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Internet of Things - Technology focus
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Rescooped by Richard Platt from Must Market
November 18, 2013 3:29 PM!

Social Media Anxiety...Get Over It

Social Media Anxiety...Get Over It | Internet of Things - Technology focus |

Social Media Anxiety
Got to love social media. First social media has to prove it matters and isn't just a game then people worry about "doing it wrong". Yes there are "wrong" ways to create social media content...remember when we all started sharing exactly what was happening in the moment? Don't do that anymore.

Next we had the quote stage and now we seem to be getting the idea of how to surf social media. Some still have anxiety about jumping in or doing the wrong thing. 

The half-life a tweet is hours. Remember you are in an ocean of content, so surf don't try to hold, compress or rule it. Here is another anti-anxiety pill for SMM. Look around, I've yet to follow or RT someone so brilliant I shouldn't be allowed in the same social space (lol). Yes they are out there, but I may never find them :).  

Social media is the great level. What you can SEE and FEEL fast is we all have the same obsessions, fears, strengths, weaknesses, doubts and frustrations. Social shows our humanity in all its glory and aspirations.  

Here is the other issue. If you are an Internet marketer, and who isn't these days, then social media anxiety can HURT. Don't let your "Sistine Chapel" perfectionism stop you from making social media mud pies. M  

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Rescooped by Richard Platt from visualizing social media
November 6, 2013 7:52 PM!

LinkedIn Profile Tips: Optimization Guide to Build your Profile

LinkedIn Profile Tips: Optimization Guide to Build your Profile | Internet of Things - Technology focus |

View these Linkedin Profile Tips to build and optimize your profile on the platform, as well as learn how to use the many features available to users.

Linkedin provides access to a multitude of features, make it the most advanced professional user base in the web, from which you could harness its technical platform to get the best out of it.

Here is a great infographic with facts about Linkedin Profile, followed by the tips to build your profile with optimization techniques.

Via Lauren Moss
Trish Sadar's curator insight, December 13, 2013 6:09 PM

I confess that I am not leveraging the wonderful tools available on Linkedin.  Great article with easy tips on what you can do today to optimize your profile, and help employers find you.


Make it a great day!

Stéphane Hardel's curator insight, December 15, 2013 6:12 AM

Soyez beaux soyez forts soyez convoités

Lori Wilk's curator insight, December 28, 2013 3:21 PM

One of the biggest mistakes I hear about is that people signup to be on a social media site and then they don't complete their profile which reduces their effectiveness. Yes- it's important to fully complete your profile.

Rescooped by Richard Platt from visualizing social media
November 6, 2013 7:57 PM!

The Powerful Impact of Social Sharing & Content Marketing [Infographic]

The Powerful Impact of Social Sharing & Content Marketing [Infographic] | Internet of Things - Technology focus |

How many marketers can pin down the impact of social media using hard numbers?

The following infographic, based largely on results from the Demand Gen Report 2013 B2B Content Preferences Survey and 2012 B2B Buyer Survey shows data to help answer that very important question.

Promoting content over social networks is now a vital part of getting a message in front of potential buyers, establishing thought leadership and making the most of content investments. That means understanding which social media channels are most appropriate for different campaigns, and it definitely means understanding how to optimize different types of content for your social campaigns.

Via Lauren Moss
Rescooped by Richard Platt from visualizing social media
November 6, 2013 7:55 PM!

The Rise of Social Media as a Career (Infographic)

The Rise of Social Media as a Career (Infographic) | Internet of Things - Technology focus |

Over the last few years, careers in social media have exploded as companies realize the value of reaching their customers on the medium where they spend most of their time.

According to data from LinkedIn compiled by social marketing platform Offerpop, there has been a remarkable 1,357 percent increase in social media positions posted on LinkedIn since 2010.


For more on the rise of social media jobs, take a look at the infographic at the article link.

Via Lauren Moss
Ra-eesah Mohamed's curator insight, October 2, 2013 9:29 AM

with so many journalism students, jobs may seem scarce, but don't fear The Social Media Expertrs are here and they are promising us jobs for the future. healthy minds deserve jobs. 

Ali Anani's curator insight, October 3, 2013 12:33 AM

!357% increase in job opportunities since 2010 is a remarkable trend

Realm Crew's curator insight, October 15, 2013 10:54 PM

Social Media isn't just for fun anymore. It's not for everyone either.  Some people are better off running thier business and letting a Social Media Agency manage their brand.

Rescooped by Richard Platt from visualizing social media
November 6, 2013 7:55 PM!

The Ecosystem of Linkedin

The Ecosystem of Linkedin | Internet of Things - Technology focus |
LinkedIn has reached over 200 million members worldwide, making it the world’s largest professional network. The Ecosystem of LinkedIn infographic from Dynamic Search explains why LinkedIn is a must have tool for everyone.

Via Lauren Moss
Rudolf Kabutz's curator insight, September 27, 2013 3:39 AM

How does a static Curriculum Vitae differ from a the personal profile on a professional social network? The infographic on "Ecosystem of LinkedIn" shows the features of a dynamic network.

Phil Lauterjung's curator insight, October 4, 2013 2:38 PM

Great visual for anyone wanting to know more about using LinkedIn.


Jérôme Simon agent immobilier Versailles's curator insight, October 21, 2013 3:36 AM

Infographie très claire

Rescooped by Richard Platt from visualizing social media
November 6, 2013 7:45 PM!

5 Reasons Your Business Should Be On Google+ [INFOGRAPHIC]

5 Reasons Your Business Should Be On Google+ [INFOGRAPHIC] | Internet of Things - Technology focus |
With a clean interface, revelatory features like Ripples, Hangout, and Communities, and groundbreaking search integration, Google Plus is the place to be if you want your business to be ahead of the marketing arena.

Google+ is a huge game changer for the social media and search engine marketing world. With over 1 billion accounts and 540 million monthly active users, the network is in line to surpass Facebook and become the most widely used social network in the world.


Check out this latest infographic by SocialClinch and DIW, which delineates 5+ plus reasons your business should be on Google+.

Via Lauren Moss
Richard Platt's insight:

Good info to know

9Dotstrategies's curator insight, November 10, 2013 10:20 PM
Infographic: Reasons Your Business Should Be On Google+
Darius Douglass's curator insight, December 1, 2013 3:26 PM

This is more like an ad,  Social Clinch must have gotten paid or looking to gain favor.

Lori Wilk's curator insight, December 28, 2013 3:19 PM

Simple to understand visual

Rescooped by Richard Platt from visualizing social media
November 6, 2013 7:53 PM!

Who Do Digital Consumers Trust With Their Personal Data? [Infographic]

Who Do Digital Consumers Trust With Their Personal Data? [Infographic] | Internet of Things - Technology focus |

Digital consumers often give personal data to retailers, banking institutions, and healthcare organizations. But who, and in which industry, do consumers trust the most?

Via Lauren Moss
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Rescooped by Richard Platt from visualizing social media
November 6, 2013 7:57 PM!

Where Social Media Use is Growing the Most (Infographic)

Where Social Media Use is Growing the Most (Infographic) | Internet of Things - Technology focus |

Every year, in every continent around the globe, more people are using social media to interact. Nearly 1 in 4 people in the world now use social networks.

By 2016, eMarketer predicts that 2.55 billion people worldwide will use social networks. Top areas of growth? India, Indonesia, Mexico, China and Brazil.

Wishpond has put together an infographic featuring data on worldwide social-network use. Check it out to find out what parts of the world are likely to see the greatest growth.

Via Lauren Moss
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Rescooped by Richard Platt from visualizing social media
November 6, 2013 7:54 PM!

Content Curation Infographic: Process & Best Practices

Content Curation Infographic: Process & Best Practices | Internet of Things - Technology focus |
Curation of online content that is relevant to your business can be an excellent way to drive SEO. Here is an infographic guide.

Via Lauren Moss
NXTLevel's curator insight, September 29, 2013 12:55 AM

I'm almost sick of Infographics already but this one is worth the read. Nice work.

Beth Kanter's comment, September 29, 2013 2:40 PM
The tools section is pretty lame - weird categories. Obviously, they didn't review the experts, like Robin Good, and refer to his work.
Jean-Marie Grange's curator insight, September 30, 2013 1:36 PM

Content curation is key to build a community and maintain brand awareness. This short infographic presents the major tools and how to use them.