Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
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Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
Literacy in a digital education world and peripheral issues.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
February 2, 2019 11:17 AM!

Augmented Reality in Libraries: Technology Trends that Aren’t “Out-There” Anymore!

Augmented Reality in Libraries: Technology Trends that Aren’t “Out-There” Anymore! | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. What you may not know is that you can implement augmented reality in libraries, archives, and museums for free in less than five minutes.

With AR, I didn’t truly ‘get it’ until I experienced it in its early days – a decade ago. Sadly, I’ve been predicting AR would take off for years, but in 2018 it did. My first experience was on the top of a Boulder Colorado hotel giving a speech on ILL value at a conference. I had this new AR app on my phone and decided to use it over coffee break. Visible from the window was the wonderful mountain view—and I opened the app and pointed my smartphone at it, and lo-and-behold the names of the mountains were overlaid on them as well as a few ski trails and tourist routes. Amazing! You’d think one Rocky looks pretty much the same as any other.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
July 16, 2018 9:44 AM!

Why libraries need to get with apps and APIs

Why libraries need to get with apps and APIs | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
As an open education supporter, I've been following the progress of FOLIO, a community effort built around the idea that "the future of libraries is open" (a phrase that also forms the group's acronym, FOLIO). FOLIO is a partnership between libraries and vendors that is developing an open source library services platform (LSP). FOLIO's platform is built on the idea that library management software should be flexible, modular, extensible, modern, and affordable, and it's gathered a number of partners and contributors to help make that vision a reality.
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