Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
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Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
Literacy in a digital education world and peripheral issues.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
May 9, 2014 5:39 AM!

Original thinking allowed: avoiding plagiarism | My Learning Essentials

The University of Manchester Library have launched an innovative suite of interactive e-learning resources covering a variety of information literacy and academic skills topics, which are freely available for use under a Creative Commons licence.

These online resources are highly interactive, using diverse and practical learning activities throughout each resource to provide frequent opportunities for users to practise relevant skills and techniques.

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
November 24, 2013 8:50 AM!

Managing Bibliographies | CristinaSkyBox

Managing Bibliographies | CristinaSkyBox | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Whether it is writing for academic purposes or for one's own note-taking/learning, how does one keep track of all the articles and publications one comes across? Evernote is a great tool for keeping notes , while both  iAnnotate  and GoodReader are  useful to work with files, but one still needs to make bibliographies. Here are some suggestions which offer students help. 
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