;-)
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from BI Revolution
March 21, 2014 6:37 PM!

Slideshare The Visual Marketing SEO RPG - NEW @Scoopit BLOW IT UP Study

Slideshare The Visual Marketing SEO RPG - NEW @Scoopit BLOW IT UP Study | Information Technology & Social Media News | Study
I've often thought Slideshare was the great underutilized weapon of content marketing. Thinking that and having the data to prove are two different things.

Thanks to the team at we now have the data to prove what I've FELT. In an extensive study the team shifted my thinking on Slideshare.

Always knew Slideshare was POWERFUL SEO VooDoo because I've had several decks BLOW UP such as: 
Absolute #1 position on "Storytelling is the new SEO" and has been top ranked for over a year. 
This deck held on for a year and has slide out of ranking now.

You don't get much more SEO competitive than "Storytelling is the New SEO" and "Content Marketing Network so personal validation supports the team's great work here.

The other paradigm they shifted for me today was thinking of Slideshare as an important "visual marketing" tool. Decks are LEAN, FAST and VIRAL so great ways to share and build authority and traffic. Just wish I could get my Slideshare profile styled better. Anyone know the secret sauce for that?

Great work Scoopiteers!  

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from MarketingHits
May 20, 2013 2:21 PM!

How Social Media Impacts SEO and Site Ranking: infographic

How Social Media Impacts SEO and Site Ranking: infographic | Information Technology & Social Media News |

Search engine optimization has not been dependent on a minimal number of factors for a long time now, such as number of times a keyword appeared on a page, and it continues to become a more complex web of on and off-page factors every month. One of the more recent factors that has had an impact on search ranking is social media.

This infographic breaks down ways that social media influences the visibility of your website in search results, including:


Social media can help search engines find and index your content faster Likes, shares, retweets, etc. indicates to search engine that content is new and interesting, often leading to a temporary increase in rankingsYour content will increase in search results for people connected to youIncreases domain authority and the number of inbound links to your website
Via Lauren Moss, Brian Yanish -
Jayne Courts's comment, May 22, 2013 3:54 AM
Venkatesh - if I am able I give my site as much media support as I can. As a social media trainer I need to 'try out' media before I can teach others to use it and give an insight into which is useful and which is not. So I tend to put my site and what I am doing out on the various social media platforms at least twice a day - I don't over emphasise my site because that can be counter productive (people switch off if all they see from you is self-promotion) and so it is keeping your presence alive but not switching off potential clients by constant ME, ME, ME. I perform both SEO services and social media training for others (see - just a bit of self promotion LOL)
Michelle Gilstrap's curator insight, May 22, 2013 12:18 PM

SEO and Social Media why it works and how it helps your ranking. Excellent infograpic.

Stephanie Smetana's curator insight, July 9, 2013 7:17 PM

This infographic is a great way to depict many of the articles I've previously pointed out that cover SEO and social media. It is almost easier to explain the relationship in an image format, especially for those who don't have a background in SEO.


There are many other factors that go into how much social media truly affects SEO, so there is more to be explained after this. But this is a great introductory image. It also emphasizes the speed with which social media makes an impact.

Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Bootstrapping Social Media Tools & Apps
July 4, 2012 7:37 AM!

Why content creators need #RiteTag to add reach with #SSO not #SEO

Why content creators need #RiteTag to add reach with #SSO not #SEO | Information Technology & Social Media News |
events seminars workshops social media marketing, analytics tools, social network service, seo, social media tools...

Via OsakaSaul
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Rescooped by Jesús Hernández from Social Media Strategies
June 10, 2013 2:00 PM!

SEO Writing that Ranks | Social Media Today

SEO Writing that Ranks | Social Media Today | Information Technology & Social Media News |

Many factors contribute to a website reaching and maintaining high positions in search results for target terms. These factors include user experience, site structure, alt tags on images, site maps, and more. Above all content is definitely still king. However, not all types of content can rule over the kingdom of SERPs. The following are 10 tips for writing content that will help your website rank higher in search results:


Write for users, optimize for robotsForget about keyword density and keyword stuffingIntegrate related keywords, synonyms, and grammatical variations into your contentUse Google’s free tools to find long-tail keyword variations that you can blend into your site copyFocus on writing long, in-depth, quality contentTarget high quality low competition long-tail keywordsWrite content that answer’s common questions from prospectsGet your content noticed and shared on social media platformsStrive to build your AuthorRank and develop your Google+ profileDon’t forget about title tags and meta descriptions, they are the first thing people typically see in search results


by Brianna Smith

Via Ivo Nový
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Scooped by Jesús Hernández
February 6, 2013 4:31 PM!

How To SEO Optimise Your Social Media Profiles

How To SEO Optimise Your Social Media Profiles | Information Technology & Social Media News |
We always hear talk about optimising your website and blog for SEO purposes, but what some people tend to miss is that you can optimise your social media profiles for the same purposes.
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