Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
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Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
Literacy in a digital education world and peripheral issues.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
November 5, 2017 3:32 PM!

SHEILA [Supporting HE to Integrate Learning Analytics] project with ROMA

SHEILA [Supporting HE to Integrate Learning Analytics] project with ROMA | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
To assist European universities to become more mature users and custodians of digital data about their students as they learn online, the SHEILA project will build a policy development framework that promotes formative assessment and personalized learning, by taking advantage of direct engagement of stakeholders in the development process.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
August 19, 2016 6:00 PM!

The Best 8 Web Tools for Doing Formative Assessment in Class ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | ICT in Education

The Best 8 Web Tools for Doing Formative Assessment in Class ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | ICT in Education | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
| ICT in Education
Yeison Ossa Trejos's curator insight, August 26, 2016 7:44 PM
Formative assessment needs to be taken into consideration by every teacher if they are to improve both their teaching practices and their students' learning processes. Now that there are plenty of digital applications intended to enhance educational environments, and most people have smartphones and computers at hand, teachers and educators should make use of these technological advances to actively interact with learners and gain insight of how well they do with what is taught to them, as well as how they feel about the instructional methodology they are exposed to. 

However, the implementation of any of these tools for doing formative assessment may also face some challenges when used with young people:

1. Since it requires either computers or smartphones, students can easily get distracted by other applications or web pages and therefore miss the opportunity to make their contribution.

2. The use of any of these digital tools requires all students to have their own personal device to be involved in the assessment activity; some of them may not have one. 

3. Internet conection is also a vital component if this activity is to be carried out successfully; sometimes, and in some places, there may not be access to this resource.

4. Its implementation should not be quite often, otherwise students would be in danger of getting distracted and end up misbehaving and not achiving the goal of the activity. 

Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
April 11, 2016 2:46 PM!

Online Testing Highlights Need for Digital Literacy

Online Testing Highlights Need for Digital Literacy | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
As schools prepare for another year of high-stakes online exams, last year's PARCC results point to the importance of digital literacy in ensuring success.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
September 22, 2015 11:55 AM!

10 Fun-Filled Formative Assessment Ideas | Edutopia

10 Fun-Filled Formative Assessment Ideas | Edutopia | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Formative assessment: you've heard about it, you've read the research, and you've probably tried it out in your classroom. 

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
May 8, 2015 2:31 PM!

60 Non-Threatening Formative Assessment Techniques

60 Non-Threatening Formative Assessment Techniques | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
60 Non-Threatening Formative Assessment Techniques
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
March 16, 2015 3:44 PM!

Top Tech Tools for Formative Assessment

Top Tech Tools for Formative Assessment | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Formative assessment is an important tool teachers can use to target students' learning needs. When teachers know what students know (or don't know), they can better adjust their teaching to meet the kids right at their level. These digital formative assessment tools can help you do the job.
Robert Deng's curator insight, March 18, 2015 11:20 AM

this is interesting but too techie for me.


Rescooped by Elizabeth E Charles from Keeping up with Ed Tech
February 25, 2015 8:32 AM!

The Best 8 Web Tools for Doing Formative Assessment in Class ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

The Best 8 Web Tools for Doing Formative Assessment in Class ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Via WebTeachers
charles young's curator insight, February 25, 2015 1:33 AM

 Excellent tech tools to promote student engagement. 

Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
February 2, 2015 11:14 AM!

Formative Assessment Practices to Support Student Learning

Formative Assessment Practices to Support Student Learning | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
See how teachers are strengthening their use of formative assessments by making them part of their daily practice.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
October 12, 2014 10:08 AM!

Top Tech Tools for Formative Assessment

Top Tech Tools for Formative Assessment | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Formative assessment is an important tool teachers can use to target students' learning needs. When teachers know what students know (or don't know), they can better adjust their teaching to meet the kids right at their level. These digital formative assessment tools can help you do the job.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
May 4, 2014 3:01 PM!

Formative Assessment: Bridging the Research - Practice Divide | Canadian Education Association (CEA)

Formative Assessment: Bridging the Research - Practice Divide | Canadian Education Association (CEA) | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
“Teach, mark, move on: that’s the old paradigm. Today’s classrooms have changed. It is important to show the students where they are, how to improve, and where to go from here… It’s no longer about “this is your mark and that’s the end of the story”. ~ Secondary Teacher
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
February 15, 2014 9:51 AM!

10 Useful Web Tools for Creating Online Quizzes and Polls ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

10 Useful Web Tools for Creating Online Quizzes and Polls ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Following the visual I posted here a couple of weeks ago featuring the differences between formative and summative assessments, somebody shared with the link to this Listly list that comprises dozens of interesting web tools to create online assessments. I have already reviewed some of the tools mentioned in this list in separate posts here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning but I also found out new tools  I did not know about.

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
December 16, 2013 12:00 PM!

Scaffolding and Formative Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning | Collaborative for Teaching and Learning

Scaffolding and Formative Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning | Collaborative for Teaching and Learning | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Occasionally I come across a teacher who expresses concern about moving toward the ideal of a highly evolved PBL type classroom where students are self-initiating much of their thinking and actions. As teachers many of us are more familiar with a teacher-directed environment either in our own professional experience or in our years as a student, so envisioning this shift can leave some teachers wondering what their role might be. Rest assured that even in the most student-centered classroom the teacher plays a vital role in facilitating learning. As Tim Kubik points out in the video below, a large part of this is the planning and lesson design process that sets up the great learning to take place as the unit unfolds.

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
June 17, 2013 2:55 PM!

The role of formative assessment in effective learning environments | OECD Free Preview | Powered by Keepeek Digital Asset Management Solution |

The role of formative assessment in effective learning environments | OECD Free Preview | Powered by Keepeek Digital Asset Management Solution | | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Dylan Wiliam describes assessment as the bridge between teaching and learning. The concept of “ formative assessment” emerged with recognition of the
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Rescooped by Elizabeth E Charles from Edu-Vision- Educational Leadership
February 17, 2017 9:31 AM!

Why teachers need Formative Assessment too

Why teachers need Formative Assessment too | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

When you saw the image above, it may have surprised you in some way.

If you’re a teacher, you may have instantly wondered if you would, should, or could do it, and I bet if you’re an administrator you probably wished your staff already did.

Reactions I’ve had from it so far include ‘how brave’ to ‘how crazy’ to ‘that’s inspired’ to ‘what a brown nose’. But the hyperbolic reactions don’t surprise me, because being observed, no matter what anyone says or desires to be true, still remains a teacher’s most hated part of teaching, and having someone actively seek it out is …..well, just hyperbolically irregular.

For a long time I preferred to be left alone in my classroom. Here’s why:

I was confident I was doing a good job.I was confident that I could self-identify issues if or when they arose.Having someone in the room made me a little nervous, and I felt slightly unnatural as I went about my craft.I thought what I was doing in the room could be judged out of context.
Via Edumorfosis, Dean J. Fusto
Anzela Jurane-Bremane's curator insight, February 15, 2017 12:56 AM
Not only "need FA too", but it is a basic activity in the teaching-learning process.
Anzela Jurane-Bremane's comment, February 15, 2017 12:57 AM
Not only "need FA too", but it is basic activity in the teaching-learning process.
Mrs. Reinagel's curator insight, February 17, 2017 7:46 PM

I love this article. I am a firm believer that we  hinder growth when we are too  "comfortable."  

Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
July 24, 2016 2:53 PM!

12 Great Formative Assessment Tools for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - Technology Vibe | ICT Nieuws

12 Great Formative Assessment Tools for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - Technology Vibe | ICT Nieuws | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
12 Great Formative Assessment Tools for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | ICT Nieuws
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
December 28, 2015 6:59 AM!

50+ Ways to Do Formative Assessment in Class ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

50+ Ways to Do Formative Assessment in Class ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Here is another wonderful resource shared today by Edutopia titled “53 Ways to Check for Understanding”. This 2 pages PDF features a host of useful strategies to use for formative assessment in class. Formative assessment, as we have agreed elsewhere, is assessment for learning which is completely different from summative assessment, which is assessment of learning. 

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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
July 8, 2015 4:14 AM!

Formative Assessment In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know - eLearning Industry

Formative Assessment In eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Should Know - eLearning Industry | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
What eLearning Professionals should know about Formative Assessment? Check the 6 Types of Formative Assessment and 4 Tips To Use Formative Assessment.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
March 18, 2015 12:41 PM!

The Qualitative Formative Assessment Toolkit: Document Learning with Mobile Technology

The Qualitative Formative Assessment Toolkit: Document Learning with Mobile Technology | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
To assess your students' ongoing awareness of what and how they're learning, consider using cameras, screenshots, video, and screencasting as everyday classroom tools.
Sheilah Smith's curator insight, June 11, 2015 5:52 PM

"The process is the product."

Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
March 7, 2015 10:00 AM!

5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools

5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
With tools like Socrative, Kahoot, Zaption, Chatzy, and Plickers, teachers can use tech for immediate feedback about how students are learning and understanding the lesson.
Kim Hutchinson's curator insight, March 16, 2015 10:04 PM

This is a great way to get information on student learning in a way that doesn't take a lot of time for the teacher individually.  It would also help the teacher to make an individualized plan to help each student from where they are at.

iris ish's curator insight, November 21, 2015 12:14 PM

תוספת ל-zaption



Elise Ayoub's curator insight, December 1, 2018 2:55 AM
Time effective tools that allow teachers to gain immediate feedback on their students' understanding of material whether through quick quizzes and live quiz games (Kahoot, Quizziz,Quizlet Live),or quizzes embedded in presentations(Nearpod) or videos(Edpuzzle)
Rescooped by Elizabeth E Charles from Keeping up with Ed Tech
February 19, 2015 8:47 AM!

Qualitative Formative Assessment Toolkit

Qualitative Formative Assessment Toolkit | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Reshan Richards discusses the use of Explain Everything & iPads to build a Qualitative Formative Assessment Toolkit.

Via Beth Dichter, Miloš Bajčetić, WebTeachers
Kimberly House's curator insight, February 22, 2015 12:53 PM

Good reminders for teachers with iPads!

Kathy Lynch's curator insight, March 1, 2015 5:31 PM

Thx Beth Dichter

Sheilah Smith's curator insight, June 11, 2015 10:59 PM

Great resource.

Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
January 3, 2015 4:24 AM!

Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding

Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Through alternative formative assessment, teachers can check for student understanding without falling back on the tedious or intimidating pop quiz.
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
May 28, 2014 8:07 AM!

Building Formative Assessment into Game-Based Learning - YouTube

In a sixth grade classroom at Quest to Learn, ongoing feedback is embedded throughout the course of a collaborative geography game called Galactic Mappers. M...
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
April 5, 2014 6:57 AM!

A Handy Chart Featuring 8 Ways to Do Formative Assessment ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

A Handy Chart Featuring 8 Ways to Do Formative Assessment ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
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Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
February 6, 2014 1:10 PM!

A Visual Chart on Summative Vs Formative Assessment ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

A Visual Chart on Summative Vs Formative Assessment ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

This post is born out of a discussion I had with a fellow teacher on the Facebook page of Educational Technology and Mobile Learning on the differences between summative and formative assessment. Luckily this discussion coincided with me reading Frey and Fisher's book " Literacy 2.0 : Reading and Writing in The 21st Century Classroom." and there was a section in which the authors talked about these differences in a subtle way by referring to formative assessment as assessment for learning and summative assessment as assessment of learning.

Caitlyn Tumo's curator insight, April 10, 2014 11:04 AM

This website does a great job with breaking down the differences between formative and summative assessment.

Greg Mohlke's curator insight, April 13, 2014 8:57 PM

This at-a-glance chart really defines summative and formative assessment concisely. I'm going to keep this chart handy so I don't confuse the two-types of assessment in the future. 

Kenny Evans's curator insight, April 13, 2014 9:13 PM

This is a helpful chart to help distinguish the difference between summative and formative assessment. I will keep this handy for when I'm deciding if my assessment is one of the two.

Scooped by Elizabeth E Charles
August 26, 2013 1:56 PM!

How To Use Formative Assessment With (And Without) Technology - Edudemic

How To Use Formative Assessment With (And Without) Technology - Edudemic | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
Formative assessment tends to be a little more nebulous, and perhaps harder to nail it down with technology.
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