Into the Driver's Seat
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Into the Driver's Seat
Building learners' independence through thoughtful technology use
Curated by Jim Lerman
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Rescooped by Jim Lerman from Eclectic Technology
March 14, 2018 8:40 AM!

Why games are good for learning?

Why games are good for learning? | Into the Driver's Seat |

Via Beth Dichter
Francesco G. Lamacchia's curator insight, November 21, 2013 11:48 AM


Julio Cirnes's curator insight, November 25, 2013 3:46 PM

Please teacher, more games!

Ryan McDonough's curator insight, July 7, 2014 8:19 AM

Self explanatory visual on the benefits of gaming as a means of learning. Outlined are the rewards, mastery, engagement, intensity, exercise, readiness, and competitiveness. These types of graphics need to be displayed in the classroom. There's always parents who are unsure of how gaming qualifies as teaching. Can't they just sit their kid in front of an iPad all day at home? Well, in the appropriate setting, with the right direction and guidance, games are certainly good for learning. Some people just don't know that from experience yet.

Rescooped by Jim Lerman from Eclectic Technology
January 27, 2013 1:22 AM!

How Can Teachers Prepare Kids for a Connected World?

How Can Teachers Prepare Kids for a Connected World? | Into the Driver's Seat |

"Educators are always striving to find ways to make curriculum relevant in students’ everyday lives. More and more teachers are using social media around lessons, allowing students to use their cell phones to do research and participate in class, and developing their curriculum around projects to ground learning around an activity. These strategies are all part of a larger goal to help students connect to social and cultural spaces."

Via Beth Dichter
Beth Dichter's curator insight, January 9, 2013 9:19 PM

A look at Henry Jenkins work on participatory learning and PLAY (Participatory Learning and You). So what is PLAY? "...'a mode of experimentation, of testing materials, trying out new solutions, exploring new horizons,' Jenkins said. It’s how kids interact with games – throwing themselves in without reading the rules, testing the limits and feeling free to try and fail."

This post provides a number of examples, discusses assesement and play, and provides links to additional articles on the subject.

Scooped by Jim Lerman
September 6, 2013 3:40 PM!

25 Ways to Be More Creative ~ Inc.

25 Ways to Be More Creative ~ Inc. | Into the Driver's Seat |
Feel like you lack imagination? Know this: Everyone can be more original--it just takes practice.

by Christina Desmarais

"You might think of creativity as something clever marketers or copywriters whip out when they need to come up with a compelling ad, or a personal trait only certain people, such as successful serial entrepreneurs or brilliant improv actors, naturally possess. But according to Keith Sawyer, research psychologist and author of "Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity," everyone can be more creative just by taking eight incremental steps, but not necessarily in linear order. His path to creativity is more back and forth, a process in which the steps to greater imagination and originality build on and feed off each other.

"The book is a gem, chock full of fascinating findings from research studies and a deep well of tactics that will get you thinking differently. In fact, Sawyer advocates what is likely a radical shift in mindset for most people. Coming up with good ideas isn't something we leave until there's a pressing need. Rather, it's is a skill that can be practiced daily to solve life's problems as well as discover its opportunities.

"Here are his steps for cultivating creativity, along with a sampling of tips that can help you along the way."

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