Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
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Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
All about Educational Innovation, new tools & trends, MOOCs in Higher Education
Curated by Alfredo Corell
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Educational Technology - Yeshiva Edition
November 26, 2013 2:01 PM!

25 tips and tools to make Google Drive better

25 tips and tools to make Google Drive better | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Get the most out of Google Drive with these 25 tips, tools and tweaks for power users.

Via Rabbi David Etengoff
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Google Drive is a lot of things. It's a cloud-based storage service, it's an online office suite, and it's the connective tissue that ties numerous Google services together.

Steve Vaitl's curator insight, November 26, 2013 10:48 AM

Great slideshow showing some great features and chrome add-ons for your Google Drive!!

Elena Orlova's curator insight, November 27, 2013 9:22 PM

Google Tools 

Jennifer Turner's curator insight, February 24, 2014 1:42 PM

Yeas!  A great tool for Google Drive users!  There is so to learn with google drive and this resource helps make the tool even more productive for you to use in your classroom.

Scooped by Alfredo Corell
September 22, 2013 12:27 PM!

Infomous shows what's trending, you choose what's relevant

Infomous shows what's trending, you choose what's relevant | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Infomous takes information from the Internet to provide you with a cool new way to explore content online
Alfredo Corell's insight:

With Infomous, you can see trending news, social media and more
   in an exciting new way. Interact with what matters to you most.
Just visualize, click and read.

IOs app in the apple store: ;


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