Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
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Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
All about Educational Innovation, new tools & trends, MOOCs in Higher Education
Curated by Alfredo Corell
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
July 28, 2013 6:53 AM!


SEVEN STEPS TO THE PERFECT STORY [Fun Infographic] | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Via The Digital Rocking Chair
Alfredo Corell's insight:

A funny and easy way to build your own story or lecture...

Mary Westcott's curator insight, March 1, 2016 10:14 AM

Maybe a tad too complex for our young students, but still a nice way of understanding the foundations of storytelling!!

Marisa d's curator insight, March 11, 2016 12:22 AM

Maybe a tad too complex for our young students, but still a nice way of understanding the foundations of storytelling!!

Salena Argar's curator insight, May 17, 2017 6:31 AM
Seven steps to the perfect story is a great visual representation of how to build a story. This clearly explains the process of how students can construct their narrative and the types of characters they will use. I would definitely use this in my classroom to help students understand the process of creating a narrative.
Scooped by Alfredo Corell
November 14, 2012 3:23 AM!

9 Creative Storytelling Tools That Will Make You Wish You Were A Student Again -- THE Journal

9 Creative Storytelling Tools That Will Make You Wish You Were A Student Again -- THE Journal | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

By Kim Fortson


T.H.E. Journal asked educators for the most creative storytelling apps available, and we did a little digging on our own, too. The tools and apps we found turn students into novelists, artists, and moviemakers.


According to Bellow, students can share these stories with, at the very least, their peers, but also with friends and family and on social networks, “So there’s a real audience out there who can find their stories as well.”


Here you have also a review in spanish:


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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Web 2.0 for juandoming
February 1, 2013 3:39 PM!

Biografía y línea del tiempo con google maps

Miguel Ángel Escudero Fernández. Coordinador Tic.

Via Angel Acción Lamas, Juan Arbulu, Ana Rodera, jluisbloc, Teresa Torné, Manuel Jesús Fdez. , Marco Remón, Lorena Acosta, Evelina Alor, juandoming
Rafa Martín Aguilera's curator insight, February 7, 2013 12:54 AM

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Manuel PulidoMendoza's curator insight, April 16, 2013 4:54 AM

Una interesante aplicación educativa que permite visualizar una biografía o línea del tiempo en Google maps

RitaZ's curator insight, April 16, 2013 7:52 AM

Para los fans de GOOGLE en espaniol, excelente herramienta.