Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
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Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
All about Educational Innovation, new tools & trends, MOOCs in Higher Education
Curated by Alfredo Corell
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Digital Presentations in Education
November 10, 2012 2:35 PM!

Avoid Murder By PowerPoint: How To Make Your Presentations Compelling And Memorable

Avoid Murder By PowerPoint: How To Make Your Presentations Compelling And Memorable | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

MakeUseOf: Have you ever done a PowerPoint presentation? Of course you have. If you said “no,” I’d call you a liar. Alright, that may be extreme. But most of us have, right? I’d say so. So, what’s my point?

Via Baiba Svenca
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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 21, 2012 12:34 PM!

Record and Share Voice Messages with Vocaroo | PowerPoint Presentation

Record and Share Voice Messages with Vocaroo | PowerPoint Presentation | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Using Vocaroo you can easily record voice messages with an online voice recorder tool. This simple tool requires Flash to work and once you give them privileges to record your voice, it will start recording until you press stop. The API allows you to upload your audio recordings and share them online using the platform.

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell
October 24, 2012 3:06 PM!

5 Presentation Tools To Captivate Every Student

5 Presentation Tools To Captivate Every Student | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Creating a presentation that keeps a captive audience engaged is tough. Creating a presentation that keeps distracted students engaged is a much harder task again.Whether your are demonstrating to a class or presenting at a conference, keeping an audience focused on your content is more challenging than it used to be. Children and adult audience members alike, now have glowing distractions in their pockets and are expecting the instant gratification that comes from the Internet generation. Text on slides no longer has the appeal and will easily lose the attention battle to a Facebook update or a new cow on FarmVille.

Here are a few tools that will help you enthrall your audience and keep your presentations on the entertaining side of educational:

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