Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
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Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
All about Educational Innovation, new tools & trends, MOOCs in Higher Education
Curated by Alfredo Corell
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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 24, 2013 7:02 AM!

eduClipper - Getting Started with Assignment Portfolios

eduClipper is a great platform to create digital portfolios that students can fill up with meaningful work or assignments. Anything that best represents their passions,…
Alfredo Corell's insight:

A very informative video explaining you step by step the way of adding assignments portfolios into your Educlipper courses.

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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Docentes y TIC (Teachers and ICT)
December 9, 2013 5:40 AM!

Grabar tus clases interactuando con twitter

Grabación, chat y videoconferencia con Twitcam

Via Ana Rodera
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Accede a twitcam, pídele permiso a twitter y todo estará preparado

Nuria Parra Macías's curator insight, February 12, 2014 9:52 AM

Clases, vídeoconferencias y chat en tuits con Twitcam.

María Dolores Díaz Noguera's curator insight, February 12, 2014 1:01 PM

Twitcam...grabación. Estupendo


María Dolores Díaz Noguera's curator insight, February 15, 2014 2:41 PM

Grabar tus clases interactuando con Twitter