Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
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Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
Literacy in a digital education world and peripheral issues.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
July 23, 2020 3:46 PM!

Diversity training, the damning evidence that $8billion a year is wasted | Donald Clark Plan B

Diversity training, the damning evidence that $8billion a year is wasted | Donald Clark Plan B | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Harvard Professor of public policy Iris Bohnet says "I did not find a single study that found that diversity training in fact leads to more diversity”. This is not surprising, as decades of research have shown that diversity training is literally a waste of time and money. It is really hard to change minds and attitudes and harder still to get. People to take positive or avoid negative actions to see these things through. So no matter that $8 billion is spent a year (2016) and that figure increased dramatically in the following years when the unconscious bias movement was sprung upon us. The Black Lives Matter movement has raised awareness of the problem further, on a global scale but we would be ill-advised to see ‘diversity training’ as the solution to such a serious problem.

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
January 17, 2017 4:58 PM!

Beware your Unconscious Bias by @acrig15

Beware your Unconscious Bias by @acrig15 | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
As a school principal, parents would regularly come to my office to share concerns about something a teacher had “done” to negatively impact the educational performance of their child. Invariably, they felt that whatever had transpired was a conscious act on the part of the professional, and would often pressure for the complaint to be anonymously addressed because otherwise the teacher might ‘“take it out on my child!”
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
March 24, 2018 6:28 PM!

Can Equity Be Taught?

Can Equity Be Taught? | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

In a rapidly diversifying district with a largely white teaching force, how do you foster mutual trust and understanding? Send teachers to school.

By Carly Berwick, May 19, 2017
One day this past March, a middle school student placed a new Air Jordan on his desk at school in Montgomery County, Maryland. The boy, who is Latino, became fixated on the shoe, rubbing the leather and fingering the laces. His teacher, who is white, asked him to put it away, but the boy refused. He became “combative,” according to the teacher, and a tug-of-war ensued. Security was called to remove the shoe.

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
August 5, 2016 6:48 PM!

Teaching Toward Consciousness

Teaching Toward Consciousness | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
To create equity in their schools, educators must seek to validate and acknowledge students, expose and reveal the unseen, encourage questioning, and facilitate reflection.
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